The story of ebony femdom sissy humiliation, goes a lil something like this: Imagine you are the hired help, and you end up in a classically humiliating scenario: Caught with your pants down, and panties on. The hired help, becomes my sissified little bitch boi. If you ever wondered what a session with the ebony femdom sissy trainer is like, do keep reading.
Ebony Femdom Sissy Humiliation – The Maid Can’t Help Himself
Consider this, you’re already off to a great start down the path of feminization sissy training. A white male, working for a maid service, cleaning a black woman’s house. Now here’s where your dumb ass fucked up. I strongly dislike anyone going through my things. Some little unseasoned mayo sandwich prancing around in my intimate things will get you bitchslapped. But since it’s nearly Christmas, I decided to spin a nice little story of how the help ends up sissified by the Duchess, and loses his man card.
Sissy Humiliation – White Boi Caught Red Handed
You are in charge of keeping my house nice and tidy, but as of late, you’ve been curious about what kind of panties Duchess Willow wears. After a little light dusting in my boudoir, your curiosity gets the better of you, and you slide open the dresser drawer, revealing neatly folded panties, varying in color and fabric. The satin panties with the lace trimmed edges, catches your eye. You pick them up, fingering the fabric, so satiny and soft, and then lift the panties to your face, inhaling the scent of my perfume. That sets off whatever trigger inside you, and your little pasty prick begins to tingle and harden. You drop your pants and surrender to the urge to try on those satiny panties. Sliding them over your hips, you get a thrill and your heart is racing as you primp and pose in the mirror. That is until you notice someone standing behind you, with her hands on her luscious hips, glaring angrily at you in the reflection.

“What The Fuck Are You Doing Going Through My Personal Things?”
Your normally colorless face turns crimson, heat rising in your cheeks when you hear my voice, and the tone of irritation. Quickly you turn around, stammering and apologizing, and bending down to gather your jeans and boxers. I move toward you and snatch the jeans and boxers from you. “You disgusting little ingrate,” I hiss, “what kind of sick fuck goes into someone’s home and puts on women’s panties to twirl around in hm?” I grab you by the ear and march you over to the full length mirror. “Look at you, the sad part is that you barely have a bulge, so it appears they fit quite nicely. However there are rules in this house, and the number one rule is you do not ever, go through my things. So it seems I am going to have to punish you.”
Punishing Sounds Better Than Firing Doesn’t It?
Or so you thought, because the next thing you knew, you were wearing not just panties, but something altogether slutty and very sissy like. “Now, from now on, you will only be recognized as my sissy maid. No more jeans or boxers or men’s shirts. You will clean my house from top to bottom wearing one of the little bitch maid outfits I give you to wear for the day. And as part of your punishment, I am locking your pathetic excuse for a penis, in chastity, indefinitely.”
Wearing Panties And A Slut Maid Uniform Was One Thing.. But Chastity?
You hadn’t counted on being caught going through my things, nor had you counted on what my punishment, and your continuing employment, would mean. All of your crying and begging and protesting did nothing to prevent me, from locking you in a cock cage, and holding your boy clothes hostage. And even more humiliating, was the fact that you had to report to your local maid service headquarters, wearing your new bitch sissy uniform.
The Fate Of A Prying Sissy
I intentionally left a few details out, I can’t just give away the whole story, sissy. There is more to this ebony femdom sissy training story. If you want to know what happens to the sissy panty raider, you’re going to have to call me. 1-800-601-6975 is the number, you ask, for Duchess Willow. Looking for some holiday custom audios or stories? Email me willow@enchantrixempire.com to get a custom phone sex audio. I look forward to hearing from you, stay safe, and stay blessed.
Duchess Willow
@DuchessWillow_ on Twitter
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