Diversity Training And Black Femdom Reparations For White Subs

Diversity Training
Diversity training with Duchess Willow is specifically for white bois who need to be put in their place. Call 1-800-601-6975 and get what you deserve.


In my last post, I addressed something that occurred, and I want to clarify. Someone once gave me some powerful advice, and that was, to acknowledge even the little things, because if you have enough little things build up, they turn into bigger issues. I do not regret anything I said in that post, especially since it had happened before, and the last few times it happened I just ignored it.

And why should I? I refuse to apologize for standing my ground, on something that might seem small, but is not. I’m not interested in being cordial with people who think it’s okay to repeatedly be abrasive and disrespectful. I learned after entering the sex work arena, how a lot of white male dogs view black women, and if they aren’t going to apologize neither am I. A lot of what I have experienced, is the reason I believe there needs to be training for white bois, and that they need to be put in their place.

You can talk to me about whatever you want to talk about, as long as you are respectful. The minute you cross that line, you deserve whatever response you get from me. Let’s move onto the topic of this post, shall we? White boi training, and your much needed schooling. Below you will find out all you need to know, about what to expect during your forte into black femdom cock control.

I said what I said


Black Femdom Truths

I won’t tone down my language to make non-blacks feel comfortable. Your comfort is not my concern, and if you cannot stand in your truth without getting offended, then go talk to your therapist about it. White fragility is rooted in a privilege that black women do not have in this country. Yall get real uncomfortable when you’re privilege is brought up, yet its foundation is built on the backs of black men and women. That’s okay, because I have a solution for white male fragility. Diversity training and black femdom reparations. If you’re a white male, you automatically qualify for induction. And whatever you learn in my presence, you can teach your precious lily white ignorant women. Because I don’t care about their fragility either, nor will I tolerate white tears.

Diversity Training For The Ignorant

Black women are just as worthy of being respected, pampered, spoiled, catered to, and living a life of abundance. I have dated submissive white men before and they treated me like a Queen, because I am one. Knowing my worth is the reason I have zero tolerance for white males acting out to get attention. I address what needs to be addressed, and you will NEVER turn me against another woman. Sisterhood is something that is much more important to me, than your weak ass ego. So let me tell you what your training is going to entail.

Reparations Assignment For White Subs

You will be required to kneel at the feet of a black woman, and do as you’re told, which will include my version of reparations specifically for black women. You will be commanded to do many tasks including assignments in public humility. You will be given homework assignments that include reading and research. You will be required to write a 1000+ essay with proper grammar and spelling, on racism, intersectional feminism, and male white privilege. You will also be required to listen when black women are talking, and be silent.

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Your First Assignment

The first diversity training assignment is easy… for me. If you don’t have twitter, get an account. Once you have an account follow @DuchessWillow_ After following me, you will tweet the following:

“I (insert name here:__________) an ignorant white male, would like to publicly apologize to all black Queens. I acknowledge my white privilege and will use it to educate my fellow ignorant white men, so that we may properly serve and respect black women.”

Oh you thought I was joking? No darling, I revel in your humility, and I enjoy it when bitch bois profess their undying love, devotion and servitude to black femdom rule.

As I said in my last post, I refuse to make myself small, to make anyone else comfortable. You will respect me, or you will be thrown in the dumpster. And you will pay for past and current transgressions.

Notice I didn’t say “all women” or “all women of color” or “all black people” now did I? I said Black Women, and I meant what I said. I have zero remorse for anyone who missteps outta their lane, just like I have zero remorse for my feelings. I am happy you’ve taken the first step to being on your knees and at the heel of a black woman which is where you belong.

Your diversity training begins when you pay for my time and not a second before. You do this by calling 1-800-601-6975 and requesting the femdom services of Duchess Willow. Until then, stay blessed. And don’t forget, every friday in november is free phone sex friday. Free 10 minute calls for existing customers as a thank you from LDW/Enchantrix Empire.

Duchess Willow

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