Ebony Femdom Blasphemy: Hookers With Dicks In Church

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Ebony Femdom Blasphemy – Hookers with dicks in church, indulge your kinky church cock fantasy here. 1-800-601-6975

Happy belated May The Fourth Be With You. Sometimes you get inspiration from strange places and conversations. A couple of years back my cohorts hosted an in world blasphemy Femdom event, called cocksucker confessional. Now while I probably don’t get many “religious” themed calls, I did have a brief cameo in one of the videos sold from that event: A fallen black angel led down the path of debauchery and sinful pleasures. Which is where I got the idea for hookers with dicks in church.

Ebony Femdom Blasphemy – Hookers With Dicks In Church

If you have any sort of strong religious beliefs, the best time to stop reading was four sentences ago. The second best time to stop reading is now.  Because it needs to be clear that I’m not religious and I have my own spiritual beliefs, so keep your preaching off  my post.  Furthermore if you read any of my ebony demon succubus stories, you’d know I give zero fucks about religion. Now for the fun stuff, I do in fact, get blasphemy phone sex calls, what’s interesting about these calls is that they usually don’t tell me straight away that this is what they want. I usually beat it out of them until they combust into self made cum puddles.  So for this particular blog, we’re going to discuss an Ebony Femdom fantasy that involves both real, and artificial (strapons if you will), penises.

Hookers With Dicks In Church

So let’s just say you’re a wayward man who is finding his faith again, and you enter into a church that you “think” is simply a place of worship. You’re right, it is, but not the type of worship you think. And you immediately know something is off when the priest of the church, emerges straightening her robe, and smiling at you, whilst a buxom, curvy black woman saunters out of her private confines. The priest… ehm… priestess, asks if you would like to pray. You’re a little dumbfounded, because you’d always been taught that only men can lead a church, but you nod, and she beckons you forward.

Even More Hookers With Dicks In Church

As you rise from your church pew, you notice more women coming in, all of them dressed either provocatively or scantilly clad. “What’s going on here,” you wonder, but being a man, you blindly follow the Priestess and kneel before her as she places a hand on top of your head and begins murmuring something, with closed eyes and her head lolled back seemingly in bliss. It doesn’t sound like any prayer you’ve ever heard, and you squint and notice that it appears the Priestess is fondling herself under her robe, while tightening her grip on your head. “Open your mouth, and take the body of…..” You open your mouth and hear the voices of angels, humming of approval from feminine voices all around, and then…..

Ebony Femdom Blasphemy At The Church Of The Black Goddess

Suddenly and quite aggressively your mouth is filled with…. wait a minute. Could it really be a-   You make a gurgled choking sound as the length of it fills your mouth. “Aaaahhhhhhh, yes, my boi…. suck and take it in.”  The other women surround you and from your peripheral vision you can see them all making masturbatory gestures. Groping, stroking, and thrusting their hips. The sound of moans and sighs of pleasure. You keep sucking.  The Priestess gasps, and suddenly pulls the long, thick object from your mouth, and proceeds to spray your face with a thick, white, substance.

Drink… In Rememberance Of Me

You lick your lips, grimacing expecting to taste the salty brine that is semen, but….. to your surprise, it’s got a sweet, nutty flavor. She chuckles, “cream of coconut” erupting into laughter, “I use it in my daiquiris all the time.” Blinking, you turn your head to look around and discover there are several women smiling and laughing at you. Some of them are wearing strapon harnesses, similar to the Priestess’ which squirts, and some….. have real cocks. Oh my.

Ebony Femdom Blasphemy – Do You Have A Cock Curious Blasphemy Fantasy? 1-800-601-6975

Eyes Wide Shut?

Finding yourself aroused and confused, you ask, “what kind of church is this???” The beautiful black woman arches an eyebrow, “church?” she says in a mocking tone, “boi this is no church. I just bought the building and decided to make it a commune for my ladies in waiting, sex workers, Dominatrices, transwomen,  Ebony Strapon FemDommes and those like myself who enjoy kink.” The Ebony Witch conjurer smirks at you.  That’s when you finally notice, the crucifix is a rather lewd one, and the stained glass windows are filled with images of women in varying sexual displays. The paintings are all women, many dominant, pegging men and sitting on their faces. One ass worship painting depicting a woman getting her ass eaten by an eager submissive.

Like A Prayer – Ebony Femdom Blasphemy

If you have a blasphemous fantasy that you’re timid to discuss with just anyone, I invite you to enter my chambers for a chat. Your religious beliefs are of no consequence, to me. There are many, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Wiccan, New Age Priestess, I care not. You just bring me your horny thoughts. Obviously, for many men of many religions, demoness women leading a church, and anal sex, and…. homosexual perversions are rather taboo, which makes for an exciting phone sex fantasy.  So call me by dialing 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow.  If you need assistance with a custom audio, or text session availability please email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com as I do not actively monitor skype or discord and your cold adding me there or attempting to hold a conversation with me will be ignored. I do hope I’ve made myself clear. Until then, stay safe, and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


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3 thoughts on “Ebony Femdom Blasphemy: Hookers With Dicks In Church

  1. AnyMouse says:

    Chicks with Dicks in Church? Holy fuck!

    Well, I suppose it’s time for some scripture reading…

    Based upon the Song of Solomon, Chapter 1:

    The Song of Ecstasy, which is Alice’s

    Let me kiss you with sweet kisses on your vulva!
    For your lust is better than wine,
    – your gushing cum is fragrant.
    The name Duchess is perfume poured out;
    – therefore the sissies love you.
    Draw me after you, let us make haste
    – The Duchess has brought me into her chambers.
    We will exult in our lust for you;
    – We will extol your gushing more than wine;
    – Rightly do the cuckolds love you.

    You are black and beautiful,
    – O daughter of the Empire
    Like the tents of Kedar
    – Like the curtains of your kanga
    I do not gaze because you are dark
    – But because your beauty has enslaved me
    The Duchess loves to toy with me
    – she made me the sucker of her lovers’ cocks
    – but my own cock I may not stroke!
    Tell me, you whom my soul lusts,
    – when can I pleasure my cock,
    – when you will make me goon,
    For why should I be the one who is a cuckold,
    – sucking the cocks of your companions?

    If you do not know,
    – O fairest among women,
    Follow the vein of the cock,
    – and tickle the shaft
    – dancing in my panties’ tent

    I compare you, my love,
    – to a mare among Pharaoh’s chariots.
    Your ass is comely with ornaments,
    – your thong is strung with jewels.
    I will make you an offering of precum,
    – leaking as I quiver.

    While the Duchess was on her couch,
    – my cock gave forth its fragrance
    My beloved is to me a temptress to my cock,
    – it longs to lie between her breasts.
    My beloved is to me the holder of my key,
    – of the cage that keeps me flaccid.

    Ah, you are beautiful, my goddess;
    – ah, you are beautiful;
    – your eyes are doves.
    Ah, you are beautiful, my temptress,
    – truly lovely,
    My balls are blue;
    – my cock longs to be hard like cedar,
    – for permission to release I opine.

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