Ebony Femdom Cock Tease Barbecue

Ebony Femdom Cock Tease Duchess Willow
Enjoy Duchess Willow’s ebony femdom cock tease story and then give her a call. 1-800-601-6975

It has been a long winter and a shut in spring, so I decide to throw a pool party and barbecue. Women’s dress code is skimpy bikinis, men’s dress code is skimpy speedos. I purposely do this, to separate the men from the boys. You know that you are not as well endowed as other men, so you are rather embarrassed to have to wear such a small and defining article of clothing. After changing clothes, you come out and timidly try to find somewhere to sit, hoping no one notices you, as you dart toward a lounge chair, you hear my voice calling you over to me. Red faced, you turn around to see me smirking at you and wearing a nearly sheer navy blue string bikini, that barely covers my tits and ass.

Ebony Femdom Cock Tease

All of the other women there were also scantilly clad, and then you noticed the men were wearing speedos and proudly displaying their huge cocks. You were flustered as I chatted with you and introduced you to a few of my femdom friends, my breasts rubbing against your arm. Struggling to keep your composure, you attempted as best you could to hide your little bump, but it was no use. I gave you the task of serving drinks to some guests, across on the other side of the pool. That meant you had to carry a tray and could not hide your tiny dick any more. Your face reddened as you took the tray, having to move slowly so as not to spill any of the cocktails.

Pool Party Erections

You could hear the gorgeous femdoms chuckling and commenting on the lack of package in your swimming briefs, and in the back of your mind you imagined them giving you sensual handjobs and stroking you to climax. Each one looking you up and down as they took drinks and thanked you while laughing. What’s worse, is that the women’s hot bodies were making it hard for you to concentrate. So much so, that after emptying the tray of cocktails, you hastily put down the drink tray, and raced off to the bathroom. You couldn’t take anymore, pulling down your swim trunks and jerking your teeny weeny in the privacy of the bathroom, or so you thought. Stroking feverishly, you knew that if you could just release the frustrating urge, you could make it through the rest of the party.

Masturbation Interruption

A knock at the door stopped you, right on the edge of orgasm, “who is it??” you cried out. “Boy stop playing with me,” I snapped, unlocking the door with the master key. I stood there and grabbed your arm roughly, “I knew you’d run away to jerk off, me and my friends were placing bets on how long you would hold up, and you didn’t disappoint.” I clicked a button on the remote I was holding, and the flat screen in the bathroom came to life, your face plastered across the screen, huffing and puffing, loud laughter roaring in the background. You were horrified. Not only had I caught you masturbating, I had hidden a camera in the one place I knew you’d try to escape.

Tiny Jerkoff Show

Despite your whining and crying and begging, I dragged you back outside, where everyone was gathered in a circle, “Here he is!” I said laughing, “the star of the show.” I turned to look at you, “well go on, now that everyone is here we want to see you finish, go on… jerk your little dick for my friends, show them how you rub your tiny nub. They’ve already seen you in the bathroom, and so have the men.” You looked up, and all the men in attendance were now nude, and being caressed and stroked by their female dominant counterparts. “Stroke now while we give these men a hand. Stroke now and these real men will shoot their loads in your honor.”

Femdom Circle Jerk Barbecue

Your little clit got hard and began leaking when you saw how big and thick those cocks were, the chronic masturbator in you took hold, rubbing and tugging your tiny penis, the women laughing, the men with defiant, pleased smirks on their faces, as one by one, they were given a delicious release, as you knelt in the center of the circle, crying and jerking off, and squirting your load as you were sprayed with cum.

Ebony Femdom Tiny Dick Humiliation

So now that you know how the memorial day weekend began, don’t you want to know how it ends? I will tell you what happens, as I’m sure you may have some ideas of your own, just call me. 1-800-601-6975 is where you can reach me, just ask for Duchess Willow. Purchase a sexy texting session online if you would prefer to chat on skype. I hope you’ve enjoyed this ebony femdom cock tease story, the masturbation may blog train is coming to an end, but there’s one more to go. Up next, is your last stop on the choo choo, with Mistress Hunter. If you missed any posts, start here with Mistress Brighton. Talk soon and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow

@DuchessWillow_ Twitter

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Ebony Erotic Domination – The Duchess Owns You

Duchess Willow Ebony Phonesex
Ebony Erotic Domination with Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Ebony erotic domination, is an experience that involves all your senses, and even when remotely engaged, one that can be sensual and long lasting. If you’ve been following along with my tales of the black woman’s experience, you know that I take my craft seriously, and that I like to have fun being a fuck doll, when I’m not fucking, the fuck dolls. My realm of domination involves my pleasure, just as much as yours, and hands on, hand jobs, and handy submissives. That means if your pleasure is being my cock sock, and screaming my name, then your reality will be such.

Ebony Erotic Domination Is About Pleasure

Domination means different things, to different people. For some dominants, BDSM and femdom have nothing to do with sexual penetration. Since there is hard core domination, and sensual bdsm, you need to choose the right Mistress, for the realm of femdom you want to make your home. Which means if you like oral servitude, you probably want to play out a scene with a femdom, who enjoys oral sex. What this all means in regards to ebony erotic domination, is that I do enjoy oral sluts. Just read the ebony office domme, to get a taste.. pun intended. There is more to erotic domination, that is sensual and enjoyable for both the dominant and the submissive, and you have to be open and willing to learn what pleases, your Mistress.

An Ebony Erotica Experience

So how would a submissive provide an erotic experience to the ebony femdom? By making yourself a resource, as opposed to a burden. I like male submissives that bring something to the table – like my dinner and a glass of pino noir, for starters. Men who know how to cook, and serve, make me very, very happy. You know what else makes me happy? Bubble baths and a scalp massage. Because of the time and energy it takes to wash my hair, by the time I’m done, all I want is relaxation. So draw me a bath, wash my feet, massage my back, wash my hair, don’t worry about technique, that’s where my instruction comes in, I tell you what I like, and what feels good, and you answer that call to action. So after a nice bath and a scalp massage, what I want from my submissive, is butt rubs.

Ebony Sensual Massage – Pamper Your Mistress

My favorite scent of massage oil is jasmine, warmed up, and rubbed over every inch of my body, starting with my back, and working down to my luscious ass cheeks, where you will knead, and massage all the stress and tension out of my body. Nothing puts me to sleep faster, than butt rubs. Of course you’re going to finish massaging my whole body first, because touch, is very sensual, but don’t be surprised if I fall asleep on you. And before you start pouting, there is no better gift to your dominant, than a restful sleep. There are other gifts of course, so I’m going to share with you how you can further be an asset to your Mistress.

Pampering And Gifting The Ebony Femdom

Step number one: Go to my wishlist. Nothing puts a smile on my face like receiving an unexpected gift from a respectfully obedient sub. Step number two: Respect my time. I know you want my attention, I want my light bill paid, you feel me? So showing me that you value my time is essential to endearing me, to you. And how you show me you value my time, is by doing phone and text sessions with me, this works two ways. The first way is that it ensures that you get my whole and complete attention, and the second is that while in session with me, you can get all your questions answered, from the intimate, to the absolutely insane in nature, and I will make you feel like you and I are the only two people in this world.

Energize Your Ebony Femdom

Think about that. What does someone who claims to be a submissive, asking several questions of a mistress, and expecting free attention look like, as opposed to an in session experience, where you know all those pressing questions will be answered, and your mind be put at ease? You want your mind at ease, and my attention, yes? You want to give me the respect and submission I deserve, yes? Then this is something that will be clear to you, and comprehensible. I want us both to enjoy and receive pleasure from each other. How much do you enjoy the company of someone who endlessly nags you? Unless your fetish is the nagging, non stop talking housewife that is never satisfied, that answer would be none. In this same regard, I do not enjoy the company of a nagging disrespectful so called submissive. So make sure your energy is one that feeds my spirit.

How To Have An Ebony Erotic Domination Experience

If you are able, follow the succeeding instructions on doing sessions with me. And if you are unable, yet you still want to subjugate yourself to me in some form, you can help by sharing. I use social media to spread the word about my services. If finances are an obstacle to sessions, you can serve and show your appreciation by linking to my blogs, liking tweets, leaving comments on blogs, and being an essential social media sub. If you want “free” social media assignments, email me.

Follow The Ebony Femdom’s Instructions

You have the option of calling, texting, or custom erotic instruction, in the event that you are unable to call or text. I know you may have limited privacy. For phone appointments, 1-800-601-6975 is the number, and Duchess Willow is the name. You can pay for texting sessions online, at sexy texting. For custom ebony erotic domination audios, email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com for inquiries, and purchase your custom audio online at the highlighted location. That is painfully simple, don’t you think? And it is something that will make us both, very happy. Until then, thank you for reading this blog, and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow

Twitter: @DuchessWillow_

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast


The Ebony Office Domme – Duchess Gets Revenge

The Ebony Office Domme is getting her revenge on her pervert boss. 1-800-601-6975


The Masturbation May blog train is 9 stops in, so if you missed any of them, start here with Mistress Brighton.

Willow’s boss was the type of man you would see on a commercial for douching products. Always making inappropriate comments to the women in the office, and specifically leering at his curvy secretary. He was the vice president of the company, and first in line to take over when the old man retired, so everyone made sure to stay on their toes around him, and Willow remained polite, and tolerated his crude advances… for a time.

The Ebony Office Domme Started Out As A Secretary

Duchess Willow was required by the office dress code, to wear a blouse and skirts and heels with pantyhose, every day. Her boss would groan and make rude noises when she walked into his office, out of his office, down the hall. Her breasts and round ebony ass were commented on daily. “Man you can really see your tits bounce in that blouse, I bet I could see your nipples if you weren’t wearing a bra.” Willow smirked and replied, “thank you, Mr. Peters,” before walking away.

Duchess’ Revenge

The daily commenting began to get more and more aggressive, until one day, while working late, Mr. Peters walked past Willow, and his hand firmly groped her ass. He leaned in, and whispered in her ear, “I jerk off every night when I get home, thinking about cumming on those tits.” Willow was visibly alarmed and stared at him. Mr. Peters smiled slyly, “I just can’t stop masturbating for you,” he laughed, “I’m an addict!” He called her into his office before it was time for her to leave, that same night. “Mr. Peters, you wanted to see me?”

“You know, Willow, I’ve been thinking, your review is coming up, and you are up for a raise. You’ve been doing a great job but….. I think we both know you could do so much better.”

Willow looked at him, and then she noticed that the bottom of his shirt was pulled out of his slacks, and the zipper was open. She raised an eyebrow and pretended to be confused, “why what do you mean, Mr. Peters?” she asked, arching her back and pushing her breasts out, shifting her footing just so, making them jiggle visibly. He couldn’t take his eyes off her breasts, and she continued to play it up, arching and posing as she waited for his response.

“I think you know exactly….”

You can’t stop staring at my perfect tits, can you?

Mr. Peters paused, hearing the voice, “I’m sorry… well I mean… what did you say?”

“Sorry? I didn’t say anything Mr. Peters, I was waiting for you to finish your sentence.” Willow blinked daftly, and continued with the most subtle of movements, drawing attention to her curves.

He stammered, “I was saying that I think you know what I want, Willow.”

Sink into trance, for me.

His eyes glazed over, “I.. I don’t under-”

The Awakening

When Mr. Peters came to, he was still in his office, and Willow was still standing in front of him, and she was smiling. Something was off, but he couldn’t figure out what it was, until he tried to open his mouth and speak. “I am Duchess Willow’s obedient slave,” he uttered the words in horror. His hands flew to his mouth, and her grin got wider.

“I will do all that Duchess Willow commands, including making her a shareholder in the company, and giving her my office, and a six figure raise.” Mr. Peters rose to his feet, enraged at what was happening to him.

“What the fuck is going on?!” he yelled, “I never agreed to anything, I would never make you a partner in the company, you’re.. you’re just a secretary!”

Duchess laughed at his furious outburst, locking her gaze on him. “I think you better take a look at the email you just sent out, then. And.. the paperwork you signed stating that I am a new shareholder. You’ve already transferred over power to me, Mr. Peters. Or don’t you remember, you signed everything into place 6 months ago.”

Six months? He shook his head, “that’s impossible, I didn’t-” he looked at the date on his phone, and to his horror, the date on his phone matched her statement. Looking around the office, he noticed the furniture had changed, as had her attire, and then he looked down. He was shirtcocking, wearing nothing but his button up and a pair of socks. On his upper right thigh, there was some writing. When he looked closer, he realized it was a tattoo, with her name, The Ebony Femdom, and a barcode. He backed away from her, and then tried to open the door, finding it locked.

The Office Domme Takes Control

“You aren’t going anywhere, Mr. Peters. Like the barcode on your thigh says, you’re my property now, and you follow my orders.” She snapped her fingers, and Mr. Peters face went slack, dropping to his knees, he lifted up his shirt, and began stroking his cock.

“Do you remember what you told me, Mr. Peters? Do you remember when you said you masturbate thinking of me every night? My perfect tits, and nice round ass?”

“Perfect tits, and nice round ass,” he repeated, “I masturbate for Duchess Willow, she controls my cock and mind. I always do as I’m told.”

Duchess smiled, as she rested her knee high leather boots on the desk, and tapped a riding crop on the side of the mahogany wood. “And you love to masturbate for me don’t you? Because every time you cum, you sink deeper into my control. Cum makes you dumb.”

Mr. Peters stared blankly and kept stroking, “cum makes me dumb, I love to masturbate for Duchess Willow.”

His head tilted back and his body began to sway to the tapping of the riding crop. Willow snapped her fingers and he froze, motionless. “Now crawl to me, and take your place.”

The Office Domme’s Throne

Willow was sitting in her new office, going over some reports, and sending an email to the CEO: “Why don’t we meet for lunch? I know you can’t stop thinking about me,” the email read. The CEO replied almost instantly, “yes Duchess, thinking about you, and stroking for you.” She smiled and sipped her coffee, just as her assistant came in. “Miss Willow? Your 3 P.M.appointment is here.”

Duchess waved a hand, “send him in,” shifting her weight and looking down. Beneath her desk, Mr. Peters edged his hard cock absentmindedly, in an erotic trance, his face buried deep in Willow’s ass, happily and obediently licking away at her pussy. She crossed and uncrossed her legs, wiggling on top of his face and smiling at her blank, stroking boy toy. “You are so right, Mr. Peters,” she purred, as he muffled a response, “you are an addict, and look at where your chronic masturbating has gotten you?” Her new ebony facesitting chair had no response.

Sessions With The Ebony Office Domme

If you liked the story and you would like to have a phone sex session with me, I am reachable at the following number: 1-800-601-6975. Ask for Duchess Willow, you are welcome to also purchase your time online, and for a texting session, by going to sexy texting. Masturbation May is heating up, and Miss Constance is next on your blog train journey. Enjoy and stay safe.


Duchess Willow

@DuchessWillow_ Twitter


Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast


May The Fourth Be With You – The Duchess Of Jedi Handjobs

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow May the fourth
May The Fourth Be With You. Welcome to the masturbation may blog train. 1-800-601-6975

May The Fourth Be With You

In a galaxy, far far away… The death star may be a ship, but Duchess Willow was a fourth, to be reckoned with. Across the galaxy, she was known for her handjobs, but The Duchess also had a secret weapon.

The Sith Trained Handjob Master

No one knew the key to her mind altering stroke game, or how she could have you rock hard before you unzipped your space suit. But the school for Jedi training, might have a clue. They say she was the real reason Darth Vader went insane and turned to the dark side. Or that no matter how hard anyone tried, they just couldn’t replicate her technique. After discovering Willow was gifted, she was kidnapped and trained by the sith, as a handjob master, and a cunning intergalactic seductress. No man could resist her handjobs.

The Power Of The Fourth

It was rumored that she used the fourth, to stroke men’s dicks with her midichlorian rich mind power. No man could resist her. But as with many of the republic planet leaders, there were those who opposed a Sith Ebony Femdom Sorceress using their power to stroke men’s cocks. Especially when that was how she managed to steal so many ships, and about 12 dozen clone soldiers. Even the clones couldn’t resist a good handjob.

An Elusive Space Villainess

So the republic set out to stop her, and Duchess escaped without a trace, taking her stolen ships, and horny clone soldiers, with her.  The ebony femdom disappeared for several years, and no one knew where she’d gone. Until a loner stumbled upon the planet she called home. Luvok crash landed on the distant planet, and abandoned the wreckage in search of food and shelter.  He found the small cottage in the swamp, unable to resist the scent of bubbling stew and fresh baked bread. Luvok looked around, but was unable to locate the inhabitant of the cottage. He decided he was just rest for a moment in the den, but as soon as he leaned his head back, he was fast asleep.

Waking Up Horny On A Strange Planet

When Luvok woke, the cottage was dark and quiet, and he had a need for masturbation, that would not be ignored. He unzipped his pants, pulled his cock out and began stroking. Closing his eyes and letting his head loll back. It was the first time he’d been able to masturbate, since he left his home planet.

“I sense the fourth, and a horny stroker.”

The silky voice startled Luvok, and before he could reply, his arm flew back and was pinned behind his head. His erection standing at attention helplessly. “What’s going on, who are you,” Luvok cried out.
The vision that emerged before him, The Duchess in the flesh, Jedi robe opened down to the navel, her hands resting at her sides, was nothing he’d expected when he first began jerking off. He knew who she was immediately. “It’s you, how did you-”

She cut him off, raising her right hand, “we’ll discuss that later.” Her index finger flexed, and suddenly his cock was throbbing and moving as if someone or something, was stroking it. Luvok groaned in pleasure, as she used the fourth to control his cock.

The Duchess Of Handjobs

Now he knew it was true. Duchess was a rogue Jedi, living on the outskirts of the galaxy, and the ebony femdom was just as powerful as his teachers had told of. His shirt and pants slipped off his body, her fingers fluttering in the space between them. Luvok felt a pulsing sensation in his balls.  He was right on the edge, he felt a twisting tingle ghost around his shaft, and then a hot creamy spurt of cum shot out, and froze in place, as did his cock.

Jedi Handjobs And Denial

Luvok moaned in agony, “please, I beg you, please finish, I need to cum, I’ll do anything you ask!”

The Duchess smiled at him, “I need you to return to the republic, and give them a message, for me. I’ll provide you with a new ship, you will go back and retrieve something for me, and pass along my message to Master Yoda. If you do as I tell you, I will give you the best handjob you’ve ever had, and then some. But for now, I’m going to leave you like that, to make sure you do as you’re told, and return back to me.”

Retrieval Of The Jedi Duchess’ Lightsaber

By the time Luvok reached Coruscant, it had been more than half a day since The Duchess had given him a new ship, and left him with blue balls. Every step he took made his cock ache more, all he could think about, was breaking into the Jedi temple, to retrieve the ebony femdom’s lightsaber, and give Master Yoda her message. His face was pale and pasty, as he walked up the steps, biting down on his lip and trying not to make any noise. He made it inside unnoticed, and followed Willow’s directions to the hidden room that held her lightsaber. Just as he emerged from the safe room, he heard Yoda’s voice, and turned around to greet him. Yoda paused before speaking, and grunted, alarmed by Luvok’s appearance, and rigid hard on that wouldn’t quit.

A Message From The Sith Duchess

“Unwell, you look, what has happened?” Yoda said.

“She used the fourth on me!” he complained. “I need to cum so bad, I’m sorry Master Yoda, I had to do what she told me.” Luvok’s dick ached from having a priapismic erection for the past 48 hours, and his face was drained of color.

Yoda grunted, “of course,” another grunt, “a powerful Jedi, she is. And more there is, to tell me?”

“Yes.. she has a message for you, Master Yoda. And then I’m sorry, but I must hurry, I really need to get back so she can give me a handjob.”

“To do what she wants?” Yoda asked.

Luvok groaned loudly and shook his head, “no, it’s too late for that. She wanted me to tell you, that she is going to destroy the republic by giving everyone ruined orgasms, and there is nothing you can do to stop her.” The guards entered the temple, and Luvok shot at them using the special energy blaster Willow had given him. Within seconds the men dropped to their knees, cum leaking from their robes. Luvok escaped, leaving Yoda to tend to the men. He only hoped he could make it back in time, and that The Duchess would fulfill her promise and relieve his aching cock.

Masturbation May Continues

I hope you enjoyed this Star Wars addition to the masturbation may blog train. If you missed the beginning, please click the link to return to Miss Brighton’s blog train commencement post. If you would like to speak with me, the number to reach me is 1-800-601-6975. Ask for Duchess Willow, and may the fourth be with you. Get ready for the next stop on the blog train: Mistress Scarlet’s Cinco de Mayo.

Duchess Willow

Twitter: @DuchessWillow_


Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast