Ebony Femdom Thoughts On Polyamory And Polyandry

Ebony Femdom Polyamory and Polyandry
Duchess Willow shares her thoughts on polyamory and polyandry. 1-800-601-6975

If you’re unfamiliar with the terms, polyamory and polyandry is defined as having more than one romantic partner, similar to polygamy but without the commitment. I have a few pet peeves about polyamory, mostly because of all the ignorance surrounding it. To be blunt, there are people on this green earth that think being poly means they can fuck anyone they want without any repercussions, responsibility, or accountability.  And we’re also going to talk about polyandry, and why being poly is not for broke bitches.

Polyamory And Polyandry For Dummies

Yes, there is a difference between polyamory and polygamy.  Polygamy relates to having more than one committed partner, ie: a man with multiple wives or Polyandry: A woman with multiple husbands. Both exist, though the latter isn’t talked about nearly enough.  Being polyamorous comes with a responsibility. And there is a difference between being poly, and just being a whore. And while there’s nothing wrong with being a whore – men have that title on lock – if you’re going to call yourself polyamorous, I certainly hope you have the good sense to inform your sexual partners of your intentions and get yourself tested frequently. Because it seems like the only people who taking fucking and swapping body fluids seriously are fellow sex workers, and many of them are cleaner than the people who constantly shame sex workers.

Being Transparent With Polyamory And Polyandry

If you’re going to toss that word around, you’d better be able to back it up.  Which means if you’re a man, instead of keeping 20 sidechicks and fucking raw, you’re going to have to have a nice long chat with all the women you’re sexually involved with, and all of you are going to have to get tested. If you’re not willing to use your grown up words and put on your big boi draws, then keep your dick to yourself and do not use that word because you don’t know what it means. Not only does herpes exist, but a lot of other nasty sti’s can be transferred from person to person. And if you are a man who enjoys having sex with men, women, and trans, and you aren’t getting tested or talking to your sexual partners, you deserve to be dropped into a fishtank filled with piranhas.  Same goes for women, in this day and age there’s no excuse for fucking around and being foolish with your genitalia. But before I go too far off on a rant, let me tell you what I really think about being polyamorous, and how I feel about women choosing to have more than one male life partner.

Who Benefits From Polyamory?

Personally, I see nothing wrong with being poly, so long as you have open lines of communication with all your partners, and take your sexual health seriously.  And so long as you are mentally stable. I would not recommend poly for some of the loony ass heauxs in this world, and here’s why: If you can’t even manage yourself and you have poor communication and life skills, poly is only going to add chaos and toxicity for all parties involved.  You have to have a healthy mind to deal with one person, let alone more than one, and I’m gonna be honest, there’s a lot of people in this world using polyamory as a band aid instead of going to therapy.  So before you traumatized another human being, or more than one human being, take your stupid ass to therapy and make sure you’re not trying to use poly to fix your problems. Because that is a recipe for disaster.

Polyandry – For The Woman Who Has Everything

That might be a little misleading, but I am a huge fan of polyandry, and I’m a huge fan of women staying single and dating whoever they want until a real one steps up to show and prove. So what if you discover that one man isn’t enough for you?  By all means, get another one, and get as many house husbands as you need. The same rules apply, talk to your partner(s), and make sure they’re cool with being in a committed relationship with a woman such as yourself, who knows what she wants.  Also, make sure you and your “men” are also mentally sound. We live in a misogynistic world, where women are constantly under attack just for existing. Double and triple that for black women, so don’t be surprised if men shy away from sharing pussy, but those same men have no problem sharing dick. If you’re going to go the route of polyandry, pick safe, sane, and consensual partners. Bonus if you all go to therapy together.

Why That Poly Life Is Not For Broke Bitches

I shouldn’t even have to explain this. A man with 5 wives has to provide for all 5 of his wives. A woman with 5 husbands benefits from all 5 of her husbands being able to provide for HER.  Men are the help. I know you’ve heard me say this before if you’ve read my blogs. So if you are going to have more than one wife, you better have the financial stability to provide for all of them, including any members of your tribe that are born from your union. Tiny humans are expensive to raise.  I cannot fathom a man claiming to want more than one partner, but doesn’t want to pay for that privilege, and wants traditional wives. The math is not mathing.  Additionally, being polyandrous and having a broke husband doesn’t make sense either. So make sure all your house husbands know their rights and responsibilities, and can perform their duties in every way. A male servant who brings nothing to the table, is a useless mouth breather.

Polyamory Out Of Desperation

This one is for the ladies. If you agreed to a poly relationship to keep your man, YOU are who I was referring to when I said poly is not for the mentally unstable or for insecure bitches.  If you’re sharing a man because you think that’s the best you can do, it’s time to come to jesus, beloved. Chances are you have been brainwashed and need to be deprogrammed, because men are not the prize.  Now if you are in a healthy poly situation, and everybody is happy, then just carry on and keep doing what you’re doing.

Polyamory For Bi And Pansexuals

Same rules apply, check your mind first. If the mind is good then the bits will follow. And never, ever do anything you are uncomfortable doing, to make someone else happy.  If you decide to enter into a committed poly relationship, remember that this also comes with the responsibility of caring for your partners, regardless of any traditional roles.  This also includes making sure your finances are in order if you’re going to be living as a “Grouple.” I stand by polyamory not being for the broke dusties.

Cuckolding And Polyamory – The Same Or Different?

That’s going to depend on who you ask. In terms of cuckolding as a lifestyle, if you’re living with both your wife and her lover, and her lover is committed to her, then technically that can register as a poly lifestyle, too.  If you’re a cuckold and your wife has multiple partners, then that would definitely fall under polyamorous for her, not necessarily for you.

More On Polyamory And Polyandry

This is a fascinating topic for me, because up until a couple of years ago, I don’t remember hearing much about polyandry, or knowing anything about it. Upon further research I discovered that in parts of Asia and Africa, polyandry is an accepted social practice. So what about the US?  And what about the house husband trainer? (chuckles) Realistically I am not quite sure I’d want more than one male partner. However where Femdom is concerned, I have no issue with having my sexual needs fulfilled, along with my need to be treated like a spoiled Princess.  Any man who wants to wine me, dine me, spoil me, and be smothered under my fat ass is welcome to toss his hat in the ring.  Just keep in mind what I said about house husbands, you must bring something other than dick to the table, and obviously be secure enough in your manhood to accept being part of my male harem.

Ebony Femdom Phone Sex Is Polyandry

I’ll put it to you like this, I have phone relationships with men, and all of them provide a service to me, in the same way that I provide my “services” to them. While phone sex relationships are more para social and rooted in fantasy, we do still develop relationships with our customers that have certain boundaries that a real life relationship may not have.  If you’d like to be a member of my harem – or discuss polyamory and polyandry, all you have to do is call me. Dial 1-800-601-6975 and ask for Duchess Willow. Check my links below for custom erotic audios and dick ratings. Stay safe, and stay blessed.

Duchess Willow


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2 thoughts on “Ebony Femdom Thoughts On Polyamory And Polyandry

  1. Mistress Erika says:

    Hi Duchess, what a great look into poly options and you are right there are so many misconceptions about what a “poly” relationship looks like and it isn’t getting caught “cheating” and saying “WELL I’m poly!?” What an immature and ridiculous way to try to back your ass out of trouble.

    Readers I have a question for you, Given the right set of circumstances would you consider a “poly” arrangement? Why or why not? 😘

    • The Duchess says:

      LMAO And we both know there’s some guys that will use that excuse and gaslight their partners. Very good question, being in a relationship with one person is a big responsibility, adding more people means even more, can you handle it?

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