Did you have a fabulous Pride month? I certainly did, now let’s talk about the upcoming 2024 Strokeathon. Who says sissies can’t stroke? Especially when the majority of the time the little sluts can’t keep their hands off their appendages to save their lives. We’re going to put that ingrained urge to stroke and be sassy to work, darlings. Take the Ebony Femdom sissy Strokeathon challenge, and you won’t be penalized for putting your hands down your panties.
Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge
Frilly pussy bois like to have fun, so why should the “fems” be excluded from the 2024 strokeathon? The strokeathon is named such because it’s for strokers. Some strokers might be manly men who like to pump and handfuck themselves into oblvion, but the fact is that the sissies, crossdresser, fembois and tgirls also…. like to stroke. So let me make this abundantly clear: The Strokeathon is rated E for EVERYONE (18+ or older). If you have a penis, and you want the attention and adoration of an audience of dominant women, now’s your chance. So let’s talk about entry and registration tings.
How To Join The 2024 Strokeathon
All you have to do if you’re interested in entering the strokeathon challenge, is purchase a 60 minute call through dispatch. When you call in you can get the details, FROM dispatch, as they will have all the details for you to keep things streamlined. As the event gets closer, you will be given instructions on the where’s and when’s. In the mean time, let’s discuss your stroke training, bois and gurls.
Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge Training
If you want some preparatory training on being a strokeathon participant, all you need to do is call in for your guided masturbation and jerk off instruction. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Well… that might not be true but… you might as well get 60 minutes of training in, since that’s what you need to enter. Rememeber that if you want to win a prize, you will have to perform, for us. Now’s not the time to be shy, and since any other time you lot are gagging to show off your dick, now you will get a prize for doing so… but only if you join the strokeathon.

Strokeathon Prizes For The Winning “Stroker”
If you would like more information in general about how to join the 2024 strokeathon and what will be expected of you, please visit the daily cock strokeathon 2024 blog and please…. READ all the information there as it’s designed to help you. Bookmark the blog post if you need to. Oh… and there are prizes for 3 lucky winners. Up to a free 60 minute call if you are the last stroker standing.
The Strokeathon May Be The Only Time You’re Allowed To Cum
Normally I would exercise caution and advise control, but for the strokeathon, we want you to cum, absolutely. The strokeathon will take place on September 7th and there will be TWO time slots: 1pm and 8pm both EASTERN time. If you need help training, you can call or purchase a text session from sexy texting. You must have skype or discord for your text sessions and please email me first because I’m not always in front of my computer. And in case this was not obvious, you don’t have to be a sissy, to call for strokeathon training. I am simply letting you readers know, that all the dick strokers are welcome.
Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge Training – Are You Ready?
If you’re ready to train to be the very best, winning stroker, sissy, femboy, gooner, jerkoff junkie, just call me. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. May the best stroker win. Stay safe, and stay blessed.
Duchess Willow
Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist
Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast
Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)