Let’s chat about what’s happening at LDW this month. It’s February which means it’s black history month, and Valentine’s Day is four days away. We can go with black history month or black heritage month if you will, first. Disclaimer: I have a tendency to mix a little bit of realness with fantasy. I want you all to have a good time with me, and education on the things that affect your black Mistress, are valid points of education. I love losing myself in a fantasy, too, and forgetting at least for a little while, all of my troubles. So with that said, here comes my rant. And then we can chat about Valentine’s Day.
Black History Month With The Ebony Femdom
Last year during black history month, I had a lot to say about some sh*t I experienced and a lot to say about the behaviors of tone deaf white people. So lemme give you a brief run down and get you up to speed. First off, blackfishing/blackface/digital blackface is never okay. Not when black people are targeted and losing their lives for the color of their skin, are you gonna sit here and pretend to be black even for a second. You can get the fuck on with that bs. Black people gain nothing from racism, or reverse racism – which doesn’t exist – but white folks love finding anywhere to be victims so that they don’t have to take responsibility for their actions. So this is me saying once more: Educate yourselves – and stop expecting black women to educate you, and get the fuck outta your feelings. Because I don’t care if you don’t like what I have to say.
Why Can’t Black People Just Get Over It?
With that said, I want to just tell you, that I understand why white people have such a hard time understanding why black people keep bringing up race and discrimination. Come closer, lemme whisper it into your ear: Because YOU have never experienced racism, because YOU are not black. Of course you wouldn’t know what it feels like to be shot at simply for being black, or discriminated against. You. Can’t. See it. Which is why when black people share their experiences, you need to listen. Because you will never in this lifetime know firsthand, the difference between BLM and storming the capitol because your presidential candidate lost and you’re butthurt about it. FULL SHADE.
We Don’t Need Anyone To Speak For Us
Do me a favor and stay in your fucking lane. While you may never experience racism, that does not absolve you of any responsibility. Close your mouth and open your ears. White people riot when their team loses, black people riot because we’re tired of being killed, the two are not the same, never will be, you are not special, sit the fuck down. And while we’re on the subject of black people being tired, you know what I’m tired of? People policing black women’s vaginas; white men thinking it’s okay to call me up and tell me you love n*gger cock. I’ve said this before, your privilege has made some of you real comfortable being out of pocket. I will check you, and if you get your feelings hurt that was your life lesson moment. Do better. Don’t ever disrespect black women and/or men when speaking to me. You will very quickly lose the privilege of being in my presence AND I will tax you for your faux pas.
If You Don’t Want The Same For You Don’t Do It To Us
I am going to tell you something that you may never in life understand. And that is that black women deal with a very multi-faceted experience when it comes to discrimination. And obviously someone who has the experience is going to be the one that can tell you about that experience. So being loud and talking over black women is never okay. And please miss me with the passive aggressive “we’re all one soul/color” because that is the go to verbage many white zen spiritualists use when they want to ignore racism. And when they are trying to silence us and tell us that saving cows and eating vegetables is more important than the well being of black women. Ignoring racism does not solve the problem, and pretending to be hyper spiritual and love everyone, while ignoring racism, also does not solve the problem. A lot of your experience, is rooted in privilege. Remember that.
Does The Ebony Femdom Dislike White Folks?
Nah. I will tell you that if I dislike someone, it has nothing to do with skin color (with the exception of racist white people then hell no, I don’t fuck with yall). I appreciate people who respect themselves and respect others, and treat others as they would like to be treated. Regarding the above: Yes, we are all one race of beings; and yes, we are all deserving of love and compassion, in reality race was made up to control people, and we’ll all be better off – with a better quality of life – without racism.
Black History Month Rant Over – Let’s Talk About Valentine’s Day
If any of you are wondering if I’m this intense in real life, the short answer is yes. I speak my mind and refuse to hold my tongue to make white people comfortable. The more in depth answer is that I speak up when I have something to say and other than that I really don’t fuck with anybody. The world would indeed be a better place if folks learned how to mind their own business and stop complicating things that don’t need to be complicated. Anyway as I said, switching gears let’s talk Valentine’s Day. I’m not a super militant black woman – so I do enjoy having fun and celebrating hallmark holidays like the one on February 14th. It’s a really good day to show your appreciation to the LDW Mistresses. And this year we are allowing you to buy your Mistress a valentine. You have until February 14th to participate, here’s how you do that: Go to phone sex audios, click the highlighted link to be taken to the Mistress valentine page. You write your note to your Femdom Sweetheart, and on Valentine’s Day the Mistress, or Mistresses, will receive your hearts. You may buy more than one, for one Mistress, or more than one, for several.
Valentine’s Day With The Ebony Femdom
I will be taking calls on Valentine’s Day, so if you want to wine me, dine me, and have me sit on your face, you will have a chance to do that, on Sunday. So my Valentine’s Day request for you good people out there, is to do some emotional labor, and legwork, and surprise me with something I will love, for our call. If you wish to get me a gift for Valentine’s Day – in addition to buying a valentine from the above link, I have a wishlist on Etsy, and wishlist on amazon. You can buy me giftcards from either, or both, which will ensure I am able to treat myself to something lovely, at your expense. Please send giftcards to willow@enchantrixempire.com You are also welcome to send reparations in the form of a virtual bouquet, through dispatch. I expect to be pampered, spoiled, serenaded with music by Tanerélle, and treated like an Ebony Princess, Valentine’s Day weekend. So make sure you do just that. To schedule a call with me, and to send a virtual bouquet, dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. If you would like a custom phone sex audio from me for valentines day, please go to my custom audio profile. If you want one of my phone sex audios, click the link to go to my store. I hope you’ve enjoyed getting schooled and up to speed. Have a wonderful week, stay safe, and stay blessed.
Duchess Willow
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