Before I jump into my acts of service for submissives blog, I’d like to inform you of a new four mistress audio that myself, Mistress Harper, Princess Andi, and Empress Stephanie worked on. It’s titled 4 Mistress Guided Gooning Masturbation, and you can find it on the phone sex audio store, right now. Sample audio clip is your reward for reading all of the almost 2000 words of this blog. So if you are able to purchase, please do, and make sure to leave a review of our audio, on the site.
Acts Of Service For Submissives And The Notorious Attention Whoring Of Subs
This is a subject that needs a refresher course, because I see a lot of unsatisfactory behavior coming from submissives who want Dominant attention. I see the same type of behavior from vanilla men, but that’s a story for another day. There are acts of service you can perform as a submissive, and they are administrative in nature, however the idea is that you are doing something that helps the Dominant, in exchange for their limited attention. Disclaimer: You already know what I’m going to say, I don’t give a damn if this hurts your feelings, so sit in the pile that you created, and roll around in it for a while until you learn. I know nobody likes being reminded that their behavior is unacceptable, and there are going to be times when you don’t like me or what I say. You’ll get over it or choke. I read people for filth on a daily.
Acts Of Service For Submissives Who Can’t Pay For Sessions
The first thing you need to understand about Pro – Domme services, and Pro – Dominatrixes, is that this is our job. This is how many of us pay our bills. I do not concern myself with how men – who don’t pay my bills – or anyone else, feels about paid sex work. It’s my preferred way to earn a living and an art form that I love. Sex workers deserve the same amount of respect and courtesy that vanilla workers do. And since I work in a female dominated arena, it goes without saying, that women in the adult industry, put up with more ballsy bullshit than women in the vanilla realm do.
Women Have To Put Up With A Lot Of Nonsense From The Rest Of Society
That’s not to say that women in general don’t deal with harrassment, it’s just on a whole nother level with sex workers, because many men feel that they automatically deserve access to you, because you’re a whore. And to that I say, honey I’m the best whore, and my whoring remains behind a pay wall, regardless of your approval on the matter. Nothing screams: “I’m an entitled man who thinks that women should do whatever I want them to” (insert skipping and prancing in a circle, while waving your arms) like a sub who makes demands on the attention of a Femdom, and then throws a fit when she’s professional and requires them to follow the proper channels.
Essays On Male Behavior? Honey I Could Write A Damn Book
So here I am, writing another essay on sh*tty male behavior. I know many of you will never change, this isn’t for you. This is for the men who want our attention and are willing to take the correction and adjust and act accordingly. For those of you who are willing to learn why sissies throwing tantrums, subs throwing hissy fits, is reductive and a turn off, keep reading, take notes, and if you still need correction and training past this 100% free blog, you are going to pay for it. Every goddamn minute of it.
We Offer A Wide Variety Of Free Content And Free Interaction
Let’s talk about that first and foremost. You want free services, you’re looking right at one. This blog is free. Group blogs and essays, free. Our profiles and audios and podcasts, also free. Our open access events, chatrooms, discord, all free. Twitter posts, free. Interaction on twitter, free. Email inquiries, free. Our Forums, free. Our Enchantrix Empire social network, free. It’s almost like there’s all this free content, posted for you and to you, by us, was placed there for you to easily access and educate yourself… for free. So please explain to me how you get all of this, and can sit there and act ungrateful and entitled when you’ve been given every avenue to interact with us outside of sessions? Of course that attention we give you is going to be limited to free interaction.
I’m Not Surprised Just Disappointed
I’m just floored by the amount of laziness, and entitlement, when information and services are right there at your fingertips. Many of you have mobile phones with web browsers, download capability, and computers at home (or in you office if you’re being a naughty boi). There is literally no excuse for any grown man or woman, to whine about not getting something, when you have not even bothered to lift a finger to do your own research. It’s very easy to do. Are you picking up what I’m putting down? That I don’t fuck with entitled manbitches? Telling you to read and research may sound trite, but apparently you need the reminder because yall are still doing the same dumb ass sh*t. And here’s the other thing, I know for a fact that yall do read, because how else would you be able to find: Our sites, our emails, our skypes, our social media, unless – wait for it…… *drumroll* YOU WERE SEARCHING FOR IT ON THE INTERNET. (Loud gasp from the crowd)
You Are Not Mariah Carey
And then you suddenly play dumb once you have an opportunity, and a fleeting moment of our attention, pretend you don’t know how to read or find things online, and then you blow any chances of us paying attention to you ever again. This regressive dramatic diva behavior is pathetic. Everyone wants to feel heard and validated. I understand this, as most of us want that same thing. If you want people to listen to you, you need to learn to be respectful. So here I am writing another diatribe on “mostly” male behavior. With that said, let’s discuss the actual topic of this blog: Acts of service you can do for free for your Mistress or favorite Domina.
Acts Of Service You Can Do For Free
If you’re a sissy or submissive of any form, who wants attention from a Pro-Domina, and you are unable to pay for our services, a good way to get “free” attention, is by engaging us, retweeting our tweets, liking and commenting on our tweets, sharing our blogs and sites. These acts of service cost nothing to you, and help the Dominants immensely, by spread the word about the services we offer.
Engaging Our Blogs And Being A Virtual Helper
Other acts of service outside of twitter, include commenting on our blogs, writing blog submissions for our blogs, and assisting us in world via the virtual world. Sometimes I don’t feel like writing, if you have a blog submission, email me and I will consider posting it. Blog submissions need to be tame in content. If it looks like written porn, it belongs behind a pay wall. Expecting a busy phone Domme, virtual Domme, Pro Domme, and even a lifestyle Domme, to pay attention to you for free, is unrealistic and manipulative. Making demands on anyone, regardless of their D/s status, is foolish. If a Mistress chooses to give you free attention, that is her choice, not an entitlement.

Be An Asset And Remember You Are Begging The Free Attention Of Experienced Femdoms
Be an asset, because if you become a burden, you have better chance of being ignored, and possibly blocked and banned from interacting with that person at all. Throwing a tantrum when someone is busy is extremely narcissistic and immature. Remembering that your needs and desires are not more important than anyone else, and certainly not a priority over paying customers, is something you need to consider before setting any expectations or demands of anyone.
Be Respectful Of Paying Customers Time
This has been said before, so as an example, if you were a customer, would you be happy if you paid for a scene and your Dominatrix was too busy talking on her phone or talking to someone else or distracted with another customer? I already know the answer, and you do as well, so there’s no need to play dumb or pretend you didn’t know your behavior was problematic.
Check Your Privilege And Check Your Narcissism
A word on narcissists – because many submissives are very narcissistic – most know what they are doing, and continue to behave inappropriately , and then will deny any knowledge of doing so. And even if you are the “victim” type of narcissist, they thrive on everything being a problem, and about them. I’m not a psychology major, just experienced with this behavior, and the trauma it causes others.
Becoming A Teachers Pet Is Very Easy
So be mindful of your attitude and behavior. I have plenty of subs who do not always have the ability to pay for a session, so they ingratiate themselves in other ways, which is why they earn good favor, over needy submissives who expect free service and attention they haven’t earned.

Giving You This “Free” Information Helps Me
I benefit from having a submissive who took the time to educate themselves. Training subs is a draining task mentally, and emotionally, sometimes physically, so remember that we need aftercare and breaks, too. Understanding that training yourself and doing your own research, helps us both. I wouldn’t have taken the time to apply all of this if I didn’t somehow benefit from it. I want to have a good time just like you do, and make sure my energy is going to the proper channels. That benefits my customers.
Being A Paying Customer Does Have Perks
Paying customers get more of my attention than those who have never done sessions with me. Most have shown they value my time, so that is something to remember. Also keep in mind that if you are on a budget, I have a whole audio and assignment store, including an email package. That is something you can consider investing in, even if you cannot call or do virtual sessions. I would also like to ask that you refrain from disrespecting me with 5000 excuses as to why you can’t call or pay or do sessions. I don’t need to know your life story, I will give you one more piece of advice. If you ask nicely for a free assignment, that falls under the above mentioned, I would be happy to give you one.
Contacting And Doing Paid Sessions With The Ebony Femdom
Now that we’ve gotten the bulk out of the way, if you have the coin and wish to do a phone session with me, just dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. It’s nearing the end of masturbation may, and phone humiliation is the site of the month, so I have a few ideas for what I’d like to do with you. If you want a skype or virtual session, email me at willow@enchantrixempire.com first to make sure I’m available for text or pixel domming. Lastly, the main catalyst for all the above, is that it is mental health month also, and while Domination is therapy for some people, it can also be mentally taxing on the Dominant. Make sure you’re doing all you can to assist your dominants, because we do actually care about giving you a positive and safe experience. We can only do that if you refrain from driving us off the deep end with nonsense. Act accordingly, and stay blessed.
Duchess Willow
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