Two Mistress Femdom Phone Sex – Mistress Becky Guest Blog

Two Mistress Femdom Phone Sex

Two Mistress Femdom Phone Sex Calls are On Sale All April Long

Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 Ashamed man


Hey there, Ms Becky here! Surprise mofos! Me and Princess Andi wanted to swing by Duchess Willow’s blog and say hi to the white pussy ass cuck bois she demeans, degrades and humiliates on the daily. So, “hiya, losers”, LOL. And then I thought to myself, you know what would be super fun? If I could watch it happen myself- “it” being your absolute humiliation at Duchess Willow’s feet, of course. I don’t know why I am built the way I am, but I am, and my pussy gets positively drenched watching another mistress put a pathetic weak cuck in their place. That’s why I begged Enchantrix Empire to discount two mistress femdom phone sex calls this April- so that I can watch all the fierce mistresses provide tongue lashings to you fucking losers! And my evil planned worked… and now I get to watch you being degraded (on your dime- tee hee) BUT you get to save a little cash at the same time that you get all the humiliation you crave, that you deserve. Also, me and the girls were talking, and we would love it if you were able to bring us three together for a little extra fun, yeah?





Why Two Mistress Femdom Phone Sex Calls are Even More Humiliating Than 1:1 Calls

Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 Girls Laughing at youTwo mistress calls allow you to be exposed, degraded and brutally mocked by a team of hardcore mistresses who want to use and abuse you for their own pleasure. Instead of showcasing your deficiencies and shortcomings to one mistress, there will be two of us, playing off each other, ensuring that each one of us is FULLY APPRAISED regarding what a filthy, dirty, worthless boy you are. Yeah? Would you like that, you fucking pathetic loser? Having more than one Mistress adds to the intensity, to the depth of your erotic humiliation experience. In addition to that, it means you are serving your purpose, does it not? Providing entertainment for mistresses is about the only thing most of you have to offer, isn’t that right? And nothing gets us hotter than having a hot sexy mistress to share a subby boy with- so you can feel good about providing your betters with some laughs, can’t you? And be honest, for the vast majority of you, that’s your only fucking contribution. Plus, it’s not like you can lay claim to any other ways to get our pussies nice and wet… right loser? And don’t you want to make us happy? Two mistress calls make us very happy indeed, and for a guy who can’t usually make one girl happy, that should feel really good, yea?


Maximizing Your Humiliation with Two Mistress Femdom Phone Sex Calls

Intelligent Phone Sex Calls Ms Becky 1-800-601-6975 22mistressesfor$80April2024So there is a couple of ways we could witness you being utterly broken and put in your place. Please note that the discount for Two Mistress calls applies to dispatched calls only, so it you want to save some bread, that would be the way to go. However, we are still able to connect via Skype so we can see you and watch all that beautiful pain and humiliation land on your face. Also, if you think you have what it takes to take on two of us for longer than 20 minutes, well, we will give you $11.80 off your call altogether. I look forward to watching The Duchess and Princess Andi break you like the bitch we all know you are. XOXO- Miss Becky


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