Locktober Pegging In The Enchanted Woods

The Ebony Femdom is back with Locktober pegging in the enchanted woods. Will you survive? Duchess Willow 1-800-601-6975

Welcome back to the realm of The Duchess. If you’ve been following the Halloween blog train from the beginning of the month, you already know that to date, we’ve had a blog post for every single day of Locktober. Your last stop was Mistress Scarlet’s tickle torture in the forest.  And when you last met the Ebony Femdom in the woods, some silly man got lost in the forest and ended up “servicing” several hundred trees. If you missed that, go back to Friday The Fuckteenth to read. If you missed any posts on the blog train start with Miss Constance in the Giantess cave.  Now.. let’s see who’s poking around in the forest, here’s your next story: Locktober Pegging In The Enchanted Woods.

Locktober Pegging In The Enchanted Woods

“You don’t really believe all those crazy stories about the forest, do you?” Two men stood by the water cooler, chatting and sipping coffee, the other of the two, shook his head. “I don’t know, I’m just saying what if there’s a possibility the stories are real? Maybe that forest is haunted, and what about all the men that disappear there every year?”

“If you don’t believe the stories, why don’t you go see for yourself?” A woman’s voice replied. Both men turned and looked at their coworker. The skeptic scoffed, “oh I bet you’d love that wouldn’t you? Both of us disappearing into the woods?” The woman laughed, “I don’t believe the stories either, but instead of arguing why not go check it out? If it’s not real what could be the harm?”

The seed had now been planted, as it always would be. Both men turned to look at each other as the woman left the kitchen. “Road trip?” The men both nodded. Road trip.

Enchanted Woods Backstory

Everyone knew that every year something strange happened in the forest. Men went missing, or returned too terrified to say what happened to them. There was also a myth going around, that men who ventured into the forest during Locktober, got locked in chastity. Which may beg the question: What’s worse? Disappearing never to be seen again? Or returning locked in chastity, never able to use your dick again? No one seemed to be able to answer that question. The men who did return didn’t want to talk about their forest ordeal. Some went mad and were institutionalized. So Kell and Hicks decided they would see what the big deal was, about the forest.

Things Escalated Quickly In The Enchanted Woods

They found the entrance to the forest easily enough. By the time they got there, the sun was going down. Both men had decided to camp in their car, and take a look around the forest that evening. They stopped in a nearby bar and had a few drinks. Both of them cracking jokes about how silly these urban myths were and how they’d probably find nothing but trees and forest creatures. As they were drinking, the door to the bar swung open with a bang. A man came running in, he was covered in dirt and leaves, and his clothes were ripped up.

Another Enchanted Forest Victim?

“Please you gotta help me! Please get this thing off me!” He was screaming, frantic, several bar patrons went over to find out what was wrong. After some pitiful wailing, he backed away, wild eyed and yelling, “this place is cursed” he looked right at the two men, shaking his head violently. “Don’t go in there, you’ll never be the same!” The man ran out the door just as quickly as he came, leaving the men bewildered. “What the fuck was that about?” Kell asked. Hicks shrugged, “probably had too much to drink, lots of Halloween parties this time of year.”

A Stranger Walks Into The Bar

Only a few seconds after the man fled, the doors swung open again, and a woman wearing an all black leather motorcycle jumpsuit, and helmet, walked in.  She took her helmet off and both men stared. Her jet black hair was pulled back into a ponytail, her dark eyes scanned the bar before sitting down.  The leather she was wearing hugged every curve, and over her shoulder, was a matching black leather satchel. After ordering a lager, the woman took a sip, and then turned to the two men.  “Hey, you guys local?”

The men shook their heads, “we’re just here to check out the forest.” The woman smirked, “seems to be a draw, here.” “I take it you’re not a local either?” Kell asked. She took another sip before replying, “I have ancestry here… well maybe. According to the information I was given, and some artifacts found in the forest several decades prior.”

They chatted for a turn, the woman telling them about her impending trip to the woods, and something in her satchel. “I’m hoping I can find out where it came from.”

“It?” Kell replied. The woman looked around and then opened her satchel, and pulled out what looked at first like an ancient phallic carving. It was long and curved, shiny black, with sigils carved into it along the sides. So shiny it looked like it was polished glass. But it was not glass. “Ever seen anything like this?”  Hicks blinked and stared, “is that a…”  The woman smiled, “it’s a piece to a strapon it seems, been a heirloom  for as long as I can remember… no one would tell me what it was or why they had it, until I was older. And now I’m going into the forest to find the other piece.”

A Girthy Forest Puzzle Piece

Hicks looked at the base, “it looks like it screws into something.”  She chuckled, “well someone was certainly doing some screwing,” she laughed, and both men exchanged glances, blushing. “So would you two like to join me?”  Kell started to say something and then paused, “wait a minute,” he began, “did you happen to see that guy screaming and running out of here when you came in?”  The woman looked confused, “no… what man?” Kell and Hicks looked at each other, “he would have been hard to miss. Tattered clothes, dirt all over, screaming that something was out to get him?” The woman frowned, “nope. I would have remembered seeing that.”  Kell stood up and looked at the windows, seeing it was now pitch black out. He looked at his watch, and it was after 11pm. “Geez where’d the time go? I guess we better get going.”

Into The Woods They Went

While Kell and Hicks were completely clueless as to where they were going, the woman in black leather seemed very sure of herself. Walking straight ahead, deeper and deeper into the forest until it was pitch black, save for their flashlights. The air was thick with fog by the time they reached their destination. Other than the hooting of owls and chirping of crickets, there were no other strange noises or sights to see.  That was until they reached the cave.

The Enchanted Forest Cave

A wide mouthed cave opening, with large trees on either side of it, with the entrance to the cave blocked, by an equally huge boulder. Hicks stared up in awe, while Kell inspected the cave opening and the boulder. There was something carved around the opening, and a dark fluid dripping down the sides and center of the boulder. Kell shrugged, “looks like someone didn’t want anyone going in, that’s for sure.” He felt a nudge and turned to see the woman standing behind him, close enough that he could smell the leather she was wearing, and the scent of whatever earthy, exotic perfume she was wearing. She pointed her flashlight, “not without an offering.” Kell’s mouth dropped open, when he saw what her flashlight was directed at.

The Enchanted Forest Trees

He hadn’t really paid attention to the trees at the mouth of the cave, but what he saw gave him pause.  It was not just the mere size of the trees, but their shape. “Holy shh-” Hicks exclaimed. The trees had a feminine shape, with large phallic roots protruding from their trunks. Just above the wooden phalluses, something was carved into the bark.  Kell squinted, “what does that say?” he asked.

“It says in order to enter the cave, there must be a male offering impaled.” She pointed to the female tree’s “pegging” wood. Kell laughed nervously, “uh… impaled?” The woman nodded. “If the tree is pleased with the offering, the cave will open.”

Kell realized now that this woman had to have been here before, or at least knew what was in that cave. “How do you know about all of this?” he asked.  “Like I said, I have ancestors, here, and they guided me to this place… I also knew you would help me.” Both men stared at her. “So you want us to fuck a tree, that may or may not open that cave, and then what?” Hicks asked. The woman giggled and locked eyes with Hicks. “I know it’s not the first time you’ve thought about getting fucked in the ass, what could the harm be? And yes, I know what’s in the cave, and I also know its worth. There’s something in it for both of you, if you help me.” Hicks face went blank at her statement, feeling the heat rising in his cheeks.

Men Being Men In The Woods

Both men looked from the trees, to the woman, to the cave opening, and that’s when they noticed the faint glow coming from behind the boulder. Kell thought long and hard about what the woman said, “so by worth, you do mean money, right?”  The woman smiled, taking a step toward him, reaching to drag a finger along the underside of his chin, “enough riches, to retire early if it is your wish, and live a fulfilling life as you please.” Stepping back, she took a long look at the cave, and then spoke, turning toward the tree, “so who’s going to be first?”

Kell suddenly had thoughts. Thoughts that hadn’t come to him in a very long time. Intermingled with the promise of wealth and never having to work again, the wheels were turning, and he was seeing dollar signs. He remembered his doubts back at the office, and joking with his coworker that she’d never have to see them again. And that he had not believed the rumors, that they would find anything mysterious or strange in the woods. But before he could voice those thoughts, Hicks chimed in, “I’ll do it!”

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The Locktober Pegging  Commences

The woman and Kell looked on, Kell surprised by his friends lack of hesitation as he began to unbuckle his belt and drop trou.  “Uhhhh… so do I just uh… back up on this… this… wooden uh…” he looked behind him, a little nervous for the first time since he jumped into action, and noticed the tree phallus was shimmering, and glistening with something that resembled lube.  A momentary panic filled him. “That’s… kinda weird..” he murmured, his pondering interrupted by the woman’s voice. “It’s ready for you,” she mused, “just relax, and let nature take its course.”

Hicks slowly backed up against the strange, glistening phallus, and felt it’s pulsated warmth against his bare cheeks. “Ohhh,” he cooed, “that feels nice.”  Kell looked on and felt a strange mix of terror and arousal, seeing his friend mount the tree. He heard a sigh, and the rustling of trees behind him. Then the murmuring of female voices, hissing and purring. Kell backed up, turning to look around. “What’s happening?” he asked, confused, “what’s going on??” While briefly distracted by the sudden movement in the forest, his attention snapped back to Hicks, when he heard the loud “AAAAaaaaaarrgghhhhaah” turning his attention to a sight that would haunt him for the rest of his days.

Locktober Pegging – The Cost Of Curiosity

The tree was not a tree at all, and there was a loud creaking, snapping, and splitting of branches, as the being took hold of Hicks and began thrusting wildly into him.  Vines shot up out of the ground and held him fast, the tree nymph screeching in ecstasy and raking his back with her claws.  Kell looked on in horror, everything happening at once. The sudden rumbling from the ground, the boulder creaking, sighs of the forest as they watched Hicks getting pegged. The woman who brought them here, began to unzip her jumpsuit, peeling off the leather to reveal her own shimmering skin. The rumbling got louder as the boulder began to move from the cave opening. The light from the cave getting brighter.

Tricked And Treated

“You tricked us!” Kell cried, nearly drowned out from howls of Hicks unrelenting pounding. Stepping out of her leather jumpsuit, the woman turned to face him. “You are a non believer, are you not? We have a place for you here, too. But first, I will show you I was telling the truth.” She waved a hand, gesturing for him to step inside the cave. Kell trembled, looking from Hick’s blissfully tortured expression, as the being continued to take pleasure from him. Its moans growing louder mingled with sighs from the other tree nymphs, and aaahhhhs and ooohhhss and yess’s. Everything in the forest seemed to be alive, and as strange as this was for him, and while he knew he should turn heel and run, he found himself walking toward the light, unable to resist the pull of whatever was in the cave.

Forest Treasures Await

As it would happen, the mysterious woman had not been fibbing, about the riches waiting in the cave. No sooner than he stepped inside the mouth of the cave, the light illuminating the cave walls, encrusted with gems and jewels, resin dripped from the walls, gold and silver covered the cave floor. The deeper he went inside, the more glorious the jewels and treasures were he laid eyes on. She was right, there was more than enough here for a man to retire and never have to work a day in his life. That’s when something else caught his eye. A large golden statue of a woman, resembling the stranger, with outstretched hands that turned into golden branches. And at her feet, a large jeweled chest, overflowing with locks. All different kinds of locks, all made of gilded metal, glistening in the light. Upon closer inspection, Kell noticed several of the locks, were chastity cages.

Kell turned to the woman, who now stood behind him, nude, her body covered in those same gems and jewels, her eyes shimmering unnaturally in the light. She was smiling, and…. waiting. “Who are you really?” Kell asked.  The woman took a deep breath, Kell watching the rise and fall of her breasts. “Every year I lure men, just like you, into the forest. To feed my maidens, and let them take delight in the men who are captured. Every year we take the souls of these men. And… the ones who are lucky to escape, are not so lucky, as they think. The forest will always bring them back. And when it does, the price will be paid…. so… do you still want your reward?”

A Choice To Be Made

His head was swimming with questions. What would happen to Hicks? How much of these riches would he be allowed to leave with? Would he have to take his turn with the trees or… with this mysterious Goddess, to be allowed to leave? His greed consumed him. Kell didn’t want to leave empty handed after seeing what was in the cave. The opportunity to never have to work again, and endless wealth was too tempting. “So… I’ll have enough to retire right? And I don’t have to return to the cave once I do whatever it is you ask of me?”  The woman grinned, taking a step closer and cupping his face in her hands. “You already have done… all that I need, or would ask…” Pressing her lips against his, she kissed him passionately, and then pulled away.  Kell licked his lips, sweet, honey, chocolate, berries, an explosion of delicious flavors, and immediately began to feel dizzy.

“Ohhh,” he groaned, holding his head then shaking it, “No…. please… wait… how do I get my- AAAAAAHHHHH!” In an instant, Kell was on his back, being dragged by his ankles out of the cave. “Wait!” he screamed, “wait!! please!” Then he heard more murmurs, sighs, and laughter. As whatever dragged him out into the woods, continued. His clothes began to rip, being torn away by vines and thorns and… what felt like claws reaching out to scratch at him. The sounds of the forest laughter grew louder, drowning out his own screams of terror.

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The Price Paid And The Reward

Kell awoke 3 days later, in a hospital outside of town. He was unable to tell the Dr’s or the police what happened to him. The police questioning him about the disappearance of Hicks, who hadn’t been seen since the night they went to the forest. Kell’s memory was spotty. He had bruises and scratches all over his body, and… a brand new gilded chastity cage locked on his cock. When the Dr’s asked about it, he couldn’t tell them how he got it on, or from where. When they tried to take it off, it wouldn’t budge.  After a day or so he was released, still sore, and allowed to go home.

What Happened To Him In The Locktober Woods?

Flashbacks of Hicks being subdued in the forest, the mysterious woman, and an ache down below from whatever had been done to him when he blacked out.  He realized he would probably never get the cage off, unless he went back to the forest. Upon stepping inside his apartment, something glowing from his living room caught his eye. Walking toward it, his heart skipped a beat. The woman had kept her promise, after all. A small chest, filled with gold and jewels, sat in the middle of the floor. Kell could now enjoy his riches, he would never have to work again.. and he would also, never again use his cock.

Locktober Pegging In The Enchanted Woods Is Almost Over

I hope you enjoyed the story, which is a “slight” continuation of Friday the 13th. The Halloween blog train is ending in a few more days where we will celebrate Halloween, and enter into NO-vember. But don’t get off the train yet, keep on chugging and have a visit with Mistress Harper in the Enchanted Forest. She’s your next stop, and I’m sure she has something delicious, planned for you….. Stay safe and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


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Ebony Femdom Horror Story

Ebony Femdom Horror Story Monster's Ball Halloween Blog Train 2022
The Ebony Femdom Horror Story is your next stop on the Monster’s Ball 2022 Halloween blog train.

Welcome back. This will be my second Monster’s ball entry, following Mistress Fiona. If you missed any blog train stops, please head back to Monster’s Ball Station and start with Mistress Cassidy. In the meantime, enjoy this scary Ebony Femdom Horror Story.

Ebony Femdom Horror Story

“You shouldn’t go to that party.”  Everything that had transpired over the past 3 months, flashed into view, like an endless movie reel showcasing all of Bill’s spectacular life events, but mostly his mistakes. Bill was a privileged white man, who like most men, was the victim of his own hubris.  Never thinking twice before he leapt. Except for Bill, leaping would mean losing everything.  Bill came from an affluent family, and his wife also had very wealthy upbringings, and it was through that upbringing that he received investment funds to build his empire.

He knew that if he did anything to jeopardize his happy home, or make his wife unhappy, his world would come crumbling down around him very quickly.  His wife and their little ones never wanted for anything, and he usually did put them first. Except for one time, in a moment of weakness, when Bill decided to see if the grass was greener on the Ebony side.  It was then things began to spiral. Because of his pride, Bill never thought twice about visiting a black Dominatrix, and indulging in things he knew his wife could never give him.  He also decided that it was his right to be happy sexually, even if it was with another woman. He had after all, been born into the right parentage, done all the right things, and made all the right moves.

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That was before he met, H.E.R.

The delicious, coquettish black woman, who invited him to her private dungeon, after seeing her in Chicago during a business trip.  She turned his world upside down and inside out, and at the time, he was so enamored with her and by her touch, that he could think of nothing else. He became greedy, and started making mistakes. Mistakes that would flood his world and threaten to destroy it, later. But he knew only his desires, when he was with her, and all the things she did to him that his wife wouldn’t dare dream of.

Prior to meeting her, he had always been careful with the Ebony Femdom spaces he would patronize. And at first after meeting H.E.R., he took precautions to conceal his infidelity. He would never see her close to home, and gave out very little personal information. When they first met, he hadn’t even told her his real name, or about his company. She only knew that when he came to visit, he spared no expense. Some might say he treated her better than his own wife. But as he became drunk with lust and greed for her time, that was all he could think of. More, and more time with her. Less time with his family whom he began to neglect.  In addition to the tens of thousands of dollars that he pumped into a private bank account, and then drained, spending it all on H.E.R.

At first, his wife ignored the missing money, the long nights away, and the excuses. Until one night he came home with her scent all over him.  “I know you’ve been having an affair,” she said.  “And I know you’re not working when you say you are on business trips. Your behavior has changed, even others in this household have noticed. So I won’t fight with you, but I must ask that you stop this affair at once.”

Except they did fight. Him feigning his innocence and pretending to be offended at the accusations. More hubris. Finally, after several days, he came to, realizing he had become a shadow of his former self. He went to his wife sobbing, guilt overtaking him, and vowed that things would go back to normal. And for a while, they did.

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Until The Neighbors House Suddenly Went Up For Sale

And they disappeared without so much as a goodbye. Bill and his wife were puzzled. “I don’t understand it,” she said. “They were so happy and always so cordial, we’ve known them for over 10 years.” Bill was shocked, too, but blew it off, and forced himself to focus on changes in the office.  Almost as quickly as the neighbors house went on sale, and they vanished, someone new was moving in. Bill arrived home one night to see a large moving truck, carrying what looked like very expensive furniture and artifacts into the house. Pausing in front of his car, Bill looked around to see if he could catch a glimpse of the new owner. He did not, but something alarming happened that gave him pause.

It was the chair.

A chair that he knew was a one of a kind, custom made, and he knew this because he was the one who had it made to order. As a gift, for H.E.R.  Bill immediately forgot himself and moved closer to get a better look. Standing in the driveway between houses, he watched the men carry the chair in, and sure enough, her initials were scrawled across the back in the cursive he had chosen for it.  Bill turned and hurried into the house. Telling himself that perhaps she had sold the chair to someone. There was no way she could be here. She didn’t know where he lived.

“Hello Bill. It’s nice to see you again.”

Nearly crashing into her on his way to the front door, he froze, mouth agape. “What are you doing here??” he asked.

She chuckled and held up a key ring, jingling it in his face. “I’m your neighbor now, Bill. Aren’t you happy to see me?”

Bill backed away from her, shaking his head, “I never told you where I lived. And how the hell did you get that house?! They loved that house, they would never have sold it to someone lik-”

Cocking her head to the side she gave him a soul snatching look. “Someone like me? A Dominatrix and a whore, hmm? Is that what you were going to say, boi?”

Bill realized his mistake all too late, as she began to explain, what he feared most.  “Your neighbors were very happy to move out of the house and hand over the keys, when I told them what I needed it for. They ah.. sold it to me for 1 dollar, you see.  The smell inside had gotten so bad that they were happy to let me or really anyone, have the house for free. But I insisted on paying the dollar…. for tax reasons, you understand.”

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Her Laughter Rang Out In The Chilly Night Air

“It’s very funny, honestly. They thought they were cursed. They were happy to sell the house to the stupid black whore… you see.”  Bill stammered, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend-”

“You meant exactly what you said, Bill.  And your face is the expression of soured milk, right now. But don’t worry Bill, it can get worse. Much worse.” She ended their conversation with a smile, turning to head over to her new property. She stopped, turning back to him. “By the way Bill, if you want to join me, we’re having a little Monster’s Ball Halloween party at the big mansion. You know the one I’m sure, you helped the former owner acquire it, yes?”

She watched the sea of questions spreading across his face, before he finally spoke. “I’m afraid I can’t attend, Duchess, my wife wouldn’t understand.”  More laughter. Mocking his every word. “Your wife will understand just fine. That is of course unless you want to jump straight to the ‘much worse’ part now.  Is that what you desire, Bill?”

Her set up was flawless, and as his memories of his visits with her came flooding back, he realized he’d made many mistakes, and that his reckoning would leave more than a bad taste in his mouth.  The Duchess knew things about him. Not only did she know, but she had keepsakes from their time together.  His body still tingling in the places she’d corrupted him. Suddenly aching with the remembrance of all he allowed her to do, and had surrendered to. All the things he hid from his wife.  The Duchess with her irresistible love spell had marked him, not physically, but mentally, emotionally, and she knew the power she wielded, even better than he ever would.

And so he agreed, to go to the Monster’s Ball. Because he feared for his wellbeing, and that of his household if he failed to comply.

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The Halloween Monster’s Ball Was A Lavish Prurient Event

Everywhere you turned – while everyone was dressed to the nine’s, sex was happening and on display, save for those locked in chastity, who could not use their caged cocks. Women beating naked men. Men on their knees, sucking, fucking, or being fucked. The sounds of orgasmic submissives using each other for the entertainment of their Mistresses. The scent of high priced perfume and cologne intermingled with the scent of sweat and sex and bodily fluids, permeated the senses.  Bill stood uncomfortably by the cocktail bar, watching everything happening around him, remembering his wife’s words.

“Don’t go to that party, Bill. You shouldn’t go, that’s no place for you.”  He was firm in his reasoning, kissing his wife goodbye. “I have to do this,” he’d whispered in her ear. “I just need you just this once, to trust me, please.”

A tender goodbye that held no indication of the display he witnessed now. The crack of a whip, a man crying out in bliss, or was it pain?  At first he didn’t recognize her, sitting in the satiny blue gown, conversing with two men. One kneeling at her feet, the other, the younger of the two, literally hanging on her every word while she fucked him with her eyes. Those eyes, deep brown and mesmerizing. He remembered looking up at her many a night. “Look at me while I’m fucking you, boi.” His orgasms seemed to last forever when she was inside him, and never breaking his gaze. Bill’s body shivered at the pornographic imagery spinning him out of the now, and into their past indecencies. He snapped out of it just long enough to see her walking towards him, and the looks on her boi slaves faces filled with longing.

What A Strange Pendant On Her Neck

He thought to himself. Which was unusual because only a second or two prior he was bracing himself for whatever was about to happen. Suddenly in the calm of her gaze, he couldn’t remember what he was going to say.  “It’s a gift,” she murmured, into his ear. Bill hadn’t remembered speaking aloud, but much had happened over the past few days, that was inexplicable.  “Given to me very willingly I’d like to mention. Look at his shiny erection.” She stroked silken fingers over the pendant, and Bill swore the thing moved. The Duchess laughed, “I’m going to need you to do something for me. And then once you’re done, you’ll be free to go home.” She purred the last words at him, and Bill looked at her confused. Somewhere deep in his jacket pocket, his phone on silent, began to go off. One missed call after another. But Bill was far too entranced by H.E.R. to even think of his phone.

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Stripped Naked And Covered In Aphrodisiac Infused Oil

Bill stood on the stage, his wrists bound in front of him, chains connecting cuffs on his ankle.  The Duchess was a mere foot away from him, talking to the crowd, telling them what was about to transpire.  The air shimmered and moved. Everyone was in a frenzy, excited for the night’s show.  That’s when Bill noticed that some of the submissives were sprawled out on the floor, fucking right there in front of the stage. The moans were palpable, and everyone stood around, seeming not to notice. All else were focused on the stage. The Duchess hummed closer, into the mic, and directly into his ear, “it’s time for Bill’s sacrifice.  Though I’d say that Bill here is no stranger to what’s about to happen… are you Bill?”  The crowd laughed and cooed at the suggestion. And then, a hush fell over all, as she beckoned him forward, assistants bending him over the black leather bench, and chaining him to it. Legs spread, ready to be mounted and fucked for all to see.

The Silence Was Deafening

Bill had stripped on stage, and his clothes were folded neatly in a pile near the bench. Then he noticed his phone on top of the pile, and could just make out flashing notifications, missed calls, and then a new text message popped up on the screen.  “Bill please call me immediately, if you see this get out of there NOW.”  He thought it strange that he would be taunted by his phone face up, just out of reach, but close enough to read the urgent message pop up, before the screen went black – while he was helpless to do much about it.  He felt her presence behind him, his cheeks spreading. Looking out to the crowd, he saw a sea of faces watching, and waiting.

“Now Bill,” she began, just as she slid her black cock deep inside him. It slid so quickly, he was instantly sheathed, with an alien sense of fullness that both aroused and startled him. He felt a cold breeze on his oiled skin and shuddered. “I know I said that you would need only do this one thing for me,” she began rocking, back and forth inside him slowly, “but I must admit, I was very disappointed when you disappeared and stopped returning my calls.” Stopping for a moment, she lifted her head to the crowd. “I bought Bill’s neighbors house, by the way, everyone. You’re all welcome to visit any time, so I can show you all the nice things Bill bought for me, and the pictures of him I have framed, decorating various spots in the house.” He remembered the pictures, the videos, and fear flooded his body. He had forgotten, but with every passing moment, his memory was restored, and his arousal replaced with terror. She purred again and laughed, thrusting forward and stopping.  “Bill, you made a promise to me, dearest one. And you cannot break a promise to me….” her voice deepened, he felt the scratch of her nails down his back, breaking the skin, a woman moaned out at the gestured. “Ohhhhhhh give him to us,” she begged.

The Monster’s Ball Attendees Inched Closer To The Stage

The Duchess chuckled, “not yet beloved.” She continued, “as I was saying bill… you cannot break a promise to me, without paying the price.” Her girthy she cock pounded into him and swelled, it hadn’t ever felt that way before, but it didn’t matter now. His back began to burn where she scratched him, and something was trickling down the sides of the table from the scratches.  When she thrust again, Bill screamed. “I always take what’s owed Bill,” she purred, wet sounds of moving flesh all around him. “Your wife was calling you, to tell you to get out of the mansion, Bill.”

“Because while I did say you’re going home at the end of the night, I didn’t specify what home that would be. So it would seem I told a little fib, just like all the lies you told to your wife about being away on business, when your legs were pointed toward my ceiling and you were screaming my name.” The Ebony Femdom giggled, digging her nails into his flesh as she pumped.

“I guess wifey found out who I really am… what I am, and was trying to warn you, Bill,” she hissed.

The crowd watched, his face twisted in agony, mouth stretched open soundlessly, as with every thrust of her ebony succubus cock, she pulled the life from him. The last thing he saw, was the moaning woman with her arms outstretched, no longer in her human form. He could hear her saying, “yessss give him to me I’m so hungry,” even as his vision and hearing faded, and all his foolish mistakes flashed before his eyes.  This creature and many others, writhing on the floor before him, would be feeding on his remains. His body sagged, now withered and drained. The crowd of Dommes and submissives all clapped and commented, moving forward to collect their snack. The Duchess retrieved her “girl dick” and smiled down at her audience.

Bill was finally home.

The Ebony Femdom Hopes You’ve Enjoyed This Terrifying  Halloween Tale

I realize I went a little dark, and a bit long? I was inspired and if scary stories frighten you, I’d suggest reading it with the lights on. Now if you would like to reach me and get the life fucked out of you, I’m happy to assist. Or we can trade the horror for something more sensual if you prefer. Just call me, 1-800-601-6975 is the number. Ask for Duchess Willow. I also make custom audios if you need something to guide you to ecstasy, and are unable to call or text privately. Stay safe, and stay blessed. Your next stop on the Halloween blog train is Mistress Cassandra.

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