July is going to be a hot month at LDW, and not just because it’s summer time. It appears that I’ve been chosen to be your July Mistress of the Month, so sit back, relax, and let me tell you what phone sex with the Duchess is like.
Ebony Femdom July Mistress Of The Month
What is phone sex with the ebony femdom like? Warm caramel syrup, on a chocolate sundae. Fresh ground blue mountain coffee on that first inhale. The pleasurable sting of your first big black lady dick, that leaves you sore but satisfied. Some may think it’s cliche to call a black woman, ebony. Being called ebony doesn’t phase me at all… just make sure you spell my name right. I’m also unbothered by food references like chocolate, and caramel, and cocoa. They’re all delicious foods, and I am a deliciously addictive black woman.
July Mistress Of The Month Phone Sex Specials
Purchase 60+ minutes with me this month, get 10 added free. One per person. Offer good for phone sex, text sex, virtual femdom. June 29th was my birthday, you still have time to send tributes and gifts, peep this blog post for links to my wishlist.
Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Audio Gift
Everyone who does a call with me this month of 10+ gets to pick out one free ringtone. Go to my Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Audios store to see what audios I have available and pick a ringtone after your call.

Erotic Audios And Custom Audios
To make it even easier for you, let me give you a few of my favorites from my store:
Ebony Femdom Human Ashtray Slave Length – 15:09 For the smoking/human ashtray fetish crowd.
Be A Good Toy Induction Trance Length: 3:10 Short and sweet, if you like mindfuck, erotic meditation and mind control, this will jump start your journey.
Ebony Femdom Cock Mantra Length: 5:19 More mind control bliss. This time in dick form. You can surely pass the test, can’t you?
Ebony Giantess Asscrack Island Length: 26:55 If you enjoyed our Giantess Island themed start to summer, and you love a big ole ebony ass, this one will smother you.. quite literally.
Gooning Masturbation Trance Length: 10:02 You thought the Ebony Femdom was just a cartoon, and discover her influence is very much real. Submit, and goon for Duchess.
If you would like a custom erotic audio from me, email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com and go to my custom audio profile for details and pricing.
What Is Duchess Willow Into – What Kind Of Things Can We Talk About
Since this is an inherently exhausting question, that is usually asked by someone who couldn’t be bothered to read, I am going to direct you to my blog. The above list of phone sex audios for sale should give you a rough idea of what I’m into, already. I’d also suggest you read Acts Of Service For Submissives Who Can’t Pay For Sessions and read the whole thing, you can alternatively listen to the podcast where this is discussed. I don’t care if it takes you all day and night, read it until you understand it. If you still can’t grasp what I’m into and how to serve me after doing all that, pay for a phone sex session and call me.
My Personal Style Of Femdom And What To Expect From Me
I don’t do a whole lot of free coddling, so if you need someone to do everything short of “begging” you to call, you may go talk to someone else. You will get a faster response from me, when you pay for my time – which is better than no response, I’m sure. If you cannot call you can purchase my Email And Texting Package. Beyond that if you still have a picket fence up your ass, I can’t help you. I use a lot of strong language, if being called a bitch, or being handled like my personal fuck puppet, offends you, you might want to find someone else to talk to. One of the beautiful things about LDW is that there is something for everyone, and as your July ambassador this is me telling you that you will find the right fit, even if it’s not me. Now I don’t want you to get the idea that I don’t answer messages. I do, you will just get a much more curt reply, if I’m busy. So you had better know before hand what you want, and be ready to deliver what I need.
Be My Slut… Boi
Call 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. Oh, and rumor also has it, that our site of the month…. is legs forever. Make sure you check it out. Stay safe and stay blessed.
Duchess Willow
Twitter @DuchessWillow_
Duchess Willow,
Thank you for this blog post. It really describes everything a caller needs to know. The Email Package is a great idea.