Black Supremacy – White Boi Trainer

Duchess Willow Black Supremacy 1-800-601-6975
Call Duchess Willow The Black Supremacy White Boi Trainer 1-800-601-6975


I know white men think they are gods gift to humanity, but they are sadly mistaken, and I have no issue reminding white bois that their worth is determined by a system that I don’t give a fuck about. And the white bois that call me are men who know they ain’t sh** and have accepted black supremacy as a reality. So if you’re a white man and a raging ignoramus, here’s your come to jesus moment, where The Duchess gets you together. Allow me to introduce myself, I am the Ebony Femdom, white boi trainer.

Black Supremacy: White Boi Trainer Edition

White bois need a lot of guidance, in the how to be a decent fucking human being department, and black supremacy is the best way to train a white dog. And the why… do I really need to go there? First of all, that thing between your legs does not constitute being a man. Many of you call for humiliation, because you know what you are, and that a man isn’t one of those things. You’re a bitch if I say you are, and you would be wise to remember that before you open your mouth and I put my foot in it. Actually though, I’m gonna stick more than my foot in your mouth, and I have plans for your lil bitch ass, too.

Ebony Femdom Worship

I know you’re jerking off reading this. You do not have my permission to cum, and you certainly don’t have my permission to be touching that pasty pink thing you have the nerve to call a dick. But I understand that hearing a black woman talk so bluntly about your worthlessness, makes your sperm deficient balls tingle. So here’s where you make amends for your disgusting behavior and offer servitude to the truest and purest form of power you will ever know. Black Power. Pick up the phone and call 1-800-601-6975 and when connected, ask for Duchess Willow. Until then, remember your place is on your knees.

Duchess Willow

15 thoughts on “Black Supremacy – White Boi Trainer

  1. Gurly says:

    I had to go put on my panties like a little bitch when I read this Duchess. You have me on my knees quivering like a naughty slut.

  2. super small says:

    I do like this post. I believe in a social hierarchy that must be enforced at all times. When you are at the bottom like me You get treated like total crap and are sold into a life of slavery. Life at the bottom involves hard labor and being really poor in life.

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