Aside from yourself, and your cock, we occasionally get the question of what to bring to a session. If you want to have a successful teasing phone sex session, here are a few tips before you call The Ebony Femdom. Take notes.
What To Bring To A Teasing Phone Sex Session
For best results, bring an open mind and open ears. Sometimes people call us who want guidance, and then they get derailed because they’re locked inside their heads, or they’re distracted. Now I don’t mind talkers, as a matter of fact I love chatty callers who like to have fun. Just keep in mind that if you ask me a question, an you have other things on your mind, pace yourself, and ask one question, and then close your mouth so I can answer that question for you. I understand when you’re horny, and excited, sometimes it allllllll comes out like one big run on sentence. Slow down speedy, teasing phone sex is not a race.. unless of course you’re looking for a quickie before you have to dash, in which case, I have pointers for when you are short on time. Get to the point, so I can get you to where you need to go, if you get my meaning.

Teasing Phone Sex Stroke Tools
Personally, I think the experience will be more enjoyable for you if you are showered, and relaxed. You’d be surprised how much a clean body plays into your experience, especially if you need to wash the day off you. If you’re a juicy july phone sex early bird just waking up, morning tease and JOI can be an invigorating start to your day. And of course there’s the lunch break office quickie.. but don’t get caught, stroker. So what to bring with you to your session? Lube, for starters. You can use dollar store lube – like someone who shall remain nameless loves to do – or you can use your favorite lotion or massage oil. A lubricated dick is always going to feel better than a dry jerk. Furthermore, dry rubs are for steaks and pork loins. While I do enjoy treating you like a piece of meat from time to time, I prefer a well lubricated penis, for guided stroking.
Guided Masturbation When You Can’t Talk
In the event you haven’t read any of our blogs and you’re not on Twitter, we do realize that it is summer, and that because of certain issues, like lack of privacy on summer break, you may not be able to place a call. Which is why LDW is offering a 20% off discount for text and skype sessions. So if you need someone to help you stroke, but you can’t talk and a phone session is out of the question, you can text. Speaking of texting and discounts, the phone sex assignments store is also 20% off. Which means if you need guided email instructions or sms texting, you can get my email and sms texting package for discreet naughty talk. I also offer audio dick ratings, which… you could jerk off to while you’re being critiqued.
Teasing Phone Sex Audios From The Ebony Femdom
Picture this, you’re locked in your bathroom or hall closet, trying to jerk off via text, but you keep getting interrupted. Very frustrating yes? Have you ever thought of maybe purchasing a wank playlist of phone sex audios? You don’t need to text, or call, you can just set up your kinky playlist, put on your earbuds, and tease that cock without anyone finding out what you’re doing. Phone sex audios are also discounted, and the best part is you can keep the audios for as long as you have your device, or whatever forever looks like for you. The only thing that is not discounted is custom erotic audios, however please know, that if you don’t see what you’re looking for in the audio store, you can purchase a custom adult audio, catered specifically to your fantasy.

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Audios
Just to give you a quick break down of what’s in my store, here are a few titles available:
Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow 3D Gooning Pornosexual Length – 6:11 minutes. This one is for the gooning, trance lovers. In MP4 video format. Stare at the screen, listen to my voice, and go blank, while you stroke.
Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow – White Boi Training Trance Length: 10:19 minutes. White men love being put in their place by black women. You won’t be able to resist the drop into subspace.
Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow Limp Penis CBT Instruction Length: 5:44 minutes. This audio was inspired by a man who couldn’t use his words and missed a delicious opportunity when he fumbled the bag. It is as funny as it is humiliating. You might even catch a whiff of second hand embarrassment for the poor soul.
White Male Sissy Verbal Humiliation by Duchess Willow Length – 5:53 minutes. If you crave degradation with a sweet sting, sissy, this is for you. You’re so pathetic there’s no category for your disappointing meat sack.
Ebony Femdom Human Ashtray Slave Length – 15:09 For the smoking/human ashtray fetish crowd.
Be A Good Toy Induction Trance Length: 3:10 Short and sweet, if you like mindfuck, erotic meditation and mind control, this will jump start your journey.
Ebony Femdom Cock Mantra Length: 5:19 More mind control bliss. This time in dick form. Do you love cock? Are you a dick licker? You can surely pass the test, can’t you?
Ebony Giantess Asscrack Island Length: 26:55 If you enjoyed our Giantess Island themed start to summer, and you love a big ole ebony ass, this one will smother you.. quite literally.
Gooning Masturbation Trance Length: 10:02 You thought the Ebony Femdom was just a cartoon, and discover her influence is very much real. Submit, and goon for Duchess.
I also have phone sex ringtones available, if you’re in need of a quick, humiliating fix, of Duchess Willow.
If you would like a custom erotic audio from me, email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com and go to my custom audio profile for details and pricing.
Ebony Femdom Teasing Phone Sex
In the event that you’re able to call in and would like a teasing phone sex call with The Duchess, I’d be delighted to hear from you. Call me at 1-877-496-0251 and ask for Duchess Willow. Have a wonderful summer, stay safe and stay blessed.
Duchess Willow
Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist
Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast
Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)