Ebony Femdom Friday – Valentine’s Day Hot Seat

Happy Black History Month from The Duchess. This is just a quick blog to let you know that Goddess Meshelle will be hosting a very special Ebony Femdom Friday, and I will be in the Valentine’s Day Hot Seat, taking your questions. Please submit your questions here, and I will do my best to get them answered on Friday.

Duchess Willow Femdom Friday Hot Seat Valentine's Day 9pm Eastern
Duchess Willow Femdom Friday Hot Seat Valentine’s Day 9pm Eastern

Ebony Femdom Friday – Valentine’s Day Hot Seat

If you’ve never joined our Femdom Friday spaces on Twitter, this Friday is an excellent time to tune in. We will be on Twitter spaces AND in the community kink chatroom on Friday, February 14th at 9pm Eastern time.  As always during Black History Month, I’m going to do what I always do and celebrate blackness, the African Diaspora, and encourage non-black people to educate themselves on “OUR” history. Why should this year be any different?

The Ebony Femdom is up next for the masturbation may blog takeover. Are you ready, gooner? 1-800-601-6975

Black History Month With The Ebony Femdom

My ultimate goal as a black woman and Femdom has always been to educate people. That includes those who may not have had the black experience and have been either taught ridiculous lies about black people as a whole, or who have had history hidden and suppressed by those who don’t want you to know the truth. The truth of our Black History in the states and abroad, is riddled with ugliness and mistreatment, so of course there are those who don’t really want us discussing our past. Those people are not important. What is important is that you exercise your most powerful organ: YOUR BRAIN. And stop listening to people who have their own best interest in mind.

How Can You Support The Duchess During Black History Month?

You can start by reading this blog, commenting on it, and sharing it. Read Acts Of Service for submissives and educate yourself on all the free services we offer – which includes Femdom Friday and the chatroom. Same goes for my social media profiles, sharing helps me get the word out on what services I offer and helps promote my business. It is the least you can do, if you claim to love and adore me, and it’s free to do so. Doesn’t cost you a thing to share, like, retweet, comment, overall engagement is key. Especially if you’re an admirer who doesn’t have the coin to pay for sessions.

Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Holiday 1-800-601-6975

Other Ways You Can Support The Ebony Femdom

If you’re on a budget and you wish to purchase my content, that is yet another way you can support me. I offer dick ratings, custom audios, ready to buy audios including ringtones, and email packages. If you cannot afford the weekly email package, please email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com for an email price quote. Remember that I am a business woman and not one of your little friends. However if you need a friend, we have that covered, too. Call me on talktome123 for our phone and texting companion services.

The Duchess of Ebony Femdom Phone Sex

Virtual World Sessions Are Now Available On Mobile And PC/Mac

Yet another way you can do Femdom sessions is via the virtual world. If you have a pc or mac and your device can handle high graphics, check out virtual world phone sex. If you are unable to use a desktop device, click here for mobile options. Virtual access is now available on the app store for iphone, and play store for android users.

Reading Assignments From The Ebony Femdom For Black History Month

I would suggest first researching the late Mistress Velvet, who was an inspiration for me to start making submissive patrons – specifically white men – read black feminist theory. My reading recommendations are as follows:

Black Feminist Thought

The New Jim Crow

The Color of Kink: Black Women, BDSM, and Pornography

You can find most of those and more on amazon and most book stores. I would also encourage you to share your own black feminist finds and do your own homework.

Gifting Duchess Willow For Valentine’s Day

If you feel so inclined, and you are calling me, you may ask the dispatcher to leave a Virtual Bouquet.  You may also leave me a VB along with custom audio payments. These are not mandatory, they are simply a way to show extra appreciation for my work. You are also welcome to send e-gift cards from amazon or etsy to willow@enchantrixempire.com.

Calls And Texting The Ebony Femdom During Black History

If you like what you read and you like what you hear, give me a call. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. Don’t forget to mark your calendar for Ebony Femdom Friday, hope to see you there. Stay safe and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Want to send a gift? Send amazon gift cards to the above email address.

Follow me on Twitter X @DuchessWillow_

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)


How To Have Great Phone Sex In 2025: Explore Your Fantasies With The Ebony Femdom

Happy New Year… Yes I am going to be that person who waits til the last day of January to say HNY, but it’s still valid because the 29th was the lunar new year. This is going to be a how to have great phone sex in 2025, with the changing world and uh… yeah you already know how it is. So listen I’m going to keep it 100 with you, great phone sex is self care.

How To Have Great Phone Sex In 2025

Sure, for some of you, you may notice no change to your daily life… maybe. For the rest of you, life is life-ing, right? So being able to sexually express yourself through phone sex and roleplays, is going to be a form of self care that will help you navigate a sometimes toxic world environment. First thing you will need to do if you want to have great phone sex, is read this blog by Mistress Harper, and sign up for feedly. This will help you stay in contact should you discover our blogs are a little more difficult to find. The second thing you can do, is subscribe to my rss feed. If you don’t want to use feedly, just grab the rss link and paste it into your reader of choice.

How to have great phone sex in 2025 with The Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow
Learn how to have great phone sex in 2025 with The Ebony Femdom 1-800-601-6975

How To Have Great Phone Sex In 2025 With The Ebony Femdom

I like to chat about a broad range of fetishes and topics, and I love a good roleplay. So my number one tip for how to have great phone sex in 2025 is: Tell me what you want. Some of you penis havers, possess a knack for grunting like cave men, when you are horny and you want something specific, and then expect us to know what that something is. I’m much nicer, when you’re smarter.

Cave Man Speak Does Not The Duchess Get

“Me man, me horny, man, want phone sex.” Sounds very fucking ridiculous doesn’t it? Because okay, I know you want the sexy of the phone beloved, but the important question I need the answer to, is what kind of phone sex? Or are you looking more specifically for Distance Domination with a Phone Domme? It still falls under the phone sex umbrella, and I’m going to need you to use your grown up words and COMMUNICATE what it is you want and need.

Distance Domination And Phone Sex Services – The Luxury Of It All

Distance Domination and phone sex is a luxury service. Meaning after you pay all your bills on your house, your car note, your insurance, your groceries, this is the go to service you choose when you want to feel good, and have a good time.  I know I’ve written in the past about things that make SOME people uncomfortable. That’s never going to change. But the people who come to me for great phone sex, guidance, or the phone Dominatrix experience that the Ebony Femdom dishes out, are coming to my realm because I offer them something paying their mortgage just doesn’t give them.

Responsibilities Will Never Be More Exciting Than The Duchess

Do your netherregions tingle when you pay your electric bill? No. Does your nether region tingle when Duchess Willow commands you to do something both humiliating and thrilling in her special Mean Mistress way? Just say yes. We both know the truth. So remember that you’re paying for my time, and as such it behooves you to use your mouth words when in and out of session with me so that we’re both happy. Now back to self care…






How To Have A Therapeutic Distance Domination Experience

There are things you can tell me that you can’t tell your best friend, your co-workers, or that fancy professional therapist you hired, because they won’t allow you to masturbate in the office. I however…. will also not allow you to masturbate while on the phone with me unless you ask my permission, but if you ask nicely and do all that I demand, I may allow you to touch yourself and do other lewd acts of service.  So long as they please me, and lets face it, we’re in service to each other…. but I’m always in charge. And I say that to mean I want for you to leave my company satisfied with your experience and wanting more. And I also want you to feel good and get that dopamine flowing to regulate your nervous system.

The Space Between Phone Sex And Phone Domination – Where Do You Land?

Are you someone who is searching for the perfect form of limp penis instruction? Do me a favor and avoid being a fucking smartass. The majority of people who think they’re being clever in my presence well… I end up embarrassing them.  I require clear, and direct communication. So if I’m confused on what you want you may end up with egg beater stuck somewhere it doesn’t belong. And a Dr and nurse asking you what your end game was for doing something so asinine. On the other hand, if you have something much less bawdy in mind for your phone sex fantasy, let me hear it, I might run with it – and you might scream my name several times – but we’re both going to be smiling in the end.

In Conclusion How To Have Good Phone With The Duchess Of Ebony Femdom

Clear communication, tell me what you want, we can discuss our expectations of each other in fantasy land or long term Distance Domination land. Don’t be an arrogant fucking twat. Have I made myself abundantly clear? My leash will be waiting for your neck. Call me at 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. Have a wonderful new year, stay safe and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Want to send a gift? Send amazon gift cards to the above email address.

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Enchantrix Discord

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Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)


Ebony Femdom Holiday Capture: Himbo Santa Imposter Gets Seduced And Pegged

Good day and happy Christmas Eve to you. Did you enjoy  Mistress Fiona’s blog train stop? I know I did. And now on Christmas eve, Ebony Femdom Holiday Capture. A story of seduction and the making of a new pet, for the Ebony Femdom. If you missed any posts, please go back to Mistress Harper, and start there.

Ebony Femdom Holiday Capture: Santa Imposter Gets Seduced

The mysterious thump from the kitchen, woke The Duchess from her slumber. Sitting up and holding very still, the Ebony Femdom listened. Someone was in the house on Christmas Eve, and she knew it wasn’t Santa munching on the milk and cookies she’d laid out. She stretched, the covers falling from her breasts, and quietly slipped out of bed.

Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Holiday 1-800-601-6975

Santa Imposter Meets The Duchess

Upon entering the kitchen, she saw who the mysterious thumper was, and watched him with curiosity, before clearing her throat. The intruder jumped and whirled around.  “What are you doing in my home?” she asked, “and more importantly, HOW did you get into my home?” The intruder stammered, “hey, I’m so sorry I… I’m kinda in some trouble and I’m hiding from-” “Take off your beard, boi,” The Duchess interrupted, “let’s have a look at you.” Hesitating for a moment, the intruder removed his fake white santa beard, revealing a slightly stubbly yet handsome face. “Now the hat…” pulling his hat off, his hair was curly and tousled from the santa hat. He shifted with unease from one foot to the other, and then froze, suddenly taking notice of what The Duchess was wearing.  Red satin boy shorts that outlined her delicious mound and backside, and a matching red satin crop top that her breasts were spilling out of.  Snapping quickly out of his momentary lustful gaze, he continued his pleading and explaining. “I- I don’t want any trouble, I climbed up the fire escape and came in through the window because I knew they wouldn’t find me here.”

The Duchess Inspects Imposter Santa

Looking him up and down, The Duchess tilted her head slightly, “I don’t care who you’re running from, you’re right, they won’t find you here, and now you’ve got a bigger problem…. me.” She continued, “I don’t take kindly to strangers breaking into my home…. take off your santa suit boi, and let’s see how much ho ho ho, you’ve really got in you.”  Gawking at her in awe, he obeyed her orders and stripped out of his santa suit. He was wearing matching red boxer briefs, argyle socks, and had an impressive bulge to fill the briefs with.  “Turn around,” she said, taking in every inch of her comely male intruder.  He turned displaying a chiseled back and shoulders, long toned legs, and once front and center, a six pack of abs that wouldn’t quit. Shifting his eyes and looking past her, he finally took notice of the rack hanging in her hallway, and all the whips and paddles, when he looked back, she smirked in amusement.

The Himbo Santa Imposter

“Where do you live?” she asked.  “Nowhere… I’m sort of on the run at the moment.”  The Duchess eyed him with curiosity, “I see… so you break into my home dressed as Santa and you think you’re going to hole yourself up here hmm?” He shook his head, “no I just…. I just need to lay low for a few days, I have money and-”  “How much money,” The Duchess quipped. The hunky Himbo pointed to the red sack behind him. “I uh… it’s all cash.” An hour later, the himbo was ordered to strip completely naked and shower, scrubbing from head to toe.  She led him to her “guest room” which was also her dungeon play room, and explained her status and expectations of him. The himbo, dazzled by all she had to offer, agreed to her terms, and that’s when things got interesting. Finding himself kneeling naked in a strangers house, massaging her feet and legs with jasmine vanilla scented oil, and quickly becoming enamored by the Ebony Femdom, who in exchange for his “room rental” was given a hot meal, something to drink, and a collar around his neck. The only thing he’d be allowed to wear while under her roof.

Ebony Femdom Edging
Can you handle Duchess Willow’s Ebony Femdom Edging training?

The Virile Himbo Takes A Field Trip With The Duchess

After making “her” comfortable, he was set to the task of being her naked himbo housekeeper. He washed the dishes, folded her laundry, made her bed, and was rewarded by her caging his big strong cock, and riding his face. 6 orgasms later, he with a glazed face and intense sexual frustration, was invited to accompany her to a  Christmas Eve Femdom party. Collared and locked in his “big dick” chastity cage, he had no choice but to oblige. She dressed him in a black leather jumpsuit and hood – which assured no one would recognize him, attached a leash securely to his collar, and got herself ready.  The Duchess wore a skin tight red leather gown with straps that criss crossed all the way down a plunging backless design that ended with delicious derriere cleavage to match that which spilled from her bustline. Pulling on a beautiful red fur coat and matching red leather gloves, she led him out into the chilly night air, to a secluded private bus stop.

Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Holiday 1-800-601-6975

Ebony Femdom Holiday Bus Ride

Smiling as she watched his hooded confusion, the himbo santa looking around nervously, before asking, “where are we?” He didn’t have to wonder long, the luxury bus pulling into the stop, her driver opening the door and helping them in.  Of course it looked like a regular city bus from the outside, once inside, the boi could see this one had been pimped out, for The Duchess’ pleasure on leisurely trips.  The boi stood, holding onto the metal bars, directly in front of The Ebony Femdom, she took the time to rub up and down between his legs, with her long boots. “There is one last step to your initiation,” she said softly, “if you’re going to be my pet, and I’m going to keep you safe….” He gazed down at her, “of course,” he said nodding, “anything you want.”

Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Holiday 1-800-61-6975

Pegged Himbo In The Back Of The Bus

The Duchess stood, sliding her fur coat off her shoulders and resting it on the seat behind her.  Lifting a hand slowly to grasp the zipper at the front of her cleavage, and pull it all the way down to her thighs. At first the himbo looked confused, and then his eyes scanned downward, and spotted the leather straps of her harness, resting on her hips, and her strapon lady dick dangling and exposed from its hiding place. He had wondered why his jumpsuit had front and back zippers. The motion of the bus swayed as they headed downtown. Had it not been for the tinted bus windows, all and sundry would have witnessed the himbo braced over the back seat of the bus, glowing reddened cheeks being gripped and penetrated by the swaying sexy thrusts of the Duchess behind him.

Himbo In Chastity And Owned By Duchess Willow

He was thankful now for the hood, as his face contorted in pleasure and submission, and only The Duchess could hear, his cries of ecstasy as she mounted him. Each moan louder than the last.  Himbo santa was panting for breath, his body sagged, spent, after being ridden and broken in as a house husband by her strapon big black dick.  The Femdom Christmas Eve Dungeon party proved to be even more of an eye opening experience for his introduction to her world.  As the now completely submissive boi toy knelt by her feet, he turned his hooded face up to hers, and asked, “so… can I ask when I can take this cage off?”  The Duchess chuckled, stroking a leather covered jawline, leaning in – pressing her full breasts against him, and whispering, “when I’m ready to play with my new toy.”

Christmas Eve Ebony Femdom Phone Sex

This concludes our Christmas Eve bus ride, I do hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it.  If you’d like to create your own slutty himbo house husband fantasy with me, all you have to do is call. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow.  Double the fun with a two Mistress phone session an add a second Mistress FREE for the first ten minutes. Have a very merry holiday season, and get ready for your next stop on the Holiday blog train, Goddess Brighton.

Duchess Willow


Want to send a gift? Send amazon gift cards to the above email address.

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Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex – Duchess Willow’s 8 Year Phone Sex Anniversary

I don’t really feel like typing so I’m going to record an audio instead. This month marks my 8th year as a phone sex vixen at LDW, and I wanted to remind you of all the ways you can serve me, starting with calls, texting, and buying my audios or custom orders. If you would like to send an amazon gift card please send those to willow@enchantrixempire.com with a happy anniversary note. Of course the gift of your company is even better, so reach out and touch me at 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. Enjoy the Vlog. Stay safe and stay blessed. Quick reminder that we also have a two mistress phone sex special this month.

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex – Duchess Willow’s 8 Year Phone Sex Anniversary

Duchess Willow


Want to send a gift? Send amazon gift cards to the above email address.

Follow me on Twitter X @DuchessWillow_

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Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)



No Pain No Gain NOvember With The Ebony Femdom

We have been promoting a special text only No Pain No Gain NOvember special, and if you’ve seen the flyers for it, then you know it’s heavy on the pain play and CBT. If you haven’t seen this promotion on cock control, and it’s the first time you’re hearing about it, then come hither, because we’re halfway through NOvember, and I wouldn’t want you to miss out on an opportunity for us to beat the hell out of you. And quick reminder that it’s also LDW’s 22nd phone sex anniversary month.

No Pain No Gain NOvember With The Ebony Femdom

If you are a self proclaimed pain slut, who is serious about pain play and enjoys the sting of a whip, the burn of a paddle, and delights in the way your knees buckle when you’re kicked in the balls, then our Multi-Mistress No Pain No Gain November is for you.  Remember that there are conditions to getting the free minutes and please read Miss Becky’s blog post for more information on the rules. And if you need even more encouragement to explore pain play, you can click play and listen to why I love pain play, below.

What The Ebony Femdom Loves About Pain Play

To be blunt, I think men should always have to pay for women’s time and attention, whether you’re paying monetarily or with your flesh. Which of course you’re going to be paying with both, because my time is not free, and I believe in making men pay in many different ways. Not just your own pain physically, but mental and emotional anguish. If you need an example of non-physical pain, go read my halloween blog train post and see what price Alen had to pay for his transgressions.

The Road To Duchess Willow Is Paved With Pain And Punishment

In all honesty I enjoy cursing men tf out when I’m in the mood to do so, verbal humiliation can be as subtle as reminding you why your dick is small, or as severe as telling you all those triggering truths that will send you spiraling.. which we won’t go into here because you’re not getting that for free. However you will never draw that out of me without first paying for the privilege, I like the block button more than I will ever like you. And you will be long forgotten after I send you to hell, because I usually can’t remember insignificants because I’m too busy focusing on the bois who delight me and know how to please me.  As I’ve said there are different types of pain, and I will take pleasure from introducing you to all of them, should you be brave enough to call me.

No Pain No Gain November

Real Submissives Vs. Performative Pain Sluts

If you like the real deal type of pain play that leaves you marked and wobbling, you and I will get along just fine.  If you’re a circus clown who doesn’t like following directions, you will only be cheating yourself, not me. Please keep in mind that you are paying for a service, that I intend for both of us to enjoy, but if you cheat yourself out of the experience, the onus is on you. Eat that failure.

Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Phone Sex
Face Slapping Kink

This Blog Is For The Pain Play Lovers And The Sexy People

There are six of us participating in No Pain No Gain NOvember. You get the free minutes if you session with a minimum of two of us. Which means you absolutely can call more than two of us for a pain play text session, and all six of us if you’re feeling brave and all of us are available for a sexy texting session. Just remember, once you’re handed over to us, there’s NO going back. NO mercy. NO safe word. Just kidding, there’s a safe word, but we aren’t going to make it easy for you.

Calls With Duchess Willow During No Pain No Gain NOvember

You are welcome to call or purchase a text session any time this month, keep in mind you only get the free minutes if you add a Mistress and you have to pick one of the five ladies available to add to the session. We can still play one on one if you wish to do so. You can reach me by dialing 1-800-601-6975 and asking for Duchess Willow. If you would like a custom audio, please email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com and remember that there is a script writing fee added on if you don’t have one of your own. Please also use that email to contact me for text sessions, as I’m not always in front of my pc. Stay safe, and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Want to send a gift? Send amazon gift cards to the above email address.

Follow me on Twitter X @DuchessWillow_

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)


Ebony Femdom Dungeon – Caryatids Of Ecstasy

Good day, I trust you’ve slept well, recovered from Mistress Lilly’s anal bobbing for apples, and gathered your strength for the next stop on the Halloween blog train: Ebony Femdom Dungeon – Caryatids in Ecstasy. This will be your journey into the world of the Ebony Femdom Dungeon. What will happen to you? (shrug) I cannot say for certain, it’s best you see for yourself.  If by this time you have still missed any stops on the blog train, go back to the station and start with Mistress Constance.  You may now enter the Ebony Femdom Dungeon. Enjoy your stay…..

Ebony Femdom Dungeon – Caryatids In Ecstasy

As the tour guide led the group up the grassy hill, explaining the historical relevance of many of the eroded statues and columns, the small group looked around. One man in particular seeming uninterested in most of the artifacts. “Here we will enter the underground temple and bath house.”

The man raised an eyebrow, seeing the tunnel entrance carved into the side of the hill. The entrance was narrow, and they had to enter single file, down the stone carved steps opening up to a wider walkway. Once they reached the inner temple, many gasped and commented, marveling at how well preserved the interior was compared to outside.

Running water could be heard throughout the marble chambers, and there was a large pool in the center, surrounded by stunning marble caryatids, supporting the ceiling. There were rows of them, but what made them so breathtaking was how realistic the sculptures were.

Every detail of them, all women, some curvy with wide hips and full breasts, others more slender, even their clothing was sculpted in such a way that the fabric flowed and clung to their bodies as if they were real.

Caryatids In Ecstasy

“These are the ‘Caryatids in Ecstasy’ named such due to the various erotic poses of each feminine form. They do appear almost to be alive and in the throes of pleasure, as they uphold the ceiling of the temple.”

“It is unclear exactly how old the temple is, or how it remains so well kept, while all that surrounds this area is in ruin. Some say it is because devotees still bring her offerings. The only thing we do know, judging from the architecture and phenotype of the statues, is that this was a temple of worship for the once mortal, deified African Goddess, named after the safsaf Willow tree.”

“The species of willow tree is native to South Africa and parts of the Congo, Egypt, and has also been seen in some areas of the Caribbean. Because of this, it is difficult to track down the exact origin of this Goddess, but she appears to be worshiped in many different areas of the world. Some myths believe she was an Ebony Witch Caribbean born to mixed Creole parents, others say she is an ancient Congolese deity, with some arguing that she is Egyptian.  Even more of a mystery, is how she ended up being worshiped in Greece and Rome.”

“A more prominent story is that she traveled to Greece as a free woman, then Rome, and worked in the temple as a priestess, and also – since the Romans were known for their unusual fetishes – as a Dominatrix and companion to those who could afford her time and expertise. She was also a healer and well versed in herbology. In that regard she was also a knowledgeable conjurer and chastity witch. There are some artworks depicted of her, some with lovers, in the few preserved Roman wall paintings. Yet very little else is known about her, and her transition from mortal, to Goddess.”

Alen listened intently, his eyes scanning the walls, and sculptures, some with their arms raised, heads thrown back, expressions of bliss on their well chiseled features. Others had a hand, or both, disappearing between soft thighs, their positions so realistic he was almost tempted to reach out and touch them.

Curiosity Leads Back To The Ebony Femdom Dungeon

The tour concluded, with everyone heading back up to the surface. Alen turned back with a look of longing, staring at the curvy caryatids as they pleasured themselves, oblivious to his want. Finally he returned to the group. But later that night in his hotel room, he decided to do something daring, slipping into the night with a bottle of wine, and seeking out the hillside and its mysteries. The hotel he stayed at was not far from the ruins, which made it a popular tourist attraction. He walked for several minutes, he knew the area from memory, and made his way to the hill entrance.

Upon entering, the very first thing that struck him as strange, were the lit torches illuminating the inner temple. The tour guide was correct, the place didn’t look several hundred, or even thousand years old. Surely someone must be tending to it. As soon as he stepped into the center of the underground temple, the air felt weighted, echoing drops of water, rippling of the still active and well fed fountains from the aqueduct. And though it was probably just air from the tunnels, it sounded like something or someone was breathing.

Alen turned to look at the beautiful caryatids, gazing upon each one in all their splendor, when he noticed something else strange: An empty column. As if one of the caryatids were missing, and he could not unsee it, once the realization hit. His mind had to be playing tricks on him. Maybe the space was empty all along, the architects never finished this lone unfilled column, but no… all of them were filled before, he was sure of it. Scrambling for his phone, he scrolled through all the pictures he had taken, one of them being the missing caryatid. The picture confirmed there was in fact a statue in that exact spot.

Where Did The Missing Caryatid Go?

A chill ran up his spine, when after hearing the wind howling through the tunnels, he heard a woman’s playful laughter, and then nothing. Alen walked toward the empty column, immediately getting the hair raising sense that he was being watched. He turned but saw no one, but the other statues. The carytids had not moved, yet.. they seemed to have changed positions slightly. One of the statues had her head tilted towards him, licking her lips in invitation, her eyes appeared to be looking right at him. Alen laughed at himself, “statues can’t move,” he thought, and maybe he was tired and just needed to head back home.

“Are you here to make an offering Alexander?”

The husky woman’s voice coming from the direction of the empty column, made him jump. Alen turned to find a woman standing in front of the column, staring at him with curiosity in her eyes.

“Uhmmm… sorry, I’m not.. my name isn’t Alexander.” he replied. “Who are you?”

The woman ignored his question, stretching languidly and rolling her neck. Her body was covered in a sheer white Grecian one shoulder dress, with layers of fabric that clung to her curves. Alen found himself staring at the way she moved, turning to him once she’d finished stretching.

“So what are you calling yourself now, Alexander?”

Baffled, he shook his head, “my name is Alen… who are you? Where did you come from?”

“Hmmph,” she replied, “Alen, Alexander, close enough. Where is your offering?”

Catching himself staring at her once more, he snapped out of it long enough to answer her. “I don’t have an offering. I came here earlier with the tour group.”

“And you did not leave an offering then either?”

Confused, Alen asked, “what um.. what offering do I need to leave? And why won’t you tell me who you are? I didn’t see you with the group earlier.”

“Yes you did,” she offered, smiling. “You have much to offer me… Alexander.”

“My name is A-”

“Your name tonight, is Alexander.”

Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Dungeon Caryatids In Ecstasy
Duchess Willow Ebony Femdom Dungeon – Caryatids In Ecstasy 1-800-601-6975

Encountering The Goddess Of The Ebony Femdom Dungeon

He felt silly, this woman countering him so matter of factly, yet something in her tone, was having its own affect on him. “So… are you one of the devotees here or something? That why you’re wearing white?”

She took a step forward, the light illuminating her silhouette obscenely through the fabric that clung to her as she moved. “I am, no devotee,” she began, “people come here, to devote themselves.. to me. As have you.”

Her brown skin had an ethereal gleam to it, sparkling in the light, she chuckled. “People don’t return here in the middle of the night, unless they wish to leave something.”

Finally, she spoke to his earlier question, “I have many names. Duchess, Goddess, Mistress, Madame, Domina, along with my given name. Willow. And I am she.” She turned, gesturing to the empty column. “I don’t concern myself with… tourists.”

Alen had never taken much stock in the supernatural. But his curiosity made him less cautious and much more inquisitive. He rambled on, asking questions about the tour guide’s statements.

“How are you able to move from that column?” Alen asked.

“I can move, whenever I choose,” she replied.

“Am I the only one who can see you?”

“I reveal myself to whom I choose, as well,” she answered. “I know your tour guide comes here with different groups, I do not show myself to those unworthy masses. And no, you are not the only one, and I can tell you have your doubts… so…”

The Duchess stepped backwards, moving in such a way that she appeared to be retreating in reverse, like a movie being rewound, her dress moving up and off the floor, and then she stood in place, only for a few seconds, returning to her position in marble form, and then… her station went direct. Marble skin returning to its glistening brown luster, her long black hair swinging behind her.

Can All The Caryatids In The Ebony Femdom Dungeon Move?

It occurred to Alen that he could just be drunk, but looking down at the sealed red wine, he realized he hadn’t had a drink in several hours, and that he’d just watched a woman turn herself into marble.

Things began to unravel quickly, and soon everything he saw and heard would stop making sense. And sense… in her presence, would become irrelevant. “So you really are her? This place must be magic, but… forgive me I was told you’re a Dominatrix, too.. this place doesn’t look like a Femdom Dungeon, not like any I’ve seen.”

Willow laughed at his ramblings, “this place is whatever I deem it to be. Dungeon, temple, bath house, brothel. I am an art dealer, and the art I sell comes at a high price. Always has. So do you wish to have “that” experience? Me as your Dominatrix?”

She waited patiently for his answer, his realization that she was offering him a night of naughty deliciousness, in exchange for…..

Alen replied quickly, “yes… what’s your price?”

In an instant her body was pressed against him, backing him into one of the caryatids. The hard marble yielded to his body, the heat of her body and the warm to the touch marble, arousing every nerve in his body. He could feel one of her thighs pressed firmly against his groin, the heat of her mouth on his neck, as she leaned in to whisper in his ear.

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex - Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975
Ebony Femdom Dungeon – Caryatids In Ecstasy

The Price Of A Night With The Duchess

“I want… the proceeds from the sale of your house. The one you inherited and hardly ever use. Every single acre of the land that comes with it. Sell it all.”

Alen balked, “my home? But that home was-”

“Given to you by your elders, and formerly a plantation. Honor me, honor all those who suffered on that land, and sell it. Think of it as liberation from your ancestors misdeeds. Surely that price will be fitting to honor me. And.. the deed to your New York condo, as I am looking to relocate soon.”

She was right, though he had no clue how she could know about the house or its history. He felt a growing sense of shame, remembering the stories he’d been told about what happened in that house. And yet his privilege never allowed him to have a second thought about how dishonorable owning such a piece of land, would seem to someone such as the woman who stood before him.

While he didn’t think of himself as a bad person, Alen would have never in a thousand years thought to sell his home for a night with an ancient Goddess, but something in her voice, and the softness of her body, and how quickly she moved, made him instantly weak, for whatever she could offer him, and with every passing second, he found himself wanting her more. And he didn’t need the house, he hadn’t visited the land in years, sure he could just sell it for this Goddess, it’s just a house after all.

At least she hadn’t asked for his soul.

An Honorable Sacrifice Made

“Pick up your phone. You will have enough signal, to do what is needed to be done.”

Surely enough, reaching into his pocket, he found his phone, made a call, sent a few texts, and within the following 24 to 48 hours, his house would be on the market, and the paperwork to his condo would be transferred over. It just seemed like the right thing to do. Anyone else he would have laughed in their face, but for some reason he couldn’t resist indulging this Goddess, his mind emptied as soon as she caressed him. He needed whatever light, shone from her glowing skin, and all he could do was say “yes.”

“Take my hand.”

She gave him an hour, but what she did to him, seemed to last an eternity. Alen lost his clothing, scattered on the mosaic floors, giving himself completely to her “art.” Everything around him began to shift, though he could not see what forces were in play. She led him to the marble altar and laid him down on his stomach. Beneath him, there was a hollowed space where his cock hung freely. Whispers of fabric appeared out of thin air, a thin, stretchy nylon was wrapped around his head. A silken gag in his mouth. He soon found himself encased in this sheer fabric. He could still breathe, but the stretchy nylon around his face made it impossible to see more than lights and shadows.

Bondage And Teasing

Once his entire body was cocooned in fabric, except for where his member hung exposed beneath him, the teasing began. Something tickled his feet, trailing up his legs and thighs, the sensation made him squirm and cry out, just as the tickling reached the crease of his backside.

As her hands played and delighted across his bound and exposed body, an echoing giggle could be heard from beneath the table, just as a warm, slippery hand wrapped around his cock. Alen shouted, gasping from the confines of his silken gag, as he was stroked and edged. He tried desperately not to lose control, but the hand was skilled in its teasing, and those mysterious fingers knew just where to rub, touch, and press. Hearing an excited squeal and laughter coming from beneath the table, along with unintelligible murmurs.

Whipping And Pain Play

Shortly afterward, and without warning, something struck his thighs with a stinging snap. He cried out again as the whipping with palm leaves began, and the teasing under the table continued. The stretchy sheer fabric only slightly dulled the sensation, allowing for the whipping torment to last longer, and when the whipping was done, the fabric was ripped open by sharp nails, digging into the fabric over his thighs, buttocks and back, revealing delicious red welts.

But her torment of him wasn’t done. The hand that did not belong to her or him, continued bringing and keeping him right on the edge, and then the heat of something slippery entered him, simultaneously, as something prickly brushed over his now exposed skin.

Willow Ebony Femdom Dungeon Caryatids In Ecstasy
Willow Ebony Femdom Dungeon Caryatids In Ecstasy

The Sting Of Nettles And The Desperate Need Of Relief From Agony

His muffled cries only encouraged her further, “have you ever played with nettles?” she asked, a teasing tone in her voice. She knew he couldn’t answer, as whatever was plunged into his depths began moving in and out at her hand. His mind raced, with memories of foraging in the woods, being told which herbs were used for healing remedies, and that one in particular it would be wise not to touch. He didn’t have to wonder for long, what prickly plant she’d brushed across his skin. First it began to itch, the spread of it turning to a mild burning. The agony of the itching and burning with no way to relieve it. Alen wailed pitifully as the stinging inflamed his skin. When he tried to wiggle off the table he was held fast. An intense variety of sensations taking over.

Tastes, Sensations, And The Pleasures Of Ecstasy

She ungagged him only to allow him to beg. When the begging was satisfactory, the next wave ensued. Alen was terrified. Would there be more whipping, more pain, the itching and burning was so intense that his eyes began to water. He was taken off the table, blindfolded and led to the bath, soothing herbal waters relieved his nettle punishment. Delicious fruits and berries filled his mouth. His pain play continued with hot peppers burning his mouth. Alen moaned in discomfort, which was met by mocking laughter, and then milk, honey, soothed his tongue. The exploration continued with flesh, delivering tastes, feelings, and sounds, as his mouth, fingers, and cock were used to pleasure…. how many women were present he could not know. Soft fleshy thighs pressed against his face, plump aroused lips rubbed against his open mouth. Mounds of flesh and moans of ecstasy smothered him, as these women used his body. He surrendered to all as the Goddess of the temple, turned him every which way but loose.

Pleasure then pain, agony then ecstasy, again and again, she would swallow him whole spit him out and then devour him once more. Time was non existent as she took him to the depths of hell and resurrected him into the throes of passion. She rode him and fucked him and made him her whore, turning his world upside down. If there were 64 positions in the Kama Sutra she showed him 72 more, contorting him in ways he hadn’t known were possible. His body becoming a vessel for all she would delight in.

Denial And Longing For More

He began to feel as if he was going mad, when finally his hour came to an end. Once released, Alen looked around, disoriented and could not see anyone there except the Goddess. Her teasing, tormenting and taking pleasure from him, far surpassed anything he had ever experienced, with any woman. And he found himself craving. He dropped to his knees begging for more time with her.

“Dearest Mistress of all my desires, please.. I beg you do not release me. Please allow me more time with you.”

She looked down at him, caressing his damp, sweat covered face, and chuckled, “It’s Duchess, now.. to you. And your hour, is up.”

Appearing just as she had when he entered the temple, she smiled and allowed him to continue his pleading, clinging to her body, and lowering himself to kiss her feet. “You need to return home and finalize my, “offering.” Handing him a paper scroll wrapped with a blue ribbon with a blue wax seal, and gave him his instructions, “you will find everything needed on that piece of paper. What name to use, where to send your offering, and when to have the condo ready for me. I will see you soon, Alexander.”

The Disappearing Ebony Goddess In The Temple

Alen looked up, and found he was alone in the temple. The only indicator that his encounter was real, was the slight lingering itchiness and redness on his back and thighs, and the ache in his cock. The paper did indeed have all the information. Turning toward the missing caryatid, he discovered she was missing no more. The exact likeness of The Duchess, head held high, posing and staring into the distance. Her curves just as they had been against his willing body.

A year passed since he sold his home and handed her the deed to his condo. He saw her very little and only in passing. He would return to his new home after checking on her and hearing strange noises and laughter, coming from the condo she now owned. Crestfallen, his life returned to normal, with the occasional questioning and disbelief that he would give away his properties and such a large body of land. He would always deflect, changing the subject and insisting he was happier with such a burden gone. He told no one about the ethereal Mistress that turned him into a human pretzel, made him sing like a canary, and showed him the vast spectrum from pain to pleasure. He remembered every detail vividly, and knew no one would believe his accounts. But no matter how surreal his memories of her were, he could never replicate the sensations. He went to several Mistresses who specialized in pain play, visited companions, but none could replicate her touch.

Return To The Temple Of The Ebony Femdom

He returned to the temple a month later, on the anniversary of their meeting. The temple was the same as before, not a statue or painting out of place, torches lit. Studying each of the caryatids, he stood in front of her statue, looking longingly at her marbleized beauty. Finally, he turned to leave.

“You’ve served me well, in and out of the dungeon, Alexander.”

Alen whirled around to find her standing before him. “But, how are you… here??” he asked, noticing the once again empty space. The Duchess held out her hand. “I know I have been distant,” she cooed, luring him into her arms, his head against her breasts. “It is time for me to give you, your reward, for being such a loyal devotee.”

Gently easing his head from her chest, she guided him over to the empty pillar space. “Your place, is with me now.”

Feeling a slight sense of unnease, Alen protested, “I don’t understand..” When he tried to move from the spot she led him to, he found his feet held fast. “What’s happening??? I can’t move… help me!”

The Duchess smiled and stroked his cheek, “I am helping you, beloved. As I said.. your place, is with me now.”

Alen watched in horror, looking down and seeing his feet become marble, spreading upwards across his body.

“You will guard my temple, as all caryatids do, from enemies, and protect it from trespassers. You will never grow old. You will never feel pain. And you will always be welcome, to the pleasures here. My greatest Telamon, Alexander.”

By the time she finished speaking her words into him, his body had been transformed, now a strong, perfectly sculpted male atlas. Even more beautiful than he had been in living form. The Duchess smiled at her newest creation, took a look around at her frozen, immortal beauties, and exited the temple, ascending the steps to the surface.

Something Strange In The Temple Of The African Goddess

A month afterward, another tour group visited the temple. The tour guide reciting the history of the African Goddess temple same as she had before. When they reached the inner bath house, the tour guide facing the group, then turned as she was speaking.

“The caryatids offer not only beauty, but support to the…”

The tour guide gasped, seeing what stood before her. “That’s not possible! There’s never been a male statue in here…” her voice trailed off, staring at the perfectly chiseled Telamon. The group murmuring among themselves. Once the tour was done, the tour guide made a few calls. “I need to know what’s going on! It’s just there as if it had always been. I don’t know where it came from, no one could have stolen the female statue or placed it without being seen.”

Returning by herself, just as the sun set, she stared at the male statue, taking a few pictures for her report, and shaking her head. “Not possible..” And as she turned to leave, heard a man’s voice, calling her name. The sight she saw when she turned around, made her drop her phone, her face turning white as a sheet.

This Concludes Your Stay At The Ebony Femdom Dungeon – Caryatids In Ecstasy

I hope you enjoyed your visit to the Ebony Femdom Dungeon – Caryatids in Ecstasy. You can return as my thrall any time you desire, by calling me at 1-800-601-6975 and asking for Duchess Willow.  Now it’s time for the LAST STOP on the Halloween blog train, get ready for Mistress Kennedy and the den of sissy bimbo vampires.

Duchess Willow


Follow me on Twitter X @DuchessWillow_

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)

Ebony Femdom Fridays With The Duchess

You never know who you might see at Femdom Fridays online, on Twitter X and you also never know what might happen. Case in point: The spanking domino effect that occurred this past Friday where one unlucky subby got a very big spanking punishment. How many spankings did one sub get, and is this the norm for Femdom Fridays?

Ebony Femdom Fridays – Enchantrix Femdom Fridays

The first thing to align yourself with, is that there is no norm for Femdom Fridays. Anything can happen, and depending on how many ladies are in attendance, things can get wild and crazy. Every Friday we have a different host, and a different topic, sometimes we play games, and this event takes place on twitter (make sure you’re following me on twitter) and in our community kink chatroom. Are there prizes? The prize is being in our company and getting to know us for an hour outside of paid sessions. And we are a gift, so there’s your prize. We do, however, reserve the right to hand out punishments.

Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge
Join The Ebony Femdom for “Femdom Fridays” Call Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Spanking Femdom Fridays

So what happens when a subby makes the mistake of flapping their jaws a little too much? Mistress Nadia happens. And oh boy you do not want to get a punishment from Miss Nadia, if you don’t enjoy pain. Remember that there are different types of pain. But this particular Friday, pain was very much physical, and in the form of SEVERAL Femdom spankings. We may have started with, 20? 50? I was laughing to hard to count, all I know is that I helped add spanks to the punishment.  If you’d like to know just how many spankings this sub got, you’ll have to join us on Enchantrix Empire for an up to date recap.

Writing Assignments For Naughty Submissives

Similarly to my “things to do on an ignore call” someone got a writing punishment.  Think, writing “I will not pass notes in class” being written on the chalkboard, except… a whole and very lengthy essay assignment from Miss Becky. I am a fan of writing punishment.  So you’d better be on your best behavior, because I also love handing out the opposite of an enjoyable assignment, and one that will cause you considerable discomfort. Also, there are several of us, you wouldn’t want us giving each other any ideas now would you? Not that it matters, you will always get, exactly what you deserve. And majority rules.

Other Things You Might Not Know About Multi-Mistress Gatherings

Aside from expect the unexpected, if you are ever in the mood and the market to have a multi-mistress Femdom Friday of your own, we offer phone and text, and custom audios. That means you could have your very own teasing multi-mistress phone sex audio from the store, or a custom audio with us reading your naughty script.  There is no limit on how many Mistresses you can have on a custom audio, so long as it’s in your budget.

No Pain No Gain November With The Ebony Femdom And Friends Is Coming

More details on No Pain No Gain November coming soon. In the mean time if you would like to call me just dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow.  Stay safe and stay blessed. Also, don’t forget about this year’s current Femdom Dungeon themed Halloween blog train. Mine will be up toward the end of the month. Make sure you’re collecting all those scavenger hunt keys.

Duchess Willow


Follow me on Twitter X @DuchessWillow_

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)

Femdom Fridays Online and at CommunityKink.com
You never know who might show up. Join us for Femdom Friday’s at 7pm on twitter X. Find me on Twitter X: @DuchessWillow_ and @Duchess_Willow and make sure you’re following all of us.



Ebony Femdom Masturbation Trance

Ebony Femdom Masturbation Trance allows you to get out of your own head for a while.  What you’re getting when you choose The H.E.R. experience, is a woman well versed in imaginative roleplay fantasy, science fiction enthusiasm, and an understanding that whatever the mind makes real, becomes real for you. So I want to talk about having a very real experience, with getting out of your own head.

Ebony Femdom Masturbation Trance

Similarly to meditation, when you are being guided by someone who has experience in the erotic arts, they are going to take you on a journey mentally. That journey may be subject to the individual, and if you are similar to myself, all that means is that you will have the immediate response which is arousal, and the delayed response which is the programming. You might wake up a week from now remembering the intense session you had with me and become instantly hard thinking about what my voice and guidance did to your body, but there is also a connection that becomes an addiction. Some addictions aren’t necessarily bad for you, but there are people like myself, who enjoy the “fantasy” of the loss of control.

Why Erotic Meditation Is So Addictive

Femdom is a layer of women dominating and the submissive giving up control to that dominant. Similarly, mind control, erotic meditation, and masturbation trance are forms of surrendering control. You want to give up control for many different reasons, the end result being therapeutic. Masturbation trance is about giving you that release, and allowing someone else to take the lead. The drop into subspace being your liberation. So while you might think, “I just want to get off,” there’s actually something psychological happening at the same time.

Erotic Trance With The Ebony Femdom

I have done many different scenarios with callers ranging from guided masturbation to even more diabolical fantasies where they are transformed. Into what? That all depends on the person, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Whatever your specific fantasy, it’s something that excites you and turns you on.  Is mind control real? It’s real if your mind makes it real, and for some your mental willfulness and your desire is all it takes. So what do you need for a masturbation trance session?

What To Bring For A Masturbation Trance Session

You will need a nice quiet environment, a comfortable place to sit or recline, and to make sure you won’t be interrupted. A trance session can last as long as you want it to, generally I advise anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour for the desired effect. Ultimately it’s up to you how long you want your experience to last.

Masturbation Trance Audios And Text Sessions

In case you are unaware, you can do trance sessions via text, if you are unable to talk and prefer to type. Texting trances are very popular on chat sites and in the virtual world, and are available with me via skype or discord, I also have my own chatroom on my blog.  Things to keep in mind: I do not monitor skype or discord 24/7 so if you have a question about this service, it’s best to email me. Another thing to keep in mind is that I keep free chats short and to the point.

Quick Questions Vs. Kinky Consultations

If you have a quick question and you decide that your quick question has a more detailed dialogue needed, it’s best to either call and we can do a quick 10 minute consultation over the phone or a 10 minute text session. This would be a paid consultation and would allow you the time and attention to get whatever your question is, answered. This helps me, to help you. Another option is my email package. I have both a daily and a weekly email package. The weekly you can purchase in the phone sex assignments store, and for the daily package please email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com.  If you have a trance masturbation script you’d like me to read, custom audios are available for purchase.  I also have ready to buy Ebony Femdom Audios in the phone sex audios store, go here to my aural delights blog to get free audio samples and previews of available audios.

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex With Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Call The Ebony Femdom For Masturbation Trance

Ready to take the plunge and lose your head for a while? All you have to do is dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. I look forward to playing around in your head, and having fun with you. Stay safe and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)

Ebony Femdom Audios And Services

With the Strokeathon 2024 coming up, I wanted to make sure my readers were aware of all the services I offer. I know there’s a lot of information here and it can sometimes be overwhelming, but I want to help you, help me. With that here’s a quick review and outline of my phone sex audios for sale and some of the many other Ebony Femdom audios and services I offer. The links go straight to the individual audios. Additionally I also have a phone sex assignments page located on the first class erotica hub.

Black History Month - Valentine's Day
You’ve never met an Ebony Princess, quite like me. Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Ebony Femdom Audios And Services

Just in case you’re hooked and decide you need more of my voice and kinky mind, here’s a sample of some of my other offerings:

Ebony Femdom Cock Trance  Length: 17:48 Minutes. Mind control isn’t real.. or is it? You may find yourself questioning your sanity, and hopelessly addicted to my voice, and what I do to you cock, once you finish.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow 3D Gooning Pornosexual Length – 6:11 minutes. This one is for the gooning, trance lovers. In MP4 video format. Stare at the screen, listen to my voice, and go blank, while you stroke.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow – White Boi Training Trance Length: 10:19 minutes. White men love being put in their place by black women. You won’t be able to resist the drop into subspace.

Ebony Femdom Duchess Willow Limp Penis CBT Instruction Length: 5:44 minutes. This audio was inspired by a man who couldn’t use his words and missed a delicious opportunity when he fumbled the bag.  It is as funny as it is humiliating. You might even catch a whiff of second hand embarrassment for the poor soul.

White Male Sissy Verbal Humiliation by Duchess Willow Length – 5:53 minutes. If you crave degradation with a sweet sting, sissy, this is for you. You’re so pathetic there’s no category for your disappointing meat sack.

Ebony Femdom Human Ashtray Slave Length – 15:09 For the smoking/human ashtray fetish crowd.

Be A Good Toy Induction Trance Length: 3:10 Short and sweet, if you like mindfuck, erotic meditation and mind control, this will jump start your journey.

Ebony Femdom Cock Mantra Length: 5:19 More mind control bliss. This time in dick form. Do you love cock? Are you a dick licker? You can surely pass the test, can’t you?

Ebony Giantess Asscrack Island Length: 26:55 If you enjoyed our Giantess Island themed start to summer, and you love a big ole ebony ass, this one will smother you.. quite literally.

Gooning Masturbation Trance Length: 10:02 You thought the Ebony Femdom was just a cartoon, and discover her influence is very much real. Submit, and goon for Duchess.

I also have phone sex ringtones available, if you’re in need of a quick, humiliating fix, of Duchess Willow.

If you would like a custom erotic audio from me, email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com and go to my custom audio profile for details and pricing.

Ebony Femdom Custom Audios And Live Sessions

As mentioned above, I do custom audios as well. And a few of those started out as customs… just fyi. I also offer dick ratings, email and sms texting packages, virtual sessions and sexy texting only live sessions. My email and text package has just been updated and is now a weekly package with a lot of perks. It’s perfect for those of you with limited privacy, and sensual urges that need my attention.  And in the event that text just won’t do, and you need to hear my voice for some Domination Phone Sex, and sensual ebony body worship just call me. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. Enjoy the new audio, stay safe, and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)

Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge

Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge
Take The Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge. Call Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Did you have a fabulous Pride month? I certainly did, now let’s talk about the upcoming 2024 Strokeathon. Who says sissies can’t stroke? Especially when the majority of the time the little sluts can’t keep their hands off their appendages to save their lives. We’re going to put that ingrained urge to stroke and be sassy to work, darlings. Take the Ebony Femdom sissy Strokeathon challenge, and you won’t be penalized for putting your hands down your panties.

Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge

Frilly pussy bois like to have fun, so why should the “fems” be excluded from the 2024 strokeathon? The strokeathon is named such because it’s for strokers. Some strokers might be manly men who like to pump and handfuck themselves into oblvion, but the fact is that the sissies, crossdresser, fembois and tgirls also…. like to stroke. So let me make this abundantly clear: The Strokeathon is rated E for EVERYONE (18+ or older). If you have a penis, and you want the attention and adoration of an audience of dominant women, now’s your chance. So let’s talk about entry and registration tings.

Ebony Femdom Guided Masturbation

How To Join The 2024 Strokeathon

All you have to do if you’re interested in entering the strokeathon challenge, is purchase a 60 minute call through dispatch. When you call in you can get the details, FROM dispatch, as they will have all the details for you to keep things streamlined. As the event gets closer, you will be given instructions on the where’s and when’s. In the mean time, let’s discuss your stroke training, bois and gurls.

Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge Training

If you want some preparatory training on being a strokeathon participant, all you need to do is call in for your guided masturbation and jerk off instruction.  Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Well… that might not be true but… you might as well get 60 minutes of training in, since that’s what you need to enter. Rememeber that if you want to win a prize, you will have to perform, for us.  Now’s not the time to be shy, and since any other time you lot are gagging to show off your dick, now you will get a prize for doing so… but only if you join the strokeathon.

Cum eating with the Ebony Femdom Cuckoldress 1-800-601-6975

Strokeathon Prizes For The Winning “Stroker”

If you would like more information in general about how to join the 2024 strokeathon and what will be expected of you, please visit the daily cock strokeathon 2024 blog and please…. READ all the information there as it’s designed to help you. Bookmark the blog post if you need to. Oh… and there are prizes for 3 lucky winners.  Up to a free 60 minute call if you are the last stroker standing.

The Strokeathon May Be The Only Time You’re Allowed To Cum

Normally I would exercise caution and advise control, but for the strokeathon, we want you to cum, absolutely. The strokeathon will take place on September 7th and there will be TWO time slots: 1pm and 8pm both EASTERN time. If you need help training, you can call or purchase a text session from sexy texting. You must have skype or discord for your text sessions and please email me first because I’m not always in front of my computer. And in case this was not obvious, you don’t have to be a sissy, to call for strokeathon training. I am simply letting you readers know, that all the dick strokers are welcome.

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Ebony Femdom Sissy Strokeathon Challenge Training – Are You Ready?

If you’re ready to train to be the very best, winning stroker, sissy, femboy, gooner, jerkoff junkie, just call me. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow.  May the best stroker win. Stay safe, and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


Spoil Me – Duchess Willow’s Wishlist

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Podcast

Sexy Texting

Enchantrix Discord

Custom Audios

Phone Sex Audios

Ebony Femdom Dick Ratings

Email And Texting Package

Virtual Femdom Sessions (You must have a computer)