Halloween Blog Train: Friday The Fuckteenth

Friday The 13th aka Friday The Fuckteenth
The Halloween blog train continues with Friday The Fuckteenth by Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Happy Friday The 13th, and Happy Halloween month. We’re getting closer to the halfway mark of Locktober and we just finished visiting the forest fairy, Mistress Brighton in The Curse Of Enchantrix Enchanted Forest, who seems to have been toying with a curious boi in the woods. And by toying I do mean cursing. Looks like he has to return to the enchanted forest, but will The Ebony Femdom release him? Hop on the halloween blog train and keep reading. If you missed any posts, go back and start with Miss Constance in the Giantess Cave.

Friday The Fuckteenth

Every year the enchanted forest brings curious fortune seekers into the deep, dark green, hoping and wishing to have their fantasies fulfilled. Patrons of the Monster’s Femdom Ball will remember what a wild party the FemDommes throw every year, and this year the party was out in nature. Except there was one silly boi who started partying, and ran into one of our favorite ethereal beings, who is known for tricking, and treating on men. He’s now trapped in chastity, and just to toy with him further, she sent him back into the woods…. to see me.

Ebony Femdom Enchanted Forest

As soon as the boi got out of his car, he knew this was not the same forest he’d come to a few days previously.  The woods were misty and foreboding, and even the trees looked alien.  He parked his car, shifting uncomfortably in his pants, and headed into the deep. Forest sounds and thick fog surrounded him, as he ventured deeper into the woods, he also noticed that the trees not only looked different… they looked human. Upon his realization, his journey took a bizarre turn. No more birds and forest sounds. Instead, he could hear creaking, and moaning, as he walked.

The Enchantrix Enchanted Woods

A few days previously, he’d come into the woods not knowing what to expect, and as he walked the fairies flashing eyes popped into view in his minds eye. Her laughter and teasing, haunted him. She had granted his wish as requested, but between her strange companions and the tales they told him that night – and the odd way the forest closed around him tonight, he couldn’t help but wonder if he should have been more cautious. If his wish was worth being locked in a magically imbued chastity cage, that melted keys and rendered lock picks unusable. Something caught his attention and he looked up. He heard a loud moan from behind him, and turned.

Ebony Femdom Sissy Mistress

Bewitched Erotic Trees

Behind him – though he swore he would have noticed it if he’d just passed – was a tree, shaped and curved like the body of a woman. The trees branches extended up and outward, and when he blinked, the tree seemed to be swaying in a silent dance, ever so slightly.  The boi turned back around and picked up his pace, only to hear the sounds of something moving behind him, as if the ground was being uprooted. Loud rumbles filled his ears, snapping and rustling of leaves. And as he walked, he noticed, the trees all began to look like women, closing in on him. The moaning seemed to be coming from the trees, and he didn’t dare look behind him.

The “Women” Of The Woods

Briskly walking with no idea of where he was going, the moans turned into whispers. “Brian… come to me Brian…” Every step he took the whispers got louder, intermingled with moaning and pleasurable sighs.  “Maybe I should turn back” he thought. But he knew if he gave up now, he’d never get the chastity cage off, and he really wanted to use his “big dick” again. But the sounds coming from the woods were terrifying, and slightly arousing which added to his predicament.  So he kept on, deeper and deeper into the forest until he was surrounded in every direction, by a thick fog, and trees with womanly curves seducing him.

Enchanted Scent Of Arousal

That’s when he noticed the musky, yet pleasant scent, and the tree sap, dripping from one of the trees to his right. He remembered seeing how maple syrup was made, the sweet musky scent made him curious to reach out, and touch the dripping trees. “Better keep your hands to yourself boi, or you might lose one.” Brian jumped hearing the husky female voice speak. Part of him was relieved, but if what was written on the card was true…. He turned slowly, searching in the mist for the origin of the voice, and saw the silhouette of one of the curvy trees, outlined in fog and light. Or so he thought. The next minute, the tree was a woman, standing before him covered in gold and jewels, her body shimmering, and carrying a gilded skull, also encrusted with beautiful gems.

His Cock Twitched At The Site Of Her… Too Stunned To Speak

Her eyes were different colors, one darker, one lighter, with rainbow hues swirling in the light…. the light… where was that light coming from? He knew there was something he needed to ask her, but he was so entranced by her beauty, and the scent of whatever perfume she was wearing, that all he could do was stare, frozen in place.  “What are you doing here… trying to molest my trees?” Her question snapped him out of his daze. “Your trees?” he asked dumbly. To which he was met, with more creaking, and moaning. Brian looked around, and the activity in the erotic trees had increased, they seemed to be moving – and moaning – much more clearly now. “Yes,” she said, “MY trees, and you didn’t answer my question.”

Taking A Deep Breath.. He Told The Jeweled Goddess His Predicament

His thoughts were racing as she scanned his body up and down, after giving her his explanation, and showing her the note. Finally she laughed, and laughed…. and laughed… Brian’s face reddened. It seemed as of late that every time he met a woman, they were laughing at him. Shifting his weight from one foot to the other, he spoke up, interrupting her laughter. “So can you help me? This thing is starting to hurt, and it’s really uncomfortable…” And he was thinking he’d love to be able to jerk off at least once before his girlfriend came looking for his new big cock.  The woman scoffed, “I do not give a flying fuck about your jerk off routine, boi. These are my woods. You’re in MY realm. So I’d advise you to be respectful when talking to me, or you will never leave here…. in one piece.”

Cursed Chastity And Desperation

Brian blanched hearing her words, realizing he hadn’t said the quiet part out loud, and that she could hear his thoughts. He stammered, “I’m.. I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to offend you, I’d just really like to get out of this cage.”  Taking in a deep breath, the jeweled Goddess replied, “you bois should really be more careful making deals with fairies and witches.. especially so close to Halloween. And the fairy is my good friend… I know why she sent you to me..” The woman grinned at Brian. “So let’s see that lock.” She lifted her head appearing to be speaking to someone or something else, “seize him.”

Trees Of Life And Domination

All at once the womanly shaped trees around him animated, their branches curling tightly around his arms. With a snap of her fingers, her tree guardians tore his clothing to shreds, leaving him naked save for the cage on his loins. Taking a step closer, the woman cupped the lock in her jeweled hand, the skull in her other hand, began to float, and spin.  The heat of her body near him, made his cock swell in the cage, Brian grimaced, watching her skin shimmer, his mind being taken over by lust… and discomfort.  “So you want out of your cage hmmm?” He nodded. “And you’re willing to pay the price?” Brian paused, “forgive me.. Miss-”   “Duchess” she interrupted. “Yes.. sorry.. Duchess, I… I don’t know what the price is?  And can I please keep my big cock size too?” he blurted.

The Duchess Glowered At Him In Annoyance

“You men are always thinking about your dicks, typical… So listen here, boi. This lock is imbued with magic. Magic is what holds it fast, and only magic will unlock it… I can set you free.. and yes, you can keep your big dick, but I require payment, for my services…..”

Staring at her with a racing heart, he dared to ask, “what is your price?”

The Duchess smirked, licking her lips, “You have to let me, and my… maidens.. fuck you.”

His eyes went wide, looking around and seeing only trees. “Uh…. um… ff fuck me?”   The Duchess nodded. “It only hurts if you fight it. However you might be a little sore when all of us are done with you.”

A range of emotions flooded him, he’d never been fucked, wondered what she was going to be fucking him with, and who were the other maidens. Brian swallowed hard and forced himself to ask, “Uhmm I.. I’ve never been… fucked before and, and.. who are the maidens????”  As if sensing his unease, The Duchess slid her hand underneath his lock, and slipped a jeweled finger over his hole. Brian’s asshole immediately started tingling, the pleasure from her finger hitting him in a wave across his whole body, that made his nipples hard, and his cock straining against the hard cage, made him wince, and in another moment, she pressed against his hole, and Brian cried out “Oooohhhhhhhhhhhh!” his eyes rolling back into his head.

Brian Had Never Felt Anything This Good In His Life

The Duchess tilted her head to one side, smiling, “you like that hmm?” Brian answered with a moan, “oh my god..” The Duchess chuckled, “there is no god here… save for me. And when I’m done with you, you will worship me as your God…ess. Now…. do we have a deal?”

Brian was so overcome with pleasure, that he just nodded dumbly.  Almost immediately he was released, and fell to his knees at The Duchess’ feet. Looking up, he started to say something, and then remembered he had forgotten to ask about the maidens. “Um.. forgive me Duchess, but…. who are the maidens, and how many of them.. ah.. you.. will be fucking me?”

He Couldn’t See The Forest For The Trees..

Smiling, The Duchess stood back, waving her hand in front of her mound. With a sparkling flash, a giant, jewel encrusted cock appeared, the jewels encased in smooth, sheer, shimmering latex – for their protection.  That’s when Brian heard cacophony of women’s sighs, creaks of wood, snapping of branches and vines, and the “aaaahhhs” of several women being released from their confines all at once. “Mmmmmmmmm” one woman purred, stretching, behind The Duchess.  Brian could feel the heat, smell the arousal, and now… SEE all of the women surrounding him. All wearing shimmering cocks, all naked with glistening iridescent skin… all whom had been trees, just a second ago.  The Duchess smiled, reading the confusion in his face, and could barely contain herself. “Why my darling, these.. are the maidens. And YOU will be getting fucked, by all 500 of us… me first, of course.”

His heart dropped into his stomach, as his eyes took focus, looking around and beyond and seeing hundreds of shiny, naked, cock wielding women, around him. Before he could move or think, the women grabbed him, picking him up over their heads, a sea of excited female voices, laughing, chattering squealing.  “Bring him to the bed and strap him down,” he heard The Duchess say.  The bed, being a sawhorse made of crystals and jewels. They laid him on his belly, and strapped him down, legs spread, ass exposed.

The Fuckening Of Friday The Fuckteenth

One by one they surrounded him and lined up. The Duchess directing the women, and positioning herself behind him. Without warning, she sheathed herself inside him. Brian screamed, only to have his mouth filled with another shimmering cock. His locked cage rubbing up against the sawhorse he was bound to and chafing his balls. His muffled groans were drowned out by the sounds of women’s pleasure. Hundreds of them taking delight as they watched him be spitroasted in the forest.

Friday The Fuckteenth – The Women Of The Forest

And one by one, the women took pleasure from his bound body.  Each one taking a turn pounding into his displayed fuck hole, until time blurred together, and Brian while still conscious, couldn’t tell night from day, or how many women had fucked him. He could only hear their moans, cries of pleasure, and humming in ecstacy. These women all being entertained witnesses, to the use of the Friday the fuckteenth, fuck doll that he had become.  He didn’t know how long it went on for. But when the ladies of the forest were finished with him, he was coated in a sweet, slightly viscous liquid, that shimmered like pixie dust all over his body. They lifted him up, carrying him back to the edge of the forest, and setting him down in the grass. Brian felt a whoosh of air and the rustling of leaves brush past his body, then all at once the forest was silent.  When Brian was finally able to pick up his head and look around, the women were gone, and so was the Duchess. A sea of curved, winding trees that spread for miles, was all that could be seen.

A Woman Of Her Word On Friday The Fuckteenth

Slowly, Brian picked himself up. His body was sticky and slippery from “tree sap” and while he was tingling all over from the orgy he just endured, he was also, extremely raw and sore. Limping naked, back to his car, he slumped down in his seat. Too delirious and exhausted to even acknowledge that the chastity cage was now gone, his dick was still in one piece, but he was completely spent, from “pleasuring” 500 women in the woods. And took their pleasure they had. For the rest of the day, Brian slept, with towels wadded up between his legs, because each of the tree nymphs had filled him with their sap, and his gaping ass had been dripping all over the carpet, not to mention his car seat was destroyed. As he slumbered, he heard laughter, and the moans and sighs of the women of the forest, haunting his dreams.

Beware Of The Ebony Femdom On Friday The Fuckteenth

Well… that escalated quickly didn’t it? Did you like this years Ebony Femdom Horror Story of this particular sector of the enchanted forest? I hope so. I know it’s long, so take your time reading, puppets. If you’d like to visit The Duchess of the enchanted wood, I implore you to come see me. Dial 1-800-601-6975 to be transported to my realm, ask for Duchess Willow.  Now don’t get off the train yet, your next stop, is  Mistress Hunter – Naked and Exposed in the Enchanted Enchantrix Forest.


Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)


New Aural Delights: Ebony Femdom Scent Play Ass Worship Audio

Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Juneteenth - Humiliating Foot Worship
Ebony Femdom Scent Play Ass Worship is available now in the audio store. Call Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

This one is for all you ass perverts out there. No one knows their way around an ass worship fetish, better than me.  Which is why I was delighted to have the opportunity to create this new audio: Ebony Femdom Scent Play Ass Worship, which is available now in the phone sex audios store. Just in time for our Stroketember phone sex festivities. Peep The Daily Cock Blog to find out about all the specials this month.

Ebony Femdom Scent Play Ass Worship – New Aural Delights

There are two instances where I have had quite a few encounters with ass worship fetishists aka ass perverts. The first, was my Ebony Giantess roleplays, like Ebony Asscrack Giantess and many others. When I tell you I have had so many ass-based scenarios involving this phat ass engulfing a tiny man – or consuming him – and specifically it had to be a black woman’s ass? Mmm hmmm, I know what you dirty bois love, I truly do. Nothing gets these ass bois rock hard like worshiping a big, luscious round ebony ass. To the point where I’ve blogged about men and their fixations with black women’s posteriors. So is it only black women’s asses? No. It is not. I’m simply stating that “MY” bois call me because they’re obsessed with ebony ass worship.

What Is It That Attracts The Ass Fetishist To The Ebony Femdom?

Well lemme hip you to some game regarding that. It’s a combo fetish. I don’t know how to say this other than to just say it, but both black men and non black men have a scent play fetish when it comes to black women. But there’s a slight difference.  For one, black men love women who smell good ie: PEOPLE WHO WASH THEIR ASSES; white men on the other hand are furiously masturbating to the aural imagery of what a hot, stinky, sweaty black ass would smell like. Now to be fair, white bois I think you have some competition in the scent play arena, because the amount of black men that have typed and hit send with their desires to sniff my asscrack and beyond……. So remember above where I said black men love women who smell good? Well some of them want to know what we smell like when that ass is a little ripe.

Ebony Giantess Duchess Willow
The Ebony Giantess returns to Giantess Island 1-877-496-0255

With Scent Play Ass Worship It Doesn’t Matter What Color You Are

Many of you have a scent play fetish, specifically involving ass, whether that ass is clean or dirty.  Which leads me to the new phone sex audio in the store. Ebony Femdom scent play and ass worship WAS REQUESTED. True story, beloveds. Yall actually asked me to make this. And because of the nature of the audio, I cannot repeat most of what is entailed, because if I did you ass bois would be jackin off hard to this blog and shooting all over your screen.  And I want you to save the load in your nuts until AFTER you purchase the audio. So I will give you a brief summary.

Scent Play Ass Worship Late Night At The Gym

You’re alone at a 24 hour gym, or so you think. To your surprise not only is someone else in the gym, but that someone else is me, and your eyes are instantly drawn to that thick round booty, bouncing up and down on the treadmill, following each cheek and the sway and jiggle.  Now when I go to the gym I like to get into my workouts, and I…. SWEAT.  I mean sweat under my breasts and down my back and sweat all in the…. I think you know where this is going. So what happens when you’re hot and sweaty and you sit on one of those gym benches hmm? It leaves my essence does it not?  Which is why they have sanitizing spray in every gym and it is mandatory for hygeine and safety reasons that you wipe down the equipment when you’re done sweating all over it.

Duchess Willow Ebony Succubus

But One Can Dream And One Did…

Imagine if you will what would happen if the ass pervert at the gym, upon witnessing this phat ass sitting on the bench, and then arising from the bench, did the unthinkable? He did, and then guess what happened next? I think you know exactly what happened. But if you want all the dirty details, you’re going to have to buy the audio.  In the even that you’re new to this blog and to me, hold tight, lemme show you what else is in my store…

Phone Sex Audios By Duchess Willow

Just in case you already bought my scent play ass worship audio, and you’re hooked and decide you need more of my voice and kinky mind, here’s a sample of some of my other offerings (and if not, let this be your introduction):

Ebony Femdom Cock Trance  Length: 17:48 Minutes. Mind control isn’t real.. or is it? You may find yourself questioning your sanity, and hopelessly addicted to my voice, and what I do to you cock, once you finish.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow 3D Gooning Pornosexual Length – 6:11 minutes. This one is for the gooning, trance lovers. In MP4 video format. Stare at the screen, listen to my voice, and go blank, while you stroke.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow – White Boi Training Trance Length: 10:19 minutes. White men love being put in their place by black women. You won’t be able to resist the drop into subspace.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow Limp Penis CBT Instruction Length: 5:44 minutes. This audio was inspired by a man who couldn’t use his words and missed a delicious opportunity when he fumbled the bag.  It is as funny as it is humiliating. You might even catch a whiff of second hand embarrassment for the poor soul.

White Male Sissy Verbal Humiliation by Duchess Willow Length – 5:53 minutes. If you crave degradation with a sweet sting, sissy, this is for you. You’re so pathetic there’s no category for your disappointing meat sack.

Ebony Femdom Human Ashtray Slave Length – 15:09 For the smoking/human ashtray fetish crowd.

Be A Good Toy Induction Trance Length: 3:10 Short and sweet, if you like mindfuck, erotic meditation and mind control, this will jump start your journey.

Ebony Femdom Cock Mantra Length: 5:19 More mind control bliss. This time in dick form. Do you love cock? Are you a dick licker? You can surely pass the test, can’t you?

Ebony Giantess Asscrack Island Length: 26:55 If you enjoyed our Giantess Island themed start to summer, and you love a big ole ebony ass, this one will smother you.. quite literally.

Gooning Masturbation Trance Length: 10:02 You thought the Ebony Femdom was just a cartoon, and discover her influence is very much real. Submit, and goon for Duchess.

I also have phone sex ringtones available, if you’re in need of a quick, humiliating fix, of Duchess Willow.

If you would like a custom erotic audio from me, email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com and go to my custom audio profile for details and pricing.

Ebony Femdom Phonesex 1-800-601-6975

Ebony Femdom Email And Texting Package

So aside from the new audio, I also updated my email and texting package, to give you even more time and attention, and to ensure you get exactly what you need.  This package is for a full week of training, sexy roleplay, GFE one on one, or just to chat. It’s the perfect package for those who need a lot of “attention” ? but are unable to do phone sex calls. You get one live 10 minute text session included in the package, and that’s in addition to emails and sms texting. The rules are simple to follow: No text walling. I hate that sh**. No rollover nonsense. If you don’t use up your daily quota that does not mean bombard me with 20 emails the next day, unless you want me to put my size 9 foot in your ass (don’t get any ideas, pain sluts, I will ignore you). The package is very generous all things considered.

Ebony Femdom Scent Play Ass Worship With The Duchess

Whether or not you decide to purchase the new scent play ass worship audio, you can always call me and we can do an all the way live ass fetish dream session. To do that, dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow.  Click play on the audio and read along if you like. Stay safe and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)

30 Days Of Domination Phone Sex

Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Juneteenth - Humiliating Foot Worship
Celebrate Ebony Femdom Juneteenth with humiliating foot worship. Serve Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

I have a lot of ideas and kinks I like, and I’m always delighted to hear from willing participants who want to be my long term test subjects. With that said, I’m a bit of a virgin to certain kinks – stay with me here – and being my submissive is going to require that you have the ability to follow directions, insurance and a list of emergency numbers, and a “school supplies” list. Because if you’re going to embark on 30 days of Domination phone sex with me, I’m going to need you to be ready.. more importantly, willing.

30 Days Of Domination Phone Sex

So what do you do, if you want to engage me and take part in 30 days of domination phone sex, but you’re unable to call every day, or you’re unable to call due to privacy constraints.  I would suggest a 30 day email package; 30 days of domination phone sex texting; custom audios with training instruction and a weekly or bi weekly check in, a custom Domination calendar. Now my ultimate dream – if I’m being completely honest – would be to have someone call every day for 30 days, for science. Yes I believe BDSM for scientific purposes can be informative, educational, and for me, entertaining.

Distance Domination Phone Sex With The Duchess

So let’s just say that, similarly to my Halloween blog, I am quite an Ebony Femdom mad scientist when it comes to Distance Domination phone sex. I can be your Dr. Honeydew, you can be my beaker. With one small caveat, that we both agree not to blow up the laboratory.  So about those virginal kinks, I was thinking about testing out food fetish. Giving or receiving? Hmm… I might dip my toe in a cream filled cupcake if so inclined, but I was referring to you, doing things to and with food, that would make the naked chef blush.

The Duchess of Ebony Femdom Phone Sex

Working The Obstacle Course For The Ebony Femdom

The other not-so-virginal interest I have is making you run the gamut of some bizarre Femdom created obstacle course. Sending men on wild goose chases, doing things that could be somewhat embarrassing, is a turn on for me. I don’t want to give too much away in terms of what else I’d have you doing for your 30 day training, so I’ll just repeat, that you must be willing, and able, to complete whatever ridiculous task I give you. I already have:

A sub who humps inflatables

An orgasm denial junkie

An ignore whore

An ass eating girlcock addicted cabana boi

A REAL LIFE Himbo house husband maid (I was supposed to blog about that…..)

And a few other notable submissives including Ebony Femdom CFNM subs that like being used thoroughly.  I understand you probably have some of your own ideas for the fantasy round of Ebony Femdom, and I’d love to hear those.

What Can You Do In 30 Days?

Honestly, trying new kinks might put you onto something you never knew you needed. And speaking of the food fetish, I’ll be getting more into another kink involving food, later. If you’re going to fully participate you will obviously need the space and privacy to do so discreetly. The 30 day challenge isn’t for everybody. If it’s for you, then my only other requirement is to simply avoid doing anything stupid. Nothing public, I understand the public fantasies, but I don’t think you’ll look good wearing orange. Unless you’re in an adults only space with people who have consented to partake in your foolishness. My foolishness actually.

Teasing Phone Sex Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom
Teasing Phone Sex just got hotter with The Ebony Femdom. Get the lube ready and call Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

30 Days Of Domination Phone Sex With The Ebony Femdom

I know I can be just as cryptic as I am blunt, so it’s best you call me to find out what I have up my sleeve for your 30 day BDSM crash course. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. If you cannot call, go to sexy texting and pay for a text session with me. Keep in mind that phone sex audios, phone sex assignments, and sexy texting/skype sessions are 20% off until August 31st. You might want to take advantage of that. Stay safe, and stay blessed. Also please do follow me on the new social media site Pinxsters @DuchessWillow there’s a few LDW ladies already there, come say hello.

Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)

P.S. If you won’t be able to call or do a skype session, you can still go shopping in the store. Keep reading for a quick summary of my phone sex audios.

I would love to hear your feedback on the new Ebony Femdom Cock Trance, and since we’re having a 20% off sale on phone sex audios, here’s a few more audio files you can get from me, some of which are also trance themed:

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow 3D Gooning Pornosexual Length – 6:11 minutes. This one is for the gooning, trance lovers. In MP4 video format. Stare at the screen, listen to my voice, and go blank, while you stroke.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow – White Boi Training Trance Length: 10:19 minutes. White men love being put in their place by black women. You won’t be able to resist the drop into subspace.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow Limp Penis CBT Instruction Length: 5:44 minutes. This audio was inspired by a man who couldn’t use his words and missed a delicious opportunity when he fumbled the bag.  It is as funny as it is humiliating. You might even catch a whiff of second hand embarrassment for the poor soul.

White Male Sissy Verbal Humiliation by Duchess Willow Length – 5:53 minutes. If you crave degradation with a sweet sting, sissy, this is for you. You’re so pathetic there’s no category for your disappointing meat sack.

Ebony Femdom Human Ashtray Slave Length – 15:09 For the smoking/human ashtray fetish crowd.

Be A Good Toy Induction Trance Length: 3:10 Short and sweet, if you like mindfuck, erotic meditation and mind control, this will jump start your journey.

Ebony Femdom Cock Mantra Length: 5:19 More mind control bliss. This time in dick form. Do you love cock? Are you a dick licker? You can surely pass the test, can’t you?

Ebony Giantess Asscrack Island Length: 26:55 If you enjoyed our Giantess Island themed start to summer, and you love a big ole ebony ass, this one will smother you.. quite literally.

Gooning Masturbation Trance Length: 10:02 You thought the Ebony Femdom was just a cartoon, and discover her influence is very much real. Submit, and goon for Duchess.

I also have phone sex ringtones available, if you’re in need of a quick, humiliating fix, of Duchess Willow.

If you would like a custom erotic audio from me, email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com and go to my custom audio profile for details and pricing.

Ebony Femdom Cock Trance – Controlling Your Cock And Your Mind

Enjoy a delicious journey into mindless bliss with the new Ebony Femdom Cock Trance from Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Is mind control real? That question has been asked several times, and I’m pretty sure you will have a split answer, with some new age folk telling you the mind can make anything real, and those on the more reality based end of things telling you mind control is just a fantasy.  And then you’ll listen to the new phone sex audio, Ebony Femdom Cock Trance, and 20 minutes later, you’ll be questioning your own sanity.

Ebony Femdom Cock Trance

Erotic Meditation, brainwashing, brainless chronic masturbator gooning, the idea behind controlling someone’s mind and planting triggers so deep, they won’t even know they’ve been programmed. This particular fetish is very popular across Femdom and BDSM kink circles. And surely you can control someone’s cock, the same way you can control their mind. The ebony femdom cock trance was designed to make your mind empty and your dick subservient to me, and only me.  It will feel like I’m speaking directly to your dick, because why would I need to talk to your mind? That space between your ears is empty after all.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Real Ebony Femdom Cock Trance Or Just Fantasy

There are so many people who just want to have an empty head, and someone else in control for a while. But is it real? The effects can last for hours, maybe even days. And there are therapists that use meditation techniques for everything from weight loss to quitting smoking. So it can have a very real influence.  And the kink side of trance meditation would be for instance, reversing that smoking addiction and turning you into a human ashtray for my pleasure. But for the most part, mind control is very good science fiction…. or is it?

Trance And Mind Control Conspiracy Theories

If you really want to know what I think of mind control, we can talk about that in session. In short I will tell you that yes, there are ways one can control the masses. And all the media mind control conspiracy theories would lead back to what’s being watched on tv and in movies. Perhaps that’s why erotic meditation and gooning masturbation are so popular. The mind control fetish is just like any other fetish. The fantasy of loss of control, gooning porn guardian who turns you into an addicted pump junkie, doing things you would never do, saying things you would never say, and being turned into a toy, or if you’re into the Rubber Queen, latex kink, a slick, latex covered, mindless drone with a serial number, and no defining identity to call your own.

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex With Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

The Effects Of Mind Control Paired With Feminization

Do you remember when I wrote sissy dick and dash? Yes I know the sissies remember, they were gushing from every hole after reading it, and imagining a pornographic sissification factory designed to emasculate and transform them into sissy bimbo fuck dolls. I think the sissy fetish and mind control pair very well together, some might argue too well, and that men should be careful listening to sissy programming audios.  I think sissies feel their mortality moreso than more masculine men, and the high risk and thrill of being enslaved in a black woman’s cyber punk, neon lit sex shoppe and brothel, makes them squirt with delight.

Phone Sex Audios For Erotic Meditation With The Ebony Femdom

I would love to hear your feedback on the new Ebony Femdom Cock Trance, and since we’re having a 20% off sale on phone sex audios, here’s a few more audio files you can get from me, some of which are also trance themed:

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow 3D Gooning Pornosexual Length – 6:11 minutes. This one is for the gooning, trance lovers. In MP4 video format. Stare at the screen, listen to my voice, and go blank, while you stroke.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow – White Boi Training Trance Length: 10:19 minutes. White men love being put in their place by black women. You won’t be able to resist the drop into subspace.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow Limp Penis CBT Instruction Length: 5:44 minutes. This audio was inspired by a man who couldn’t use his words and missed a delicious opportunity when he fumbled the bag.  It is as funny as it is humiliating. You might even catch a whiff of second hand embarrassment for the poor soul.

White Male Sissy Verbal Humiliation by Duchess Willow Length – 5:53 minutes. If you crave degradation with a sweet sting, sissy, this is for you. You’re so pathetic there’s no category for your disappointing meat sack.

Ebony Femdom Human Ashtray Slave Length – 15:09 For the smoking/human ashtray fetish crowd.

Be A Good Toy Induction Trance Length: 3:10 Short and sweet, if you like mindfuck, erotic meditation and mind control, this will jump start your journey.

Ebony Femdom Cock Mantra Length: 5:19 More mind control bliss. This time in dick form. Do you love cock? Are you a dick licker? You can surely pass the test, can’t you?

Ebony Giantess Asscrack Island Length: 26:55 If you enjoyed our Giantess Island themed start to summer, and you love a big ole ebony ass, this one will smother you.. quite literally.

Gooning Masturbation Trance Length: 10:02 You thought the Ebony Femdom was just a cartoon, and discover her influence is very much real. Submit, and goon for Duchess.

I also have phone sex ringtones available, if you’re in need of a quick, humiliating fix, of Duchess Willow.

If you would like a custom erotic audio from me, email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com and go to my custom audio profile for details and pricing.

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex With The Duchess

If you would like to session with me, there’s a few ways to do that.  Virtual sesssions, you must have a computer that can run the virtual world viewer; Sexy Texting via Skype, or Discord, texting and skype sessions are 20% off. Teasing phone sex with me, by dialing 1-877-496-0251 and asking for Duchess Willow.  And a reminder that if you can’t call, phone sex assignments are on sale for 20% as well, and I have an email and sms texting package, a lovense package – you must own a lovense bluetooth for long distance play, and dick ratings available on the site. Hope to hear from you, stay safe and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)


Ebony Switch Cuckold Story

Teasing Phone Sex Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom
Black Mistress offering distance Domination, roleplay, and virtual sessions. Ask me about custom audios.

A little preface: This was the beginning of an ebony cuckolding erotica about a woman who was seduced and ended up cuckolding her boyfriend. I don’t write often about my switch side, but the story is still swimming up there, I decided to share a piece of it, along with my own thoughts on switching, cuckolding, and submission. Hope you enjoy a peek into my mind.

Ebony Switch Cuckold Story

Willow was awakened with a start, to find a hand creeping up her leg, and to her right, her boyfriend, fast asleep.  She recognized the dark, tousled head of hair peeking over the edge of her side of the bed immediately, and was met with a hand over her mouth, and a husky male voice, lips pressed against her ear, before she could speak.

Ebony Femdom Cuckold Bull
Let’s talk about black men, the cuckold bull, and your BBC fetish. 1-800-601-6975


Ebony Switch Cuckoldress Seduced

“Shut the fuck up.  Jake’s a heavy sleeper, he’s not gonna wake up…” His hand reaching the intersection of her thighs. “Now be a good girl and spread those legs.” Willow froze, and found herself doing as requested. A second later the intruding hand gripped tightly the crotch of her bikini panties, and ripped them off with ease.  The puddled mess she left beneath her when he was done bringing her to orgasm was all that remained of Jordan’s stealth late night visit.

Nothing Could Have Prepared Her For Their Stealth Affair

That was the beginning of their indecency under her boyfriend’s roof.  He told her, it was his wish, to corrupt her, until she was begging him to fuck her. And when Willow asked him why, he simply said, “he doesn’t deserve you, and I’m the better man… and he would never challenge me.. you’ll see.”  He accosted her at every opportunity, and she let him. Jordan confessing he knew she would let him, because a real man wouldn’t leave room for him to take her so obscenely. Obscene was an understatement.

Ebony Femdom Edging
Can you handle Duchess Willow’s Ebony Femdom Edging training?

He Could Make Her Melt With A Single Word

When he touched her, her eyes went glassy and everything else ceased to exist. By the time Jake found out the two of them were having a steamy tease and torment affair right under his nose, Jordan had already gotten so bold as threatening to leave teeth marks on her breasts, delicious welts of pleasure on her ass, just to taunt the little bitch to tears.  Willow didn’t have to utter a word. Jordan, told him their relationship was over, and to never speak to “H.E.R.” again. They walked out of the apartment, hand in hand, ass swaying, tits bouncing, the sexiest feeling it was, having a man claim her so boldly.

Her Ex Very Quickly Learned Humility

While no one knew exactly what Jordan had done, Jake was further embarrassed to have friends and relations, questioning him. They didn’t dare question her or Jordan. Almost as if they knew – as did he – that he was the better man. They became each others drug, and her his obsession in ways that would make a porn star blush.  A man like that doesn’t have to try and dominate a woman, and a switch knows better than anyone, that power cannot be taken, it is earned. He earned it with her name spilling from his lips, her cries of pleasure from every stroke, every pinch, every slap, every gesture. Jordan worshiped her in ways her ex couldn’t fathom, and her glow was unmistakable. So what is it, and how is it, that Jordan was so easily able to acquire his prize.

Mind, Body, Slap, And Tickle

There is a side of a switch that a woman will only show to a man who deserves it. A secret unlock that cannot be taught or stolen. Any man who calls himself a true Dom… truly isn’t, unless he has knowledge of that master key.  Perhaps Jordan was able to read something in Willow, that her past lovers either missed, or were too ignorant to notice. Of course being bold and taking risks like his, in this current world, are not advisable. What Jordan had was rare, and the woman he shared time and space with was unique. If a lion wishes to feast, he must know when his prey is ready.  And it takes more than a big dick, to acquire the untamable.

The Keys To The Switch

Lesson number one, boys and girls, you will never own a woman, like The Ebony Femdom.  She will be yours if she chooses to, and can take away that right at any time. Know the difference between claiming, and owning. “Can you let a woman do her thing, without trying to sabotage her?” Most men cannot, and would easily bruise their egos getting too comfortable seeing women as property. Jordan knew the most important thing, “you do not belong to me. I belong to you.”  No one could bring up the Duchess’ name around Jake, without him turning red faced and shaking to his core.  Even long after, when he moved on with his life, the woman that is Willow would haunt him.

The Rule Breaking Vixen

Where is this story going? There will be a more graphic version of it, but not for the likes of this blog.  Just remember the moral of this story: If another man can take me from you, you never had me to begin with, cuck boi, and if you show any sign of being a semen retention practicing beta, I will hurt your feelings. And submission is given, not taken. I refuse to be bound to a life of boring sex and an equally boring man. So just know, if you’re not a Jordan you’re a Jake. And if you’re a Jake you’re probably getting cheated on right now by a man who would mop the floor with you.  Don’t bother asking if such men exist, because if you have to ask you’re not one of them.

Simps, Cuckolds And True Dominant Men

Real male Doms know they don’t own women – in relation to cis hetero and beyond, relationships.  Masculine men, and masculine energy is attractive to me, so if you don’t have it, you’re not that guy, nor will you ever be. I’ll put it to you this way, most of today’s men are simps and/or cuckolds and don’t know it. There are women I would let Dominate me before I’d ever kneel for a man. And the only time I actually kneel, is if his dick is in my mouth and he’s screaming my name, because even then I still have the power.

In The Real World Would I Submit To Anyone?

To be honest submitting is beneath me, however, as detailed above, I’d let a real one work me out.  Most of my hardcore erotica about submissive women, details women who are only submissive in the bedroom, and who’s word is respected. It takes a certain kind of man, to handle a woman like me.  And as I’ve mentioned before, most of yall wouldn’t know what to do with me, at my most submissive.

A Continuation Of The Ebony Switch Cuckold Story

I purposely left a lot out, because I know where I’m going with the story, however that’s more for me and definitely not for all of you. There are several avenues to explore that aren’t male centered, but I’d love to hear your best hot take. Or I might be coerced to complete a custom erotica for you, if you have a story you’d love for me to write, or an audio script for me to record. Reminder: Phone Sex Audios are 20%; Phone Sex Assignments are 20% off; and if you cannot call, sexy texting and skype is 20% off… all summer long.  Call me. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow.  Stay safe and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)


What To Bring To A Teasing Phone Sex Session

Teasing Phone Sex Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom
Teasing Phone Sex just got hotter with The Ebony Femdom. Get the lube ready and call Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Aside from yourself, and your cock, we occasionally get the question of what to bring to a session. If you want to have a successful teasing phone  sex session, here are a few tips before you call The Ebony Femdom. Take notes.

What To Bring To A Teasing Phone Sex Session

For best results, bring an open mind and open ears. Sometimes people call us who want guidance, and then they get derailed because they’re locked inside their heads, or they’re distracted. Now I don’t mind talkers, as a matter of fact I love chatty callers who like to have fun. Just keep in mind that if you ask me a question, an you have other things on your mind, pace yourself, and ask one question, and then close your mouth so I can answer that question for you.  I understand when you’re horny, and excited, sometimes it allllllll comes out like one big run on sentence. Slow down speedy, teasing phone sex is not a race.. unless of course you’re looking for a quickie before you have to dash, in which case, I have pointers for when you are short on time. Get to the point, so I can get you to where you need to go, if you get my meaning.

Teasing Phone Sex Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom
Black Mistress offering distance Domination, roleplay, and virtual sessions. Ask me about custom audios.

Teasing Phone Sex Stroke Tools

Personally, I think the experience will be more enjoyable for you if you are showered, and relaxed. You’d be surprised how much a clean body plays into your experience, especially if you need to wash the day off you. If you’re a juicy july phone sex early bird just waking up, morning tease and JOI can be an invigorating start to your day.  And of course there’s the lunch break office quickie.. but don’t get caught, stroker. So what to bring with you to your session? Lube, for starters. You can use dollar store lube – like someone who shall remain nameless loves to do – or you can use your favorite lotion or massage oil. A lubricated dick is always going to feel better than a dry jerk. Furthermore, dry rubs are for steaks and pork loins. While I do enjoy treating you like a piece of meat from time to time, I prefer a well lubricated penis, for guided stroking.

Guided Masturbation When You Can’t Talk

In the event you haven’t read any of our blogs and you’re not on Twitter, we do realize that it is summer, and that because of certain issues, like lack of privacy on summer break, you may not be able to place a call. Which is why LDW is offering a 20% off discount for text and skype sessions. So if you need someone to help you stroke, but you can’t talk and a phone session is out of the question, you can text. Speaking of texting and discounts, the phone sex assignments store is also 20% off. Which means if you need guided email instructions or sms texting, you can get my email and sms texting package for discreet naughty talk. I also offer audio dick ratings, which… you could jerk off to while you’re being critiqued.

Teasing Phone Sex Audios From The Ebony Femdom

Picture this, you’re locked in your bathroom or hall closet, trying to jerk off via text, but you keep getting interrupted.  Very frustrating yes? Have you ever thought of maybe purchasing a wank playlist of phone sex audios? You don’t need to text, or call, you can just set up your kinky playlist, put on your earbuds, and tease that cock without anyone finding out what you’re doing. Phone sex audios are also discounted, and the best part is you can keep the audios for as long as you have your device, or whatever forever looks like for you. The only thing that is not discounted is custom erotic audios, however please know, that if you don’t see what you’re looking for in the audio store, you can purchase a custom adult audio, catered specifically to your fantasy.

Teasing Phone Sex - Duchess Willow
The Ebony Femdom wants to heat up your summer with teasing phone sex. Order a custom audio you can keep forever. 1-800-601-6975

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Audios

Just to give you a quick break down of what’s in my store, here are a few titles available:

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow 3D Gooning Pornosexual Length – 6:11 minutes. This one is for the gooning, trance lovers. In MP4 video format. Stare at the screen, listen to my voice, and go blank, while you stroke.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow – White Boi Training Trance Length: 10:19 minutes. White men love being put in their place by black women. You won’t be able to resist the drop into subspace.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow Limp Penis CBT Instruction Length: 5:44 minutes. This audio was inspired by a man who couldn’t use his words and missed a delicious opportunity when he fumbled the bag.  It is as funny as it is humiliating. You might even catch a whiff of second hand embarrassment for the poor soul.

White Male Sissy Verbal Humiliation by Duchess Willow Length – 5:53 minutes. If you crave degradation with a sweet sting, sissy, this is for you. You’re so pathetic there’s no category for your disappointing meat sack.

Ebony Femdom Human Ashtray Slave Length – 15:09 For the smoking/human ashtray fetish crowd.

Be A Good Toy Induction Trance Length: 3:10 Short and sweet, if you like mindfuck, erotic meditation and mind control, this will jump start your journey.

Ebony Femdom Cock Mantra Length: 5:19 More mind control bliss. This time in dick form. Do you love cock? Are you a dick licker? You can surely pass the test, can’t you?

Ebony Giantess Asscrack Island Length: 26:55 If you enjoyed our Giantess Island themed start to summer, and you love a big ole ebony ass, this one will smother you.. quite literally.

Gooning Masturbation Trance Length: 10:02 You thought the Ebony Femdom was just a cartoon, and discover her influence is very much real. Submit, and goon for Duchess.

I also have phone sex ringtones available, if you’re in need of a quick, humiliating fix, of Duchess Willow.

If you would like a custom erotic audio from me, email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com and go to my custom audio profile for details and pricing.

Ebony Femdom Teasing Phone Sex

In the event that you’re able to call in and would like a teasing phone sex call with The Duchess, I’d be delighted to hear from you. Call me at 1-877-496-0251 and ask for Duchess Willow.  Have a wonderful summer, stay safe and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)


Foot Forniphilia With The Ebony Femdom

Ebony Femdom Foot Forniphilia
Ebony Femdom Foot Forniphilia goes beyond worshiping The Duchess 1-800-601-6975

Forniphilia is in my top ten of kinks, right up there with turning men into my little bitchasses, and making a toy bounce on my strapon. Let’s keep the focus on feet though. So if forniphilia is the objectification of a human being, then obviously foot forniphilia is the specific involvement of feet. Buckle up because things are about to get very strange…. for the sake of a phone sex foot fetish.

Foot Forniphilia With The Ebony Femdom

If I find out you have a foot fetish, your days on this earth as a normal man, are numbered.  I tend to prey on the corruptible submissive man, because I envision a certain type of man, getting corrupted in such a way that he can no longer complete even the simplest of tasks without thinking about my feet. The scent of them, the taste of them, the feel of them. I’m gonna own you with my feet, and you’re going to love it.

Feetishism And Fetishism – Foot Forniphilia As Art

If you asked Freud, he’d tell you foot fetishes have to do with the lack of a phallic genitalia, which I think is way off. And then there is Mattoso’s feetishism, worshiping the feet of the hardworking people.  Well I am hard working, yes, and deserving of a man who submits to my every whim and worships my feet – the lowest part of my body – in every way possible. So for me, this means you will not pass your days with mundane activities. Everything you do, your entire existence, will revolve around my feet.

Ebony Femdom Foot Forniphilia

As Above, So Below Foot Boi

So when I’m not using you as a Femdom footstool, or draping my body across yours while my feet are planted across your face, my feet will be a part of your life in every way.  Do you smoke? Now you will only smoke with my feet as a cigarette holder. But you better be careful when you’re taking a drag. Because not a single ash or ember is allowed to touch… me.  Are you parched? Certainly you should drink a glass of water, after I’ve dipped my feet in your refreshment. Hungry? Fix yourself the most delicious plate, and then set it on the floor. You won’t need salt or pepper, you will have my feet to season your food, and then before you eat, you will lick them clean.

Footjobs For The Foot Fetish

Your dick will never been as important to me, as it is to you. So just know, that if I allow you to fuck my feet, you will prepare that foot pussy for your cock… by giving me toejobs and licking every wrinkle on my soles until I’m satisfied. Then and only then, will you be allowed to get your dick wet, in my fabulous arch. So am I saying that I will permit YOU to objectify MY feet? Yes, for my personal pleasure, because it appeals to me, to see men having to smoke, eat, and drink, with my feet as the star of the show.

Foot Dildo Fucking

Now while I enjoy laying back and letting the men put in work, I did see the most delightful picture of a woman wearing stiletto boots with a dildo attached like a foot strapon, and that got me to thinking. What if I fucked you with my foot dildo, when you were in need of penetration? I can just sit back, stick my foot out, and you can ride the foot fuck express.  Hell I could do that while ignoring you while you have a bounce session on my strapon.

Ebony Femdom Foot Forniphilia

Yes this was posted late, that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a bit of teasing this month while objectifying my feet.  So here’s the deal, I have some homework for you, go leave a comment on this blog after reading, with your thoughts in prose about foot worship, and then call me. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow.  I hope you had a wonderful Pride Month and thank you for all the birthday wishes. If you missed my birthday, Cancer season lasts until the middle of this month, gifts are appreciated. Stay tuned for two more blogs very soon. Stay safe and stay blessed. Oh and I know Twitter is capped right now… so follow me on Tumblr EnchantrixWillow cuz I’m about to resurrect that bitch.

Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)

The Ebony Femdom Interviews The Virtual Vixen

The Ebony Femdom interviews Mamia Orio and talks to the Virtual Vixen about online sex work and gamer girl things.
The Ebony Femdom interviews The Virtual Vixen, Mamia Orio and discusses gamer girls and virtual adult entertainment.

I had the pleasure of speaking with Virtual Vixen, Mamia Orio and we chatted about sex work in the virtual world, and our experiences as virtual sex workers. Obviously online sex work is technically virtual sex work, too, but we’re specifically discussing the adult industry as it pertains to people who use 3D avatars and digital sex workers.

The Ebony Femdom Interviews The Virtual Vixen Mamia Orio

While virtual sex work is not necessarily a new concept, The Virtual Vixen gained recognition for being an only fans content model, after making over 100K using solely her avatar, on the popular platform (you can also find her on Playboy’s subscription site.  She offers the same services that many “real” content models offer, and since this is something I have knowledge of myself, I instantly became a supporter of hers.  Now with the uncharted territory of offering something that no one else is offering at the time, you’re gonna have haters. Especially people who aren’t part of the gaming community and are ignorant to the fact that men will pay for many different forms of kink artistry.. especially when they’re horny.

Virtual Vixen Mamia Orio

The Virtual Vixen And The Ebony Femdom Discuss The “Haters”

Yep. When I first started at Enchantrix I was only a virtual Ebony Femdom and you could only do sessions with me via the metaverse. So guess what happened when I joined the sites using an avatar? Oh yes, everything from naysayers to men asking silly questions about whether or not I was a real person. There was also the occasional backlash on twitter, from people who were ignorant of who I was and what I was offering. Mamia did share that she had content models talking trash about her, and the cattiness of the industry we’re in.  Basically people were acting real weird because we’re doing something different that they don’t fully understand. But here’s the positive take away.

Getting To Know The Virtual Gamer Girls

Most of our society thrives on mediocrity and fitting in. So imagine you’re offering a new service, doing something no one has done before, and people looking at you like you’ve sprouted an extra head and horns. As I’ve mentioned before, talking to me vs. assuming sh** is always going to be a completely different ball game. And once men did sessions with me and got to know me, they realized what I offered and the personable experience I provided. Mamia also mentioned that people are completely different when you talk to them and get to know them in private, which is definitely FACTS. So what did we learn, bois?  That’s right: Just because it’s different, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.

The Allure Of Virtual Adult Entertainment

In case you didn’t know, there are virtual strippers, dance troupes, burlesque acts, escorts, and even virtual brothels, as one of my close friends owns an AFK sim, where you can pay to perform simulated sex acts with a persons avatar.  There is also a very big BDSM and kink community online, and there are many real life Femdoms, who have virtual world avatars and offer services online. And just like with real BDSM sessions, you can roleplay Femdom scenes and fantasies. There’s a market for virtual sex work, but the key factor is that it IS real work.  You have to promote yourself, you have to have customer service skills, and really being a sex worker requires a skillset that most of the vanilla world simply doesn’t have, mostly because they don’t have to.  And just like in the real world, you’re going to have pushback and negativity to overcome.

Protecting Your Energy Online

One of the things we talked about on the podcast, was how important protecting your energy – both spiritually and emotionally – is, and how frustrating it is to find out that you have to do that online, and in virtual, as well. We all know how crazy real life can be. Add the virtual world into the mix and it basically removes certain boundaries like distance  and face to face communication, and that world gets even crazier. Because unfortunately while you have a lot of freedom in the virtual world, that freedom also leaves the gate wide open for toxic behavior such as poor etiquette, and digital harassment.  I did ask Mamia about her experiences with roleplaying and while she doesn’t roleplay anymore, she did say she used to enjoy it… until people started taking things to heart, like the virtual soap operas that unfold on the grid because of hurt feelings. Now here’s my personal feelings on roleplaying.

Roleplaying As A Hobby Vs. Roleplaying For Money

There are several virtual roleplaying communities online for people who enjoy them, and I’m no stranger to roleplaying, as I used to do it years ago, in addition to my erotic writing. Personally my social battery now is way too short to take roleplaying as a hobby, because for me personally it’s draining, and only because I also do this for work. However if you like rp’s, the virtual world is the place to go.  With a warning: Just like with anywhere else online, sometimes you get to know people and feelings get involved. It’s a good idea to have healthy boundaries and voice your expectations, because the virtual can turn into wackadoodle land, REAL FAST.

Remembering That There Are Real People Behind The Virtual Personas

My advice to anyone who doesn’t understand the gamer girl kink, or the interest in virtual hotties, is to remember that these are real people, with real lives, that are tapping into a market that caters to offering versatility and accessibility. There are a myriad of reasons why people enjoy playing virtual personas, and I’m not here to judge those and neither should you. I have pet peeves specific to the fetishization of black people, and I am also aware of the entirely different set of challenges black female creators encounter, so I fully support virtual work and black virtual content creators. And thankfully this is slowly changing.

The Many Reasons People Choose Virtual

For one you can express yourself in many different ways. You can literally be a unicorn or a fairy in world without judgement. Many people who are sex workers choose not to show their faces for privacy reasons, and having a virtual model gives you a level of privacy that you might not have if you used your own real life content. There are other virtual platforms such as IMVU, that other metaverse where the avatars only have a torso… (I discussed the running joke about the other metaverse, on the podcast), GTA which is also very popular, and there are content creators that use the sims for their work and roleplays.  Harassment is yet another reason sex workers choose to remain anonymous. I have personally heard horror stories and experienced some of my own from when I used to work in a real life strip club. It’s important to remember that some people cannot separate fantasy from reality, and have unhealthy obsessions with the women they project onto. Privacy is important to us for our loved ones and friends also.

Tips For Breaking Into Virtual Content

Research. Research. Research. Learn how to market yourself, and remember that sex workers have to do much more because we’re promoting ourselves. It’s not going to happen overnight, but you can make a name for yourself if you do the work. I will tell you right now, this is not a job for lazy people, or for people that think a real job means working a 9-5.  And if you’re a patron of virtual sex workers, remember that this is a job for us, and treat us with respect.

Sessions And Content

If you’d like to know more about Mamia Orio, hit that link and go to her website. And if you want to know more about the Ebony Femdom, you’re in the right place.  Email me willow@enchantrixempire.com for custom inquiries and text sessions. Sidenote: Because people have been abusing the system, my attention on Skype will be extremely limited or non existent. So if you want a texting sesssion, you can pay on the sexy texting site, and then email me to confirm your payment. Also watch this space, because we have a lot going on in July. For calls with me just dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. I would like to send a special shout out to Mamia Orio for taking the time to speak with me, it was a pleasure having her on the podcast. If you’re interested in being on my podcast or have an idea for an episode, hit that email. Stay safe, and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)



Ebony Femdom Juneteenth Request – Humiliating Foot Worship

Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Juneteenth - Humiliating Foot Worship
Celebrate Ebony Femdom Juneteenth with humiliating foot worship. Serve Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Disclaimer: If you’re fragile and looking for a soft Domme do not read this blog. It will hurt your feelings. I won’t care if it does.

I hope you didn’t think just because it’s Pride Month, that we were just gonna sliiiiiiiide past it being Juneteenth on Monday, and you weren’t gonna hear my mouth. (Laughs… HARD) Your favorite unhinged black Femdom has something to say, about all of that. So sit down, shutup, and read my Ebony Femdom Juneteenth. It involves humiliating foot worship, and you being a pathetic disappointment and degrading yourself for my delight.

Ebony Femdom Juneteenth

To be frank, I really dislike discussing certain things, like politics and religion. However where this (fake ass) holiday is concerned, I will say that I am rather disappointed but not surprised that “massa” tried to placate us with making this a holiday. This country has a rich history of well…. let’s not go there. Anyway what I need you white bois to do for Juneteenth, is actually really easy to do. Pay me and STFU.  In my line of work, I will tell you, that I love being paid to tell white people to shut the fuck up. If you have to be in my presence on Monday, you will need to be even less annoying than you normally would need to be. So on Monday, I’m welcoming – really I welcome them any time – ignore calls, where you sit on the phone and be quiet.

No Emotional Labor On Ebony Femdom Juneteenth And Lots Of Humiliation

Before I tell you exactly what I have planned for Monday,  I’m gonna tell you right now don’t ask me to explain sh** to you. You better have a friend in Jesus and Google and pray that both of them can help you. If you don’t know something, look it up. While you’re at it write a 500 word essay on Juneteenth.  Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s talk about humiliation foot worship.

Ebony Femdom Humiliating Foot Worship

My life is always made easier when men pamper me. I always get what I want.  Remember those two things and to refrain from whining to me about “what you want” if you call me on Monday.  Monday is pay black women and be ignored while I use you as a doormat, day.  And to all of you risk takers out there, who love being pummeled into submission, but have fantasies about being dominated by black women: MY holiday is the perfect day, to be my bitch, and make me comfortable.  My feet will be the only part of my body you are allowed to look at, worship, and touch. And you can only touch my feet, with your face and mouth.

What Happened To A Kinder Gentler Duchess Willow?

She’s taking the day off. Bitch. If you need something else to read while I’m ignoring you, peep my things to do on an ignore call, for starters. The rest I’m not going to tell you until you call me. That means be ready to do whatever I tell you to do, and if you cry about it I’m going to laugh at you. I expect you to be able to follow explicit instructions and do exactly as you’re told. This is a test to see how well you handle being my toy for a day. Many of you claim to want a woman to take control, but you don’t really mean that. You mean YOU want your Domme to follow the script you’ve envisioned every time you pump your lube filled cock sleeve. Guess what love? I’m not your cock sleeve.

The Aftermath Of Ebony Femdom Juneteenth

Suffer my wrath and maybe the “nice” Duchess Willow will come back and want to talk to you on Tuesday.  The “nice” Duchess Willow will spank you and tell you you’re a naughty boi and make all your dreams come true. The dark side of a Cancer moon woman is your worst nightmare. People have this misconception about cancer women, yes we’re emotional, no… I don’t sit around crying. I’d rather make you cry instead.

The Duchess of Ebony Femdom Phone Sex

Ebony Femdom Black Supremacy – Is It Real?

I know some of you are familiar with a black supremacy fetish called BNWO which is basically a form of fantasy “reverse racism.” So lemme put you on real quick: Real reverse racism doesn’t exist.  I know it’s upsetting when you discover that all of your privilege does not leave room for you to be oppressed, but since everyone else is delusional then I’m going to join you in the wackadoodle party.  If it was a thing, you wouldn’t last 5 seconds. Since it’s not, the only way you can experience it, is through a fetish roleplay fantasy. I’m here to help you reach your delusional best. Just remember one simple thing: BNWO means you serve black Dominants…… not white Dommes who fuck black men.  So leave your Qos nonsense the fuck out of it. That is not a service, to us.

What Kind Of Callers Does The Ebony Femdom Get?

Everything from sensual foot worship, to the nastiest little crackhead sissies (literally) want to serve me. Basically…. come closer….. (whispering) I do everything the white Dommes do. With a few exceptions obviously, which I’m sure you bitches know, what not to say to me if you want to keep your teeth. Figuratively speaking of course.  I like indulging my fantasies just as much as you do, which is why I’m going to rub my delicious feet all over your face and make a pretty mess of you.

Foot Worship With The Ebony Femdom

Pick your jaw up off the floor and get used to a Dominant woman actually speaking her mind. I make these informative posts deliberately, because it takes a certain pedigree of submissive, to satisfy my needs. If you want to call me tonight, or tomorrow, for diversity training, you’re welcome to. If you don’t want to be ignored, I’d suggest you have something interesting and respectful to say or I swear I’ll put the phone down and play bejeweled while you talk to yourself.  If you can’t call read acts of service and share this blog around. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. You’re welcome to pay reparations in the form of virtual bouquets, when you connect with dispatch. Have the day you deserve.

Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)



Pride Month And Diversity In Phone Sex With The Ebony Femdom (And Birthdays Too)

Pride Month With The Ebony Femdom And Diversity In Phone Sex
Party with Duchess Willow for her birthday and celebrate Pride Month and diversity in phone sex 1-800-601-6975

I cannot for the life of me understand, why people are so fragile while simultaneously trying to micromanage other people’s lives……. I’m working on this kinder, gentler vibe, just know, that sometimes you have to be blunt with people, because they don’t understand kindness.  With that said, it’s pride month, and we’re going to talk about diversity in phone sex, ebony femdom thoughts how to have a happy pride, and why you can always talk to us, and explore your sexuality, with us.

Pride Month And Diversity In Phone Sex

It seems within our diverse society, most of the opinionated mouth breathers, have a lot to say and no knowledge to back it up. If you don’t have experience as a business manager, would you tell a manager how to do their job? Don’t answer that, I know some of the Karen’s and Steve’s are reading this. Stop telling people how to live their lives especially if you are not fucking them, and their identity does not in any way impact who you choose to invite to your bedroom, who you stick your dick into, and whom you spread your fucking legs for.

Pride Month – Be Authentically You

That’s about as politely as I am going to say that, as someone who has gay, trans, bisexual loved ones, and… sadly, some very homophobic, transphobic relatives, who have let a man made book dictate their programming.  The same way I can’t tell a trans person how to live their life, is how I feel about most things I have experience with, that others, do not.  So no matter what your background, you’re welcome to discuss your sexuality, and kink fantasies with us, so long as you respect everyone’s boundaries. Now that.. hmm… seems to be a very difficult thing.. for some people. Which is why I’m writing this blog.

Boundaries And Identity As A Part Of The LGBTQ+

Doesn’t matter what gender or sexual orientation you identify with, we can all stand to have better manners. For instance, I’m heteroflexible. That means I’ve had experiences with the same sex, and my preference is masculine men.  If someone walked up to me and said, “oh you only like men because you’ve never tried being with a woman” or any variation of that, I’d probably kick them in the teeth. So I think it’s very strange when team “pray the gay away” starts their foolishness.  Same goes for your fantasies. Be mindful that your fantasy is just that, and what may turn you on – such as your trans cocksucking fantasy, with those “words” you definitely should not say to a trans person – might be offensive to someone else. (Looks at the sissies sternly) Speaking of sissies… Let’s have a little chat about that.

Is The Sissy Lifestyle Problematic Or “Harmful” To Trans People?

Since this is a fetish we cater to, it’s important to understand and acknowledge, that outside of the BDSM/Kink community, there are many people who find the sissy fetish, offensive and harmful to transgender people. My umbrella answer to that question, is that all kinks are problematic.  Qos is hella racist, and yet some black men are okay with it. Notice I didn’t mention what non-black person was okay with it, because yall don’t have a say in what’s offensive, to black people. Many cis men are into the sissy fetish and also the qos fantasy – as discussed in ethical tattoos for sissies, as are some white women.  I don’t police all black men, I’m just gonna tell you that you should tread lightly, and mind your manners when approaching black men. Show them the same respect you expect to be shown in your privileged, professional lives.

More On The Sissy Kink In Relation To LGBTQ+

The sissy terminology has evolved from being used as a slur against gay men, to being a term for men who are into feminization as a form of Domination. Not all crossdressers are sissies, not all sissies are crossdressers, and not all trans people are “sissies” and some may find being called a sissy, offensive.  However you will come across trans women who indulge in the sissy fetish, and call themselves sissies, and are not offended by it. So as a general rule: Don’t assume. Ask.


Being Safe When Indulging Your Kinks

This one is for the men, who throw caution and their own safety to the wind, when they have an erection.  Be careful approaching men when you’re looking for a cock to suck, or to get fucked by. Because while I know there’s plenty of men who will take you up on the offer to get a blow job, there’s also plenty of men who might take offense to being approached by you, in your time of need. And I promise you your horniness is not more important than ending up in the ER, or needing your teeth rearranged.  Unfortunately, there are people in this world that – if they find out you’re cruising for the “gay” experience – will take measures to harm you, out of pure hatred and phobia.


Safe Spaces For LGBTQ+ In Kink

I am always going to suggest finding local groups to indulge in your kink, and finding safe spaces and safe people, to play with.  With that in mind, I would definitely suggest you call the ladies at LDW, before you embark on any wild adventures. Why? Because sometimes your fantasy works better as a roleplay, than it does in terms of logistics.  Especially if we’re talking about the more risque fetishes. There are a lot of things we can talk about, that are safer discussing, than they are doing.

Celebrating Pride And… Birthdays With The Ebony Femdom

Celebrate Pride Month with me and you’ll also be helping me celebrate another year of Ebony Femdom Phone Sex. My birthday is June 29th and I will be claiming the entire month – possibly part of next month – to party.  I believe there’s a special raffle going around for our valued customers. Do a 60+ minute phone sex session, possibly win a prize if the odds are in your favor.  If you’d like to spend a little time with me, you can do that by dialing 1-800-601-6975 and asking for Duchess Willow. And if you ask nicely, I’ll let you kiss my feet, since phone sex foot fetish is our site of the month. Stay safe, and stay blessed.


Duchess Willow


Duchess Willow $ Gifts $

Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)